3.11 | Carry Me Golems | Carrion/Stone Golem Elementalist | Very Tanky and High DPS summoner

jsuslak313 escreveu:
geez even now my golems are doing around 5.5 million damage each. Getting a bottled faith will let me get up to 6.5 - 7 million per golem against bosses

Punishment is a trap on POB. Seriously how often will a monster melee hit your golem to grant the buff (barely ever) :D

''Curses all targets in an area, causing them to grant a buff to anyone they hit with melee attacks. The buff grants more Melee Damage and increased Attack Speed.''

If i were you would ignore completely your storm brand setup and buy vulnerability+enfeeble+good mod hands of high templars for few ex

get molten shell + enduring cry (can have it on left click) and get call to arms for 1 point

Can also get enduring cry on belt (i spammed like 20chaos and rest harvest crafted)

Don't think your armour will ever be better than lowest roll brass dome. Taking 0% crit damage is OP and the def

edit: Also saw you using vicious bite instead primordial bond that is also a trap. Explained why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGUBmZEqeLA
Última edição por juju#3413 em 8 de ago de 2020 16:08:14
jsuslak313 escreveu:
I'm fully geared out, and this is quite possibly the strongest build ive ever played. Granted, my gear cost me a pretty penny, but I did all 20 waves of simulacrum and double boss round while i was only level 80 (deathless).

Pretty damn fun. I'm open to suggestions on any gear that can still be improved. I'm going to fit in aspect of the spider along with pride/flesh/dread just cuz why not. Trying to do it without needing to take reserve nodes on the tree (almost every one of my jewels has 1% mana reserve) but then I'm gonna need channeling skill mana reduction on one of my rings but i don't have the craft yet.

What I really want at the endgame is enfeeble on hit somewhere along with whispers to get 3 curses but I can't find any worthwhile gloves with it. My life is quite good so I might spec into a couple more jewel slots instead of filling up life for my last 10 skill points. Would be sweet to throw in a couple more harmonies with 1% mana reserve or even throw in some kind of Watcher's eye
If you want -3 to channeling skills on one/both of your rings, fire me a message in game, I can hook you up with that. I'm no crafter, but I do have nearly all the crafts unlocked.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
naxus123 escreveu:
Hello guys, one question,

Its a priority to use the 7x primordial jewel harmony?
Or i can use only 6 or less to free other points,

Ty in advance,
The more the better, however, I started with just 1, and slowly worked up to 7.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
You don't need -mana cost of channeling skills. having +15mana was enough for me to permanently cyclone.
i am constantly running out of mana with my cyclone and i have 145 free, so definitely gonna get that -3 channeling to make it free.

I disagree about punishment, golems get hit all the time especially since stone golems taunt. Also the hardest hitting bosses are generally physical hits which will proc punishment.

My defenses are crazy good right now, I've never died. No point giving up my huge dps increase from my chest for Brass Dome with no life. I also don't need vaal molten shell since its underwhelming post-nerf and as you said my armor is only 15k with pots active. Also don't really need endurance charges, i'm already at 90% phys reduction and fully capped resists and why in the world would i taunt enemies AWAY from my golems, making it less likely for punishment proc and more likely i get spiked for no added benefit?

3rd, I also disagree about vicious vs primordial bond. THe damage buff affects YOU, not the golems. And the 40% buff effect is not needed. Vicious offers a ton more dps, especially if I spec into wand + shield with power/frenzy charges later.

I kill everything in seconds so none of this REALLY matters a whole lot, apart from definitely needing that -3 channeling mod on my ring
all that said, i definitely want to fit in enfeeble at some point, but i havent specced into my third curse yet. 4 more levels to finish my last cluster, then 3rd curse at lvl 93
so juju, i watched the video and I get what you are saying: when I'm taking a huge hit, enduring cry + more golem buff offers a lot more protection vs the slightly extra damage of vicious bite. I haven't died yet, but if I start to, I might take ur advice and respec!

All that said, I am going to end up with probably 6k life thanks to my armor and gear which is a lot more than this build typically has so I'm quite tanky to begin with.

Question for respec into specters: what specters would you use for this build? Definitely 2xCarnage for frenzy charges and then what if I don't go for power charges

**ah I also see why you don't have mana issues, you use Stampede which gives you mana regen while moving. I don't have that so my mana slowly depletes even with the 3 cost of cyclone.
Última edição por jsuslak313#7615 em 8 de ago de 2020 19:08:32
Yeah true because of stampede i don't need -mana cost :D

Honestly you can do what ever you feel like with this build and it will work! I did run long time before knowing about enduring cry + call to arms combo. Do you need it when t16 mapping? No. It is quality of life stuff? yes! Its just a bonus life flask on left click ^^ Comes handy in 100% delirium maps. Honestly i would not even need my life flask other than those fully juiced 100% delirium maps.

Btw you will never notice the taunt from endyring cry.

Primordial bond BOOSTS the damage for Renewal! Your minions faster/more on full life = more double damage. Its a day and night what is better when compare it to vicious bites lame damage (not a crit build anyway)

What i can tell after playing my 95% perfect 7+1+1 build and have heard from other. The specters version do more damage at the end and should be better build to be honest :D

My build has only some small minor upgrades to do and i think will mostly go deep delving from here and see how deep i can go. Too lazy to swap spectre route :D

Got my new armor and have now 5601 life
so im gonna sell my awakened curse on hit, buy a 3-curse hands (vuln, enfeeble, temporal) with good life % and maybe skill levels.

OR I could try to do 2-curse hands, with a poacher's mark ring for frenzy charges to my minions although that would be hard to proc and inconsistent.

But then I'm gonna need to figure out how to cap my cold resistance again. I'll be down about 14% from max and my gear is pretty solid...i might have to sell and replace an entire GG ring if there even is one comparable on the market

One more question for everyone: is there any reason we wouldn't attach pride to awakened generosity? If I get +2 aura on my gloves, I would put flesh and stone, dread, and pride in there with generosity. Or I could move dread to the ring, and keep maim with flesh and stone. Seems silly to not get the generosity benefit from pride.
Última edição por jsuslak313#7615 em 8 de ago de 2020 21:31:00
oh pride cant be supported by generosity, thats why...

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