[3.16] LL VD Spellslinger | 8.2 k ES | 75%Block / 75% Spell Block | not recommended anymore
3.16 Update: Build is not worth the investment and is barely playable
For those who still have old harvest items i have updated the PoB for 3.16. Not recommended for league players. Seriously dont play this the performance in league is trash tier. Play Cast on Crit for straight out better performance. Hey hey people zzang here time to provide another supreme build to do everything the game has to offer. 3.15 footage: ![]() This build is for you if you like massive single target damage combined with tankiness that has screenwide AoE autoaim one button gameplay skill which off screens and clears all game content including Hall of Grandmasters easy and deathless. ☑ T19 100% Delirious max juiced map deathless - official God Tier build ☑ Solo Delve 1700 T2 Azurite easy game ☑ Easy AL 8 Sirus sub 2 minute kill and any other content in the game ☑ Detonate Dead replaces explody chest - very fast clearspeed ☑ No need to get carried by Headhunter ☑ Autotarget off screen one button gameplay build no need thinking while playing ☑ Pretty Tanky with 10k ES capped block/spell block ☑ 82% increased Cooldown Recovery for 0.33s cooldown ☑ Stun & Freeze & Chill Immune ☑ Up to 2000 ES Leech/second ☑ 2400 ES regeneration/second ☑ Righteous Fire sustain while in combat ☑ Not negative Chaos resistance Why my build? There are plenty of Volatile Dead Spellslinger builds but the builds published on the forum are quite low dps and/or low survivability. This build combines superb single target dps with high tankiness and insane clearspeed which makes you not rip against bosses. This build manages T19 100% Delirious content and is NOT using Headhunter or Voices Build there are not many builds at all that do this deathless. With the Detonate Dead update the performance of this build has gone through the roof. VIDEOS
----------- NEW 3.15 Videos ----------- Shaper DPS Demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNjX385zbns ----------- NEW 3.13 with Min/Max Gear ----------- T19 100% Delirious Gilded Scarabs map after gear upgrades: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=54egIhg4a2g Maven Awakening Level 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_veoMEA1ro Awakening Level 9 T19 100% Delirious sextanted Burial Chambers with Beyond, Red Beasts, Gilded Habinger, Gilded Breach, Gilded Metamorph, Gilded Elder on Lex Ejoris Region with Metamorph and Delirious Keystones and 69% resist all map mod or in short - SUPER JUICED MAP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twRC6-JADEI Ordinary normal mapping (VoD): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb0lhIb5OeA ----------- NEW 3.12 with Min/Max Gear ----------- Bonus Content - 3.12 Hall of Grandmasters easy game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3Av9TSi3QY Sirus AL 8 destroyed in 2 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpOzqZiDVZc T19 100% in 3.12 Delirious with Sextants, Beyond, Gilded Legion, Gilded Elder, Gilded Breach, Gilded Habinger Scarabs while sustaining Righteous Fire for the whole map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq2tGYquehY T19 100% delirious (same juice, same map from 3.11 before 3.12 patch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f25kaFwAu2c Solo Delve Depth 1700 T2 Azurite Node: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgEnqsCbnCs ----------- Videos with Detonate Dead ----------- Solo Delve Depth 1200 Tier 3 Azurie Mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__CZtjYEcek AL 8 Sirus from start to finish killed in 01:49' minutes. Last Phase 4 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emTzOcpsrxQ T19 100% Delirious God Mode MAX juiced - cleared hardest content in the game no Righteous Fire, no Headhunter simply NO BULLSHIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ1565jc4aw Detonate Dead Update: 100% Delirious T16 beyonded, beasted with Gilded Habinger, Gidled Breach, Gilded Elder, Gilded Legion in 5 minutes No Headhunter, No Righteous Fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IFd7zc3PfE ----------- Old Videos without Detonate Dead ----------- Bonus Content - Hall of Grandmasters - deathles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BTHZpjvWMs AL 8 Sirus Phase 3 in less than 10 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_19s5rUYlTA 100% Delirious T17 Canyon max juiced - 153% Quantity, 56% Packsize, Beyond & Beasts inside: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwNjb2ujahQ Simulacrum Wave 20 Essence Glutton update never miss a trigger again - Kosis Spawn insta deleted watch the perfect triggering in skillbar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWu59r4fN2w Simulacrum Wave 20 Kosis Deletion Condition: Facetank no moving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44K5WQRi1Ps All 4 Conquerors in 40 seconds total in one video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch7DifIXc40 Rewritten Distant Memory Boss 68% Monster Life - still could not do one hit before died: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7vwBT6ADqQ Maze of the Minotaur - Minotaur has 93% more life map mods - facetank to showcase normal mapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC4izadI5bU Mapping Showcase - T19 122% Quantity, 47% Packsize Underground River: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG8ks1Tt9H0 GEAR
The Helm Enchantment for 15% Spellslinger Mana Reservation enchantment is MANDATORY. There is no way around it without significant sacrifices which are not worth it. For League: You need the mandatory 15% Mana Reservation Helm Enchantment plus 2X Herald of Anguish with Herald of Ash Mana Reservation or Self-Control Cluster Node to run this setup Flasks: Jewels: Note: NNeto inspired me to use +1 AoE gemns in my helm for further min maxing damage because i was able still achieve 10k ES when going for high ES on boots by skipping movement speed since movement happens almost only with Dash + Second Wind + additional CDR% from gear. Build
You need community fork PoB otherwise the link dont works. My Level 100 Build for patch 3.16 https://pastebin.com/P5Eg90HQ Bandits: Alira Brine King, Soul of Ralakesh My own trustworthy mirror service
VD/DD Helm for Service at: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2949853 The % fire damage not only increases our direct damage with DD/VD but also the secondary corspe explody fire damage. A Wand with spell damage % instead of % fire damage therefore will be weaker as spell damage has no effect on the secondary corpse explode damage. The +1 ALL gem levels is without words simply the best. Every aura, every spell gets +1. Mechanics
TL,DR: Aim for 66% Cooldown Recovery Speed in total (boots, belt, Spellslinger gem). This will give you the best single target dps. CDR% is a huge single target damage increase and its not visible in PoB! Update for 3.13: We actually can reach the next CDR cap of 82% to hit 0.33s cooldown with Elevated Maven Mod on Boots (highly recommended). CDR Sources: - 20% Belt - 20% Boots - 42% from lvl 22 Spellslinger Gem (21 + 1 Gem Levels form Wand) The attack speed will get carried by "Corpse Pact" ascendancy as long as you have a 1.5 APS wand no need to worry about your attack speed. Barrage support takes care of triggering your spells. Long Story: Read on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/fh8bnh/spellslinger_cooldown_thresholds_and_all_other/ Crafting
---------------------------------------------------------------- The following steps are for Harvest crafting. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Helm: 0. Make sure to start with a helm base that have the necessary enchant. 1. Essence craft 30% ele damage until you have removable suffixes 2. Benchcraft Cold Res and do Aug Cold for guaranteed Hypotermia or Innervate (if prefixes are locked with removable mods). Remove cold and aug again (separate with benchcrafted cold res) until lvl 20 Hypotermia 3. Aug Crit // r/a crit until 3% spell crit or Alternatively if you sitll got locked prefixes without spell tags then you can to add/remove spells 4. Aug Influence or Metacraft Conc effect prefix 5. Aug Defence for T1 ES - done. Boots: 1. Start with Magic Shaper Base and Alt roll Cooldown recovery. 2. If free prefix either Aug influence mod. If not free prefix try to annul. 3. Once Boots got 1 influence prefix and CDR % suffix use Maven Orb. If fail repeat step 1-3 4. With elevated % CDR beast imprint and aug until T1 ES roll 5. Imprint magic base again with T1 ES and elevated %CDR and Regal for removable affix so that you can start to Augment Defence for second T1 ES (dont forget to block prefix hybrid %ES mod). 6. Harvest Craft resists and done. Belt: 1. Alt roll Cooldown recovery with open prefix and beast imprint 2. Aug Defence until hit T1 flat ES you can use Annuls to reduce imprint cost 3. With blue base of T1 flat ES and T1 % CDR imprint again and regal and hope for either removable suffix (goal is T1 % ES in the next step) 4. Once Rare Base Aug Defence until T1 or revert back to imprint if fail and repeat step 3. 5. Craft any prefix mod with bench to block prefix. Aug Defence for 50% chance for increased ES recovery. If fail craft prefixes cannot be changed and remove defence. Repeat setp 5 until T1 % ES Recovery. 6. Block suffix with any benchcraft and Aug crit for Pathfinder flask mod (Flask Charges on Crit). If fail do remove/add crit until success. 7. Aug Fire and Add/Remove fire until neccessary resistance for Wise Oak Balance - done. Wand (By Bonerfleximus): 1. Fracture 109% inc fire dmg on imbued wand 2. Perfect fossil until 30% quality 3. Use Jagged, corroded, metallic, shuddering to get plus 1 spell 4. Repeat step three until you have you get plus 1 spell and/or a method to clean up affixes (you will need 3 open suffix or to craft prefix can't be changed and to scour; you will also need one removable prefix or a fire prefix) 5. harvest craft % quality as ele dmg 6. bench mod crit chance 7. aug crit if tier 1 global crit multi go to step 10 8. remove crit and aug crit 9. repeat steps 7 and 8 until you get global crit multi tier 1 10. aug crit for tier 1 crit chance to spells 11. if you did not get tier 1 craft prefix cannot be changed and do remove/add caster until you get tier 1 for spells 12. craft cannot roll caster mods 13. remove placeholder prefix and aug fire or r/a fire until you get tier 2/1 of flat fire (about 21 attempts for tier 2 and about 106 for tier 1 I found a cheaper method for steps 7-11 when rolling crit if you happen to land T1 spell crit first on step 7 instead of crit multi - 1. Aug crit again (skip to step 10) - this will gaurantee crit multi 2. If not T1 multi, change the crafted crit chance to any "caster" tagged prefix (I used low tier #fire damage to spells) to fill the 3rd prefix (you should have +1 spells and fractured fire%) 3. Craft "remove non-caster, add caster" - this gaurantees removal of whatever poopy crit multi and will replace with cast speed 4. Remove speed modifier to remove cast speed 5. re-craft crit chance 6. Aug crit again This approach gaurantees locking in your T1 spell crit and allows you to target-reroll only Crit multi instead of gambling with remove/add crit FAQ
Important: Some FAQ may be outdated and are from patch 3.11 1. Q: Is the Abyss Socket in the gloves neccessary? A: No, i recommend for more budget oriented build to use a normal 4 socket gloves with lvl 3 Arcane Surge because this way you wont need Arcane Surge on a Ring and it will trigger all the time due to constant Dash + Immortal Call casting. 2. Q: Should I use Tailwind Boots? A: Yes, if you can squeeze in Tailwind Suffix while beeing Immune to Freeze and be capped resist and thats perfect but Tailwind is not neccessary Immune to freeze and %CDR major has priority. 3. Q: What is the estimated budget to get this build rolling? A: With roughly 20 exalted you will be full equipped and rolling. Some of the more expensive pieces can be left out for later as great upgrades such as Bottled Faith - not neccessary but great to have. Keep in mind that this is a high end version of Spellslinger with the highest ceiling per investment meaning that you get big gains with big investment. Also keep in mind that this build is not very good as a league starter unless you are very good at currency making and experienced with the game as a whole and the Spellslinger mechanics. 4. Q: Is a rare ES helm a viable alternative with Spellslinger Enchant because Crown of the Inward Eye is so expensive wiith the enchant? A: Yes, can be used of course as an alternative. I would recommend it especially if there is a cheap Spellslinger enchanted rare ES helm available. But statwise you will need a mirror tier helm to even come close to Inward Eye bonuses in damage and ES. Check Point 9 for further details of fixing mana issues. 5. Q: What Watchers Eye mods are preferable? A: I recommend to go for Anger Penetration and Zealotry Crit or Penetration but there are plenty of combinations that should provide you with good dps for example Anger Penetration and Anger Multiplier. I recommend chechking out the damage numbers in PoB before you buy a jewel! Leech Zealotry mod is not neccessary but a nice 3rd mod but dont focus on it. 6. Q: Why do you have Ghost Reaver skill node? A: Because it doubles are ES leech. We get ES leech from the skill node Thaumophage. 7. Q: Why PoB does not work? A: There are 2 possible reasons: Import Code 302 means you cannot import it because the paste.com website demands a captcha which can not be done via PoB. In this case you have to import the raw code manually. The other reason is: You are not using the PoB community Fork minimum version (or newer) 8. Q: Is there a starter variant for this build? A: No, low life ES is never a starter build in no league ever. Refer to Zizaran`s Life Starter: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RzgzJdPEnL4 build and transition in end game for low life ES around level 85+ better level 90. 9. Q: Im playing League and i dont have the essential mana reservation helm enchant. What can i do to fix mana reservation? A: There is nothing you can do anymore. The Mana Reservation Enchant plus self control medium aura cluster jewel or 2x Herald of Ash Mana Reservation from rings is absolutley mandatory. 10. Q: Im having trouble getting a perfect Large Cluster Jewel on what affixes should i focus? A: A fix from GGG is coming for Cluster Jewels see here :https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2885363 In the meantime focus on 2 sockets + Thaumophage and one of the both prefixes (Conjured Wall/Magehunter). 11. Q: Im having survivability issues what to do? A: This is a very general question and can have a lot of causes. For example your playstyle could be the wrong approach for this build. Hold distance there is no need to hug enemies. Secondly i saw many people mentioning survivability problems who only had 6-7k ES and maxed damage instead. This is the wrong approach. Aim for 9k ES at minimum before you go all in damage. At 10k ES you will feel close to immortal in normal maps from personal experience. About T19 100% delirious content: Keep in mind that it will always be dangerous as its the hardest content in the game and only a few builds manage to do it deathless. 12. Q: How can I upgrade my DPS? A: If you have followed FAQ point 11. and now want to upgrade DPS afterwards here is a general guidance of dps sources: 6 link VD/DD, Jewels + Clusters (check mine for comparison), Wand (check my Wand), minimum 66 % CDR, Awakened Spell Cascade in both DPS link and Descecrate link, make sure to have enough skill points (lvl 90+), Flask setup inclusive balanced Wise Oak or at least leading Fire resist, upgrade from Inward Eye to rare Helm (compare to my helm), check for corruptions. 13. Q: I have only one Awakened Spell Cascade what to do? A: There is nothing you can do other than to save up for a second Awakened Spellcascade. Both will quadruple your damage. 14. Q: What to do against reflect: For Physical you can spec Avatar of Fire. For Elemental get 10 times the 10% less Reflect Damage taken implicit on Jewels. Feedback from Players
This is a new section showing the success players had with this build: " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Questions are welcome! Let me know if you want a Video on Demand against certain Bosses/content Thanks for watching and enjoy the build! Última edição por zzang#1847 em 24 de out de 2021 15:48:57 Último bump em 6 de nov de 2021 10:01:12
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Nice final items guide !!
Maybe you can add small guide to leveling, and how craft any items. I go to create a necromancer with your build !! TY |
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" Thanks mate. I added a crafting section for Wand, Boots and Belt. Update: Also added Wave 19/20 Simulacrum video - easy, fast and deathless of course. |
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Thanks for the build! :)
I have boots with Elusive and Tailwind, do you think I should change them? |
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" Keep them as long as you have Cannot be Frozen and enough resist! Tailwind would be an upgrade for my setup if i could have enough cold res. Última edição por zzang#1847 em 3 de mai de 2020 15:47:23
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Is the Abyssal Socket on Gloves necessary?
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" No, its not neccessary it just provides a bit more damage and ES for the cost of a gem slot. As Additional Gem Slot Increased Duration could come handy to give thicc 3 seconds of Immortal Call uptime instead of 2. But you could also use Arcane Surge of course on a more budget setup in the 4th Link instead. It will be triggered by the constant casting of Dash and Immortal Call. Edit: Added to the FAQ as this was a great question thank you YlwCrvdFruit! Última edição por zzang#1847 em 3 de mai de 2020 16:43:41
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Damn... I have like 10ex, and dunno what to improve first :(
I love the way you put this build. Can you look at my? Should I go first for Bottled Faith? https://pastebin.com/GJs90mVj |
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" Will check tomorrow after work. Need to sleep now :) Última edição por zzang#1847 em 4 de mai de 2020 14:09:36
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Thanks mate!
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