I've made some changes but still having problem with damage, and sometimes survival.
Could someone check this out and easily see how I fix my damage?
Postado porbjoorrn#5236em 15 de abr de 2020 12:57:24
mofiz escreveu:
Trying to incorporate both I ended up with 3m slam dps
Have the POB below:
You forgot to check "is enemy a boss". Which puts your DPS at 1.7m.
That being said, going necromancer's aegis is actually a viable choice. Though I vastly prefer using a +2 minimum frenzy/power charge shield over victario's charity. Usually they're around 30c, but I see exactly 0 on the trade site at the moment, lol.
Essentially a +2 minimum charge shield gives your minions permanent 2 charges (not conditional on hits or kills), while also letting you craft on other cool things like attack speed or damage.
Postado porFoldedCorner#2171em 15 de abr de 2020 13:16:10
Shaddrak escreveu:
Hey dude it's me the dude who found Headhunter in Blight Map T15 chest. So a friend and I are messing around with changing different things in the build and so far this is what I've come up with.
The Stampede is actually even better than I realized, because it prevents slowdowns from delirium. You can also anoint Hardened Scales if you have enough Chaos Res on other gear, which gives us fortify during any flask effect.
I should've tried these boots earlier. I really do like them. We lose some life, but we can gain it back from an anoint if our life is too low.
Postado porFoldedCorner#2171em 15 de abr de 2020 13:27:43
So I tried this as my very first minion build since forever. After I finished Kitava, I went to T15-T16 maps and cleared with 0 problems. But cost me my first Sirius fight of the league because I'm too new to minion mechanics. Not too used to not attacking lmao.
How do you guys cope up with Sirius killing the golems? The last few phases killed the golems a lot. The only thing I could do was go off screen to remove Multistrike and Melee Phys support so I'd have enough mana to summon them. Or should I get another necklace to anoint Indomitable Army if it actually helps?
Tips please? x]
Última edição por Kenjiya#4727 em 15 de abr de 2020 13:36:02
Postado porKenjiya#4727em 15 de abr de 2020 13:28:20
Kenjiya escreveu:
So I tried this as my very first minion build since forever. After I finished Kitava, I went to T15-T16 maps and cleared with 0 problems. But cost me my first Sirius fight of the league because I'm too new to minion mechanics. Not too used to not attacking lmao.
How do you guys cope up with Sirius killing the golems? The last few phases killed the golems a lot. The only thing I could do was go off screen to remove Multistrike and Melee Phys support so I'd have enough mana to summon them. Or should I get another necklace to anoint Indomitable Army if it actually helps?
My personal experience is that A8 sirius still fails to kill the golems usually and I don't have any real extra minion health taken- if golems die, you can just run away and resummon most of the time in my experience. Bring a mana flask, etc.
Postado porBudewnpa#2108em 15 de abr de 2020 13:36:36
Kenjiya escreveu:
So I tried this as my very first minion build since forever. After I finished Kitava, I went to T15-T16 maps and cleared with 0 problems. But cost me my first Sirius fight of the league because I'm too new to minion mechanics. Not too used to not attacking lmao.
How do you guys cope up with Sirius killing the golems? The last few phases killed the golems a lot. The only thing I could do was go off screen to remove Multistrike and Melee Phys support so I'd have enough mana to summon them. Or should I get another necklace to anoint Indomitable Army if it actually helps?
Tips please? x]
Swap a gem out for blood magic to resummon instead. Use convocation on the triple beam thing and if they're standing in the rotating lazers. Those 2 mechanics should be the only things that kill your 6L golems, your utility golems might also die to the maze slam, but luckily we have the mana to easily resummon.
Postado porFoldedCorner#2171em 15 de abr de 2020 13:51:24
Norbi1one4all escreveu:
i'M trying to build an afk blight farmer, is this a good build for that?
You would fail from time to time due to bad layout or bad AI. The AI isn't too great at prioritizing targets I think. I usually have to manually prioritize bosses in t15/t16 with curses. I can AFK the small blights in map with delirium on but not the high level blighted.
Zombie necro is probably better since there is more minions, it felt better last league for blight for me but it's worst at anything else this league so not the best idea. You can check some builds, the comments are full of complains about survivability.
Postado porhydre57#3530em 15 de abr de 2020 13:57:08
Budewnpa escreveu:
Kenjiya escreveu:
So I tried this as my very first minion build since forever. After I finished Kitava, I went to T15-T16 maps and cleared with 0 problems. But cost me my first Sirius fight of the league because I'm too new to minion mechanics. Not too used to not attacking lmao.
How do you guys cope up with Sirius killing the golems? The last few phases killed the golems a lot. The only thing I could do was go off screen to remove Multistrike and Melee Phys support so I'd have enough mana to summon them. Or should I get another necklace to anoint Indomitable Army if it actually helps?
My personal experience is that A8 sirius still fails to kill the golems usually and I don't have any real extra minion health taken- if golems die, you can just run away and resummon most of the time in my experience. Bring a mana flask, etc.
It's actually A5 Sirius x]
Maybe I just challenged it on a pretty low level that's why they died a lot especially on the last few phases.
skyscan escreveu:
Kenjiya escreveu:
So I tried this as my very first minion build since forever. After I finished Kitava, I went to T15-T16 maps and cleared with 0 problems. But cost me my first Sirius fight of the league because I'm too new to minion mechanics. Not too used to not attacking lmao.
How do you guys cope up with Sirius killing the golems? The last few phases killed the golems a lot. The only thing I could do was go off screen to remove Multistrike and Melee Phys support so I'd have enough mana to summon them. Or should I get another necklace to anoint Indomitable Army if it actually helps?
Tips please? x]
Swap a gem out for blood magic to resummon instead. Use convocation on the triple beam thing and if they're standing in the rotating lazers. Those 2 mechanics should be the only things that kill your 6L golems, your utility golems might also die to the maze slam, but luckily we have the mana to easily resummon.
I never actually thought of Blood Magic! Thanks a lot!
Postado porKenjiya#4727em 15 de abr de 2020 14:19:29
snowmittens escreveu:
Guzonjinsin escreveu:
Great build!
Didn’t played PoE in years, came back recently, alot of things changed :-)
Played Necro Spectres up to lvl 92, but got so tired of one shotting in delirium. PC lags as hell in delirium (old laptop), my skills are not that great, and some crazy things going on in there :-)
Decided to try something more tanky, with some kind of minions and something that don’t cost much. I must say, this build delivers 100%. Couldn’t be more happy about it!
I got one question, though. It’s probably me who don’t understand mechanics behind it, but my max chaos is 78%, even if i followed yours guidelines about it? Maybe it is higher, but we can’t really read it properly under “resistances”?
Again, thx alot this build, and your effort!
Looking at ur char page u don't seem to have mind over matter(divine flesh after corruption) allocated. This will give ur missing extra 10% max chaos resist
Omfg...thx alot man!
How could I forget that :-(
Postado porGuzonjinsin#6566em 15 de abr de 2020 14:50:33
As I played POE casually until today, I'm still trying to understand a lot of mechanics, I would like help on where I can improve my character, I checked the price of the items and they are very expensive, a good helmet is 50 ex ... here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/EWSB80n0, can anyone tell me if my damage is good and where I can do it better now, I can already kill Sirius A6, even though my golems are still dying, thanks.
Postado porShadowMccloud#1255em 15 de abr de 2020 14:52:17