3.11 | Carry Me Golems | Carrion/Stone Golem Elementalist | Very Tanky and High DPS summoner

I can't find a single medium cluster jewel with minion damage on trade, would a large cluster with with as few sockets as possible still work okay?
If i use Carrion Golem, do i need more Harmony Jewel?
manipulos escreveu:
I can't find a single medium cluster jewel with minion damage on trade, would a large cluster with with as few sockets as possible still work okay?

The medium clusters have: "minions have 12% increased maximum life" and not incrased minion damage like the large cluster jewels.
_Deadly_ escreveu:
manipulos escreveu:
I can't find a single medium cluster jewel with minion damage on trade, would a large cluster with with as few sockets as possible still work okay?

The medium clusters have: "minions have 12% increased maximum life" and not incrased minion damage like the large cluster jewels.
What he said. You want the large size, best is 8 nodes. 9 will work if you don't plan on using the 3rd notable - decent starter gems for anyone on a budget.

Here's a starter search for base gems to craft on: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/ZKrgPGzfQ
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Última edição por grimjack68#6087 em 20 de ago de 2020 02:22:54
thuanhieu01 escreveu:
If i use Carrion Golem, do i need more Harmony Jewel?
I'm still running the same gem setup I was with Stones.


Haven't worried too much about whether this is optimal, damage hasn't been a challenge, and I haven't lost a golem in hundreds of maps. Zombies die now and then. Spectres rarely. Animated Guardian only died in Hall of the Grandmasters, and same with Golems.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
I've made my quad curse switch.
It's almost certainly no better than the basic build, an d considerably more expensive. I just like putting my own twist on things.
Getting frenzy charges for minions is a bit hit and miss, I need to cyclone into packs before the mintons slam them, and then sometimes the explosions kill the stragglers, not the golems. It's helping a bit though.

Gearing still needs a bit of work

I just couldn't get a better than t5 life roll on the chest so settled with the %life roll (I burnt through a LOT of weta seeds too). T1/T2 flat life is probably the best, but I may switch to rolling phys taken as chaos. Though my phys mitigation isn't too bad even without brass dome. My glorious vanity gives me another 4%, and I try and keep endurance charges up.

Not sure what to do with suffixes, hitting the good ones is tricky and they aren't really impactful enough to warrant doing prefixes can't be changed and add/remove influences. Ideally I'd like offering effect and/or life recovery rate.
Need to do something for the rings too. Right one needs crafting out, and swap left for something with minion damage. I'm way overcapped on ele res at the moment.
If I can get chaos capped from gear (I'm at 89% max chaos) I can change the boot enchant. Idea is to get lucidity, with the unwavering focus I get on megalomaniac, It gets me to 80% stun immune while cycloning (Also makes my cyclone free for no regen maps). I can get the last 20% with jewel enchants. If I can enchant all my jewels (Tricky!) I could use heart of oak instead.

I could just go unwavering stance, but evasion gives me an extra layer of defence.

Or does anyone have any better suggestions? I toyed with grabbing block too, now not using brass dome. Can get whirling barrier (Plus efficient access to discipline and training and sovereignty) with a thread of hope, anoint enigmatic defence, then go glancing blows. Probably not worth as it's burst damage that is our main threat.

With enough chaos res I can drop the three points I use to get +1max, 13% chaos res and get more life/another medium cluster.

Sorry, bit of a wall of text!

Main thing is, damage isn't crazy but enough for most content. Fairly tanky, and It's pretty automated for a smooth and safe playstyle. I don't automate convocation as i like the control, but apart from that I auto curse, desecrate/offering, molten shell (To be changed to steelskin) and fortify.

bigtoaster64 escreveu:
Carlovski escreveu:
Stubby83 escreveu:
One simple gem swap and my damage scaled way up. Linked Flash and Stone with Maim and put Stone golem in 6 link, dropping multistrike. Carrion Golem > Stone Golem > Impale > Melee Phys > Minion Damage > Brutality.

Carrion Golem damage didn't decrease much with loss of multistrike. But Stone Golem DPS went way up with impale, brutality, melee phys, and minion damage. Double 5 link golems working good for me.

That seems like a bad idea...
It might have increased your stone golem damage, but presumably you only have one of them, and you are mostlyscaling around carrion golem damage?
Not sure why it's not showing, but multistrike should be a very big dps increase for the carrion golems.

Remember that Multistrike make your golems hits repeat 2 aditionnal times (3 for the awakened version) without having to wait for the cooldown of the skill used by the golem, and considering that Stone Golems are naturally slow at attacking, removing MS from their link will basically cut down their damage by a ton, and it also break the attack rate/cooldown ratio...

Lets say your Stone Golems have a 2.5 attack rate. The formula with MS is
(1 / 2.5) * 3 = 1.2. Which means that your cooldown needs to be slightly under 1.2 second, which is fine. If you remove multistrike you have the following formula :
(1 / 2.5) = 0.4. Which means that your cooldown needs to be under 0.4 second which i don't think is possible to achieve without screwing up the whole skill tree to socket litterally Harmony everywhere lol.

Even if PoB says it OK, that's on paper. For Carrion Golems, it's not as worst but still a huge cut down in damage.

It is working well for early mapM. I am running carrion 6 link with multistike and stone 3 link maim>feeding frenzy. So I just temporarily moved stone to 6 link in place of multistrike. I am leveling 2 multistikes to pop in later for both carrion and stone. Just seems like prior to T-14-16, having impale/melee phy/brutality for both carrion and stone helps with fast clear and fast leveling. I'm only at 5 golems now so beyond the single chaos, I run 3 carrion/1 stone for clear and 3 stone/1 carrion for tough bosses. Takes care of them so fast I don't miss multistrike...yet. Even when I do swap back I think I'll keep flesh and stone/maim link and replace maim in stone golem setup for multistike, melee phys or brutality. Multistrike looks better in POB for exactly the reasons you stated. So just an option from end of acts until high tier maps.
grimjack68 escreveu:
chodenode escreveu:

Start with 2 amulets, one with each of the +1 gems mods. That will make them ... warlord and hunter? influenced, if I recall. Ensure those are the *only* influenced mods on them. If you need dex, one of them should be the type of amulet you want to end up with, ie, jade.

Do you basically just alt-spam to get the 2 different +1 mods on the rings first? And I need to regal both amulets once I have those?
Stubby83 escreveu:

It is working well for early mapM. I am running carrion 6 link with multistike and stone 3 link maim>feeding frenzy. So I just temporarily moved stone to 6 link in place of multistrike. I am leveling 2 multistikes to pop in later for both carrion and stone. Just seems like prior to T-14-16, having impale/melee phy/brutality for both carrion and stone helps with fast clear and fast leveling. I'm only at 5 golems now so beyond the single chaos, I run 3 carrion/1 stone for clear and 3 stone/1 carrion for tough bosses. Takes care of them so fast I don't miss multistrike...yet. Even when I do swap back I think I'll keep flesh and stone/maim link and replace maim in stone golem setup for multistike, melee phys or brutality. Multistrike looks better in POB for exactly the reasons you stated. So just an option from end of acts until high tier maps.

Actually, not using multistrike for clear might not be a bad thing even for pure stone golems. Slam will be off cooldown for some of the hits, but not for all the golems at the same time. And a single slam should clear a pack once you have enough damage. So maybe a gemswap might be worth it. Might have a play with it later.

grimjack68 escreveu:
_Deadly_ escreveu:
manipulos escreveu:
I can't find a single medium cluster jewel with minion damage on trade, would a large cluster with with as few sockets as possible still work okay?

The medium clusters have: "minions have 12% increased maximum life" and not increased minion damage like the large cluster jewels.
What he said. You want the large size, best is 8 nodes. 9 will work if you don't plan on using the 3rd notable - decent starter gems for anyone on a budget.

Here's a starter search for base gems to craft on: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/ZKrgPGzfQ

Wow I feel like an idiot.

Thanks both of you for the help!

This is what happens when you can only play a couple hours at night and your brain is already fried from working all day.

Funny thing, my buddy in discord couldn't figure it out either LOL

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