[3.10] Volatile Dead Tankomancer | Facetank with eyes closed | Farm t16 while eating pizza*
artifleur escreveu:
Thanks a lot for the guide ! This build is awesome !
After failing at killing Sirus twice, once with nerfed-to-the-ground agony guardian, second time with facebreaker champion, I killed Sirus with awakening 6 with tankomancer and didn't even die once. I can hardly believe it.
I also completed Simulacrum.
A few remarks :
Does anyone have concrete proof that the chill and shock caused by Plaguebringer actually triggers the Sadist cluster notable? It's an aura put on corpses, so I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't work.
I'm contemplating the removal of Natural Affinity. The effects are really good, no doubt, but I'm not sure it's worth the constant hassle. I've already moved my stash and NPC's next to the waypoint in my hideout because of it.
Well i took away the Natural Affinity jewel as 1, it was more hassle that it was worth, and 2, it's a pain when you need to make a fast getaway
Also, i swapped my cluster jewels about and these are what i use ( for now )
I know the DoT is useless, but the passives are very useful so it's a bit of a trade off
Última edição por Eag1e#1770 em 11 de mai de 2020 05:34:18
ok now i use this build only as dedicated boss killer or juicy maps with delirium orb because its hard to catch up with the delirium mist in maps.
all the gear and setup with few modification, beside the timeless jewel.
i use spell cascade vd so i can ramp up attack speed/spell trigger faster because i don't use minimum frenzy charge rings.
for rings i choose lgoh spell because finding ele leech from timeless jewel/cluster would be too expensive. tried with doryani's lesson for 0.2 ele leech but feels lgoh spell more consistent considering how much spell this build cast. cwdt firestorm for extra lgoh.
chernobog for extra dps, i can live with less life, and the block chance already covered with the watcher's eye mod. megalomaniac for max chaos res and extra damage increase with block chance (born of chaos+confident combatant). large cluster jewel with disorienting display, sadist, and prismatic heart
anoint alacrity for extra dex and cheap lol. 6L spellslinger, got lucky with the link, so i dropped some spell block chance for reduce mana reserve in sovereignty area, since we can tank some extra ele dmg with divine flesh.
extra dps with wave of conviction spellslinger and more consistent exposure on monsters rather than wait for cwdt to trigger, since the block, enfeeble, and blind from cluster jewel reduce enemy chance to hit thus lowering chance for cwdt to trigger.
bloodmagic for flame dash and barrage so i could careless about mana cost.
now lvl 93 with 6425 life, 75block,41 spell block with offering and tempest shield, 20k armor without MS/VMS. and 6437.5 avg hit VD in hideout.
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... -- Bex_GGG
Última edição por estu87#5462 em 11 de mai de 2020 06:46:20
Thanks a lot for the guide ! This build is awesome !
After failing at killing Sirus twice, once with nerfed-to-the-ground agony guardian, second time with facebreaker champion, I killed Sirus with awakening 6 with tankomancer and didn't even die once. I can hardly believe it.
I also completed Simulacrum.
A few remarks :
Does anyone have concrete proof that the chill and shock caused by Plaguebringer actually triggers the Sadist cluster notable? It's an aura put on corpses, so I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't work.
I'm contemplating the removal of Natural Affinity. The effects are really good, no doubt, but I'm not sure it's worth the constant hassle. I've already moved my stash and NPC's next to the waypoint in my hideout because of it.
1)I did made tests ofc before using Sadist in guide - and if you want proofs those tests are easy to do yourself. Just remove all gems setups that can influence tests, socket lvl 1 unearth in random green socket, find location with slow melee mobs(first a6 location comes to mind) and then shoot uneath both in empty space and near mobs. And look how damage of VD changes. It will increase in both tests(plaguebringer), but if throwing corpses near mobs give more damage than throwing at empty space - well, then Sadist work.
2)Any teleport remove all wines. At first it was hassle for me too, but then I adopted a habbit of "flame dash, then run", including in HO, and slow stopped bothering me at all.
estu87 escreveu:
ok now i use this build only as dedicated boss killer or juicy maps with delirium orb because its hard to catch up with the delirium mist in maps.
i use spell cascade vd so i can ramp up attack speed/spell trigger faster because i don't use minimum frenzy charge rings.
for rings i choose lgoh spell because finding ele leech from timeless jewel/cluster would be too expensive. tried with doryani's lesson for 0.2 ele leech but feels lgoh spell more consistent considering how much spell this build cast. cwdt firestorm for extra lgoh.
chernobog for extra dps, i can live with less life, and the block chance already covered with the watcher's eye mod. megalomaniac for max chaos res and extra damage increase with block chance (born of chaos+confident combatant). large cluster jewel with disorienting display, sadist, and prismatic heart
anoint alacrity for extra dex and cheap lol. 6L spellslinger, got lucky with the link, so i dropped some spell block chance for reduce mana reserve in sovereignty area, since we can tank some extra ele dmg with divine flesh.
extra dps with wave of conviction spellslinger and more consistent exposure on monsters rather than wait for cwdt to trigger, since the block, enfeeble, and blind from cluster jewel reduce enemy chance to hit thus lowering chance for cwdt to trigger.
bloodmagic for flame dash and barrage so i could careless about mana cost.
now lvl 93 with 6425 life, 75block,41 spell block with offering and tempest shield, 20k armor without MS/VMS. and 6437.5 avg hit VD in hideout.
TBH that setup doesn't look all that great. Enfeeble from shield is useless(will be overwritten by flamability), added fire damage is really small.
Losing LGoH on barrage isn't good at all.
Rings, aside from life on hit with spells, are kind of bad(cause getting that mod + good stats is difficult, so you sacrifice stats just to get that mod).
Spell Cascade on VD hurt damage SO MUCH.. it's like 45% less damage per ball compared to ele focus. Yes, you spawn more balls.. except not, cause desecrate give like 25 corpses per second, on average, so no, not by much.
Alacrity is cheap and ok, but Soul of Steel - or some damage passive if you feel like you don't need more def - could give so much more.
I'm doing this build in hardcore, you think is better change anything for better survability or is ok like now?
Example switch combustion for blind in map?
For now I use belly of the beast because i don't have money for the crab armor (6~ ex), there is better armor or I keep him till the crab?
Btw i love this build, very tanky and easy to play that is the two thing i want always (expecially in hardcore)
use cluster jewel with disorienting display rather switch to blind support. extra -res from combustion is too big to lose.
You don't use any fire skill, you trigger them(aside from flame dash, but that won't be anough). So Display won't work - or at least shouldn't. Smoking remains should be better for general map clearing.(at least it will work..)
TBH that setup doesn't look all that great. Enfeeble from shield is useless(will be overwritten by flamability), added fire damage is really small.
Losing LGoH on barrage isn't good at all.
Rings, aside from life on hit with spells, are kind of bad(cause getting that mod + good stats is difficult, so you sacrifice stats just to get that mod).
Spell Cascade on VD hurt damage SO MUCH.. it's like 45% less damage per ball compared to ele focus. Yes, you spawn more balls.. except not, cause desecrate give like 25 corpses per second, on average, so no, not by much.
Alacrity is cheap and ok, but Soul of Steel - or some damage passive if you feel like you don't need more def - could give so much more.
yea i know the ring is bad because that the cheapest i could buy with chaos res and life/open prefix for life. i prefer spell lgoh over attack lgoh because with barrage i need to actually target something while with spell lgoh i can just target ground and close my eyes lol.
about the vd without spell cascade i can only get around 4ish aps barrage, while with cascade i can get to 6. more speed=more sustain.
but then again, i work on this build after only 1-2 week of playing in this league so i have very limited budget lol, but this is very strong already for farming some bosses compared with other build i have played.
btw disorienting display only work from casting vms/flamedash
Hey, your Build looks awesome! I am starting a new char with it right now, can't wait to have fun with it. One thing: The armor is quite expensive. Can I start with something else?
Hey, your Build looks awesome! I am starting a new char with it right now, can't wait to have fun with it. One thing: The armor is quite expensive. Can I start with something else?
Well, craicean armor cost only 40-50c in dsc, but ofc you can use any good life+armour rare armour.
(but without armour those boots and helmet are kind of useless. It's all or nothing thing)
Última edição por TwiceBorned#6498 em 11 de mai de 2020 11:39:45
1)I did made tests ofc before using Sadist in guide - and if you want proofs those tests are easy to do yourself. Just remove all gems setups that can influence tests, socket lvl 1 unearth in random green socket, find location with slow melee mobs(first a6 location comes to mind) and then shoot uneath both in empty space and near mobs. And look how damage of VD changes. It will increase in both tests(plaguebringer), but if throwing corpses near mobs give more damage than throwing at empty space - well, then Sadist work.
Hey, your Build looks awesome! I am starting a new char with it right now, can't wait to have fun with it. One thing: The armor is quite expensive. Can I start with something else?
Well, craicean armor cost only 40-50c in dsc, but ofc you can use any good life+armour rare armour.
(but without armour those boots and helmet are kind of useless. It's all or nothing thing)
They are starting with 2,5 ex so I asked. Maybe with less links?