sielma escreveu:
Overmasterr escreveu:
To everyone coming here from Ziz's build, I also did. I just want to say I haven't felt like I've been lacking damage AT ALL even up to t16s with just a moderately good Trigger wand. Learn what makes a good weapon and use that to improve, not a ton of ridiculously expensive cluster jewels and rings for a HoA set-up.
Still can't decide though... What's more important to upgrade first, getting a helm enchant or buying Calamatious Visions/Circle of Anguish setup?
I have a 6l Inpulsa, Doryani's Vision/Sadist jewel, and t2 spell/attack flat damage wand, fairly good. But not sure what I should buy next (roughly 4ex of budget)
Buy lvl 20 or 21 volataile dead (yours is lvl 16), lvl 21 vaaldd (25c)
Remove glanicng blows and buy rumi's
Craft better wand using https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Deafening_Essence_of_Anger
Work on cdr. Helm enchament (1ex) belt, boots (27, 38, 52, 69)
Your tree is little different. Maybe grab Avatar of fire so You woc will always do fire exposure.
Gloves with temple mod (increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies)
Also elemental damage with attacks dont work with spells You have 2 useless crafts.
cluster jewel should have at last one jewel socket so You can put medium cluster with Master of Fear and Wish for Death (20% more dps)
Mark of the shaper + elder ring could be used before Heralds rings
shield with 5%life on block is very nice
Hey man, can you please tell me how Adds fire damage helps our build? From what I know, the added fire damage only applies to the weapon damage, and it doesn't translate to our spells. Can you clarify?
tranCeaddiCtedw0w escreveu:
Hey man, can you please tell me how Adds fire damage helps our build? From what I know, the added fire damage only applies to the weapon damage, and it doesn't translate to our spells. Can you clarify?
Im wondering the same thing, how does the LOCAL added fire damage help us at all and how important is it vs the added to spells?
ign: LevioState
Postado porstategamer#1664em 24 de jun de 2020 10:39:36
"Supported Skills have Added Spell Damage equal to (50-100)% of Damage of Equipped Wand
If two Wands are Equipped, each contributes half as much Added Damage"
Postado porkonean#4232em 24 de jun de 2020 10:45:40
MarkeMarke escreveu:
how big influence is CDR on the dps of the build? Ive not gotten any yet, and im lacking dmg on endgame bosses atm. Maps are supereasy even t16, only need more singletarget dmg atm.
Cdr works for as like casting speed. check this https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/fh8bnh/spellslinger_cooldown_thresholds_and_all_other/
we have 19%cdr from spellsinger enquvalent 2.33aps
I'm sitting now on 69%+ its like 3,36
I'm usually online at 18 gmt +1
Postado porsielma#4483em 24 de jun de 2020 11:05:29
How does this improve damage? By what margin?
Postado porKalvaran#2917em 24 de jun de 2020 11:21:32
konean escreveu:
"Supported Skills have Added Spell Damage equal to (50-100)% of Damage of Equipped Wand
If two Wands are Equipped, each contributes half as much Added Damage"
So does that mean even if there is a mod on the wand with adds x to x phys dmg, it still gets added? Also, I seem to be having problems with calculations on my PoB, isn't PoB able to calculate the dmg from adds x to x fire damage?
What's the difference with using Frenxy and Barrage Support as opposed to Barrsge? Is frenzy better up to a certain point?
Postado porVicious0093#0089em 24 de jun de 2020 11:24:27
In the announcement post when they introduced it, they also stated that base damage includes local damage.
"Spellslinger also provides a unique effect to supported spells: Your wand's base damage is added to the damage of the spell. Base damage includes all local added and increased damage modifiers, making attack wands powerful when you're focussed on Spellslinging."
And regarding PoB the Community Fork is calculating it correctly from my knowledge.
Postado porkonean#4232em 24 de jun de 2020 12:30:01
konean escreveu:
frost21 escreveu:
Hi, I followed Ziz's variation of this build from youtube. It's beginning to lack damage and he doesn't go very indepth on gear choices and everythin. I was thinking of maybe re-speccing to a tree and setup like this possibly.
Do you know the main differences between your version and his? (I play softcore and would prefer more damage). I see yours would allow me to invest more heavily into it as well and I enjoy a sense of progression.
Just mainly wondering which tree/setup would be better for me to stick with if it were to come down to the same amount of investment,if I want more damage mainly.
Since I also follow his guide, its more of a SSFHC Version where you dont depent on special items and most focus lies on survivability. Thats why he also isnt giving specific items in his PoB, but he gives you the information what is important on each slot and also some uniques that can work really good with it.
You can boost your damage with getting Uber Lab, getting a 6 link and better wand. After that, the damage should be fine enough to breeze through white and yellow maps and farm currency to get upgrades like a good wand with the trigger socketed spell, inpulsa and cluster jewels. When you have enough currency you can go further min maxing with checking some other variations of the builds like getting Herald of Ash in or moving to Low Life...
Yeah that's what I figured, I'm moreso just wondering how many regret's it would likely cost me to re-spec to a tree like this. (Also is this setup better than going LL and running Shav's?)
So if I want to heavily invest into the build I would likely switch from Ziz's tree/setup to this or LL is what I'm understanding? (I can easily clear white/starting yellow maps now currently with minimal investment. I just want to be able to do red maps later without issue.)
Trying to figure out if I should buy Inpulsa and change Ziz's variation to more like this build guide. Or if I should buy a Shav's instead and go LL and follow a different variation?
Postado porfrost21#0752em 24 de jun de 2020 13:24:52
I have problems with mana, but not with the reserved one, currently I have over 60 free mana, frenzy spends "15" mana and regenerates 21, in a matter of seconds I run out of mana and I can't cast skills, I'm wrong ?
Thank you!
Postado porJandrohg#5720em 24 de jun de 2020 13:47:15