[3.14] Volatile Dead Spellslinger Necromancer | League Starter | Beginner Friendly
Yeah, I'm currently running dd+slinger+ele focus+controlled destruction and vd+slinger+conc+ele focus+cascade. Those two together reserve 100% of my mana currently (level 9 slingers, sovereignty, conqueror's efficiency). I decided to run a poet's pen as a substitute for my 3rd slinger temporarily, and inside of it I have desecrate+cascade. I was curious if there was a 4th (or 3rd, in my case) link I could run with it temporarily.
IGN: Vortexbern
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Hey guys!
Haven't played for a few leagues, started this league with this build. The build feels pretty strong but I feel like I am missing something important regarding the tankyness... I am getting burst down especially during rituals wayy too much and I am not sure what I can do about it. Most of the time I am just steamrolling the map just fine but especially during the rituals I just get absolutely deleted quite often. I feel like shield charge is to blame most of the time because I can't see much with this build so majority of the time it feels like shield charge doesn't move me anywhere from harms way. And moving generally feels bad cause it tanks my DPS immediately leading to more mobs spawning in the ritual. The worst ritual for me seems to be the ritual that grows roots on you preventing the use of movements skills and I'm not sure what I can do about that. Gear is not the best and I am upgrading it all the time but I'm not seeing any huge upgrades regarding tankyness other than more life. The fire damage leech on the neck advised by someone helped a bit. As for skills I am going to be taking mostly the shield block things (arcane guarding, sanctuary, mystic bulwark) next but that will take time... Next major item upgrade will probably be the trigger wand for the offering but I'll need the last lab for that to help me at all. Maybe I could fit some CWDT setup, immortal call or tempest shield or something? Also is the glancing blows worth it? tl;dr getting burst down in low-tier maps (literally doing like T2 right now...) especially during rituals way too often, not seeing any quick/big upgrades for that? edit: respecced to have almost all block nodes and added the deflection annointment to my neck and thus went from like almost no block to closer to capped block and it feels WAY better even though I lost some life. Última edição por Hyvok#1203 em 21 de jan de 2021 08:25:46
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I have found that shield charge never worked for me and I am using flame dash to get around the ritual area and through mobs. On the note of Glancing Blows I have yet to take the node as I am afraid that it will cause more damage than I can take. Is it worth getting near max block with GB and Bone Offering in exchange for the damage?
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I'm so confused... just hit 24 I have the full sovereignty wheel, and I cannot equip all 3 spellslingers that are needed. What am i doing wrong?
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" I found that I could only do the desecrate and VD at that time until I moved down into the Charisma Wheel as well as putting in some mana reservation gems. Give it time the first two spellslingers should be plenty to get you through. |
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How is this build compared to a detonate dead build?
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" I had pretty much exactly the same problem. I went for a CWDT setup with Tempest Shield, Steel Skin and Bone Offering which is working pretty good. Also important is to have some leech from fire damage (easiest from a neck or a large Cluster Jewel with Doryani's) which lets you tank a lot more damage. Even so, rituals seem to be the big problem. When you fall behind on damage the mobs will be hurting, you get forced to run/teleport 80% of the time, and you get completely overwhelmed. This problem cannot easily be solved by more tankiness, what you need is more damage to not fall behind in the first place. So the most important things I need to do is: * Get a crazy wand with a cast trigger enchant * Get a 6 linked inpulsa's chest (currently 5) * Get all gems to level 20 and the primary damage ones to 21. * Get as much +skills as possible (wand, neck, shield). Hopefully doing all of these, combined with a number of smaller things such as getting perfect small jewels and acluster jewels etc, should enable me to keep up with mob spawns inside rituals and not get overwhelmed. It's certainly not gonna be easy, many of the items needed will cost at least half a dozen exalteds. That was mentioned in the guide though, that if you want this build to scale into the far lategame then you need to spend a lot of currency. For now I'm probably going to skip most ritual events in 10+ maps unless they have hiding spots where I can nuke safely. |
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Btw. what about spellslinger cooldown for this build? Apparently if you lower the CD so that it matches with the server ticks you can get something like 20% boost in DPS in some builds. Not sure does it apply to this build. Does anyone know?
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So only at level 82 as I play real slow but I do love this build. Clears maps with ease as well as bosses. Only problem I run into is is the rituals where you have to run consistently vs being able to stand in a corner or niche and light the mobs up. Even had my first blighted map 5 min clear which I never was able to do on any other toons. I haven't bought Inplusa yet as I am happy with my five link but I am wondering for those that did buy it how much of a DPS boost did you see when you got it?
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Is there a way you could post a pic or link to the skill tree that is not on pastebin or youtube?
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