[3.11] VoliDead/DD LL MB Spellslinger - IcarusTheMox - Moxelli (All content, league starter)
Since the build goes with double curse, should we get "Whispers of Doom" before "Awakened Curse On Hit Support".
Or only start to double curse after ACOHS? |
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Myself, I took whispers of doom. It also serves as a place to stash points until I have my clusters all sorted out.
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" Nice! |
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Do you guys think dual curse is better then inspiration link?
Several setups like inspiration to VD and Barrage. This way the barrage will trigger the inspiration charge and VD will also get the buff. |
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Hey there,
Last time I asked my questions in a dm, but I will just post here now so others can pitch in and benefit from the answers as well. I have been getting better gear one piece at a time and so far, I managed to grind a good amount of currency from crafting items and running juiced maps. The build has amazing clear, but I seem to lack boss DPS, but that's mostly because I haven't fully upgraded all of my gear. I still have some questions about the build. 1. Why use master of fire when we have wave of Conviction applying fire exposure? do the two sources stack? 2. Since we can craft godly gear this league, do you think it's better to replace the crown of the inward eye with a good hubris circlet? and maybe anoint the Transfiguration thing via amulet appointment? 3. Early on during the game, a friend recommended using prism guardian as my shield and it allowed me to add zealotry to my build. Do you think it's better to replace that with a good shield now? 4. I have been considering not using the synthesized ring, yes it's a significant increase in dps, but crafting a good opal ring or a moonstone ring can provide a huge bonus to dps and defenses. thoughts on that? 5. regarding the cluster jewels, I made one exactly like yours with doryani's lesson, prismatic heart and sadist and when I use it, I can skip doryani's lesson and take the other two while also taking the jewel nodes and it's efficient with the passive points spent. but my other jewel has widespread destruction on it and the order of nodes is different and I have to spend more points. what all suffix passives work with prismatic heart and sadist that would give me correct order on the jewel? 6. Since I am using prism guardian, I don't quite need the reservation appointment you have, so as of now, I have Heart of flame on my presence of chayula. do you know if there's anything else that might be better? 7. The discipline mods on watchers eye look amazing, but what would be the ideal watcher's eye mods for this build? the regenerate es mod looks rather pointless, more anger mods maybe? 8. you use 3 unique flasks and have ignite immunity on your quicksilver. what about bleed immunity and curse immunity? I have been using non-unique flasks to get those and my quicksilver has increased effect and more movement speed mods for more utility. how do we incorporate those to make it more effective? 9. How important is aspect of the avian? what about getting tailwind on boots? Thanks again for making the guide! I managed to do sirus 8, uber elder and mastermind with this build, but my /deaths is a bit too high xD. I am looking to bring that counter to a halt by upgrading the remaining pieces of my gear. |
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Just crafted this wand.. Thoughts? |
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" There seems to be a lack of interest by the build creator in this thread. |
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" Not the thread creator so I'm not sure about all of them, but I played VD both this league and last league, so I think I can at least address some of your questions. 1. They don't stack - fire exposure is fire exposure. My guess is that the Mox just wanted Cooked Alive and the jewel came with Master of Fire. 2. You would need a mirror tier helm to compete with Crown of the Inward Eye. Also, Champion of the Cause is needed to meet reservation costs. It would be viable if you could meet the Reduced Reservation requirement somewhere else but I can't really see where - considering we take basically all the reduced reservation nodes. And even if you did all that (you'd be trading valuable skill points), you can only get one transfiguration and perhaps sliiiightly higher ES. Strictly not worth it imo 3. Absolutely. An ES on block shield is what makes this build shine over the other squishy LL variants. We block multiple times per second, that can mean flat 20% of our energy shield gained per second. It also increases our eHP a lot. Oh, and it's also worth noting that Zealotry doesn't do a whole lot for us considering the 50% reservation cost - we aren't a crit build. 4. Expanding on point 3), a good rare shield will be your biggest defensive upgrade. If you feel like you still need defenses, you can probably drop the Circle of Anguish - but I'd only do so if I was at a state where I was obliterating bosses and really didn't need the damage. As you said correctly, it's a big DPS increase after all. 5. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/fiurc5/every_cluster_jewel_enchantment_with_their/ Here's a spreadsheet for Notable "sets" on each cluster jewel notable sub-type. As far as the order of nodes is concerned, I would recommend slapping the cluster jewels you find into the PoB-Fork, it will show you the order. 6. Don't use prism guardian. That's your biggest upgrade atm. Once you do that, you'll need the same anoint. 7. Dmg Penetration for Anger / Max ES with clarity / ES gain on hit with discipline, fire dmg while affected by anger. You can reserve a level 1 clarity on life if you get the max ES with clarity mod, corresponds to a 1.5k ES increase which is huge imo. 8. Seems like he yolos it on the curse front. As far as bleed goes - normal bleed isn't super dangerous with our leech/regen, only corrupting blood is. He has corrupted blood immunity on a jewel implicit. 9. Neither are very important imo, but great to have if you can fit them in. Aspect of the Avian is a moderate damage increase, but the build works fine without it. Glad to hear you're enjoying the build - I think it's the best version of LL VD/DD on the forums right now by far, just because it lets you facetank all the content compared to some other much squishier builds that are popular. 7m dmg is no joke for the survivability that this build brings. Hope I was able to answer all your questions :) Feel free to ask if you have any more. Última edição por Arukayos#6333 em 13 de jul de 2020 02:35:35
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" A cheap way for dualcurse is to anoint the amulet with doom and run a ruby ring with reduced mana reservation for ash. thats what im doing atm. that way u dont need woke curse on crit.. its a little dps losss cause of the ring.. but that small dmg boost for that much currency.. i dont know. |
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" Certainly a very good idea - I did look into that actually, but using 2x Circle of Anguish with buff effect + fire dmg (if you can fit it in and assuming you have the currency) is a very significant DPS upgrade. As an alternative suggestion, you could use one curse and Inspiration on the barrage link. The inspiration charges add significant DPS to both VD and DD. In fact, since curses have reduced effect on bosses, this is actually even better than running double curse with woke Curse on Hit gem. |
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