Just bought mirror wands,240% MD hubris jewel and tested damage on Oshabi: Oshabi fight(2sec)
When you say you bought 240% MD Hubris jewels, how did you go about doing that? I bought almost 40 of them and they are all garbage. Do I just buy a few hundred more and hope or is there a way to search for the 240% jewel?
Postado pormsdunkel#4114em 31 de ago de 2020 08:57:03
msdunkel escreveu:
Just bought mirror wands,240% MD hubris jewel and tested damage on Oshabi: Oshabi fight(2sec)
When you say you bought 240% MD Hubris jewels, how did you go about doing that? I bought almost 40 of them and they are all garbage. Do I just buy a few hundred more and hope or is there a way to search for the 240% jewel?
Some guys sell already rolled jewels, usually they price it 0.5 perandus coin on market and they write in notes what nods it got, so you can buy the one u exactly need.
Postado porNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN#3525em 31 de ago de 2020 10:05:00Banido
I feel like this build is awesome in Harvest, but without Harvest craft it's almost impossible to craft the wands and helm from POB (e.g. in the next league), and then DPS drops a lot...
Postado porSuddenBear1#1680em 2 de set de 2020 03:34:45Banido
SuddenBear1 escreveu:
I feel like this build is awesome in Harvest, but without Harvest craft it's almost impossible to craft the wands and helm from POB (e.g. in the next league), and then DPS drops a lot...
Yeah I agree with your statement about the gear, this build not gonna be so effective without all this things. But will see, maybe next patch will bring another new sources of dps etc.
Postado porNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN#3525em 2 de set de 2020 05:38:45Banido
SuddenBear1 escreveu:
I feel like this build is awesome in Harvest, but without Harvest craft it's almost impossible to craft the wands and helm from POB (e.g. in the next league), and then DPS drops a lot...
Yeah I agree with your statement about the gear, this build not gonna be so effective without all this things. But will see, maybe next patch will bring another new sources of dps etc.
Any recommendation on what changes to make if harvest craft is not available (in standard/heist)? Maybe move the main golem gem to 6L chest instead of 4L+support mods in the helm? Will have to drop 2 other gems though...
Postado porSuddenBear1#1680em 2 de set de 2020 06:10:04Banido
What do you think if i fix skill tree and cluster jewel like this. More ES, more dmg, more element resistance. But cant using warcries instant and need some str more.
Última edição por poelibra#2160 em 2 de set de 2020 12:32:27
Postado porpoelibra#2160em 2 de set de 2020 12:25:03
poelibra escreveu:
What do you think if i fix skill tree and cluster jewel like this. More ES, more dmg, more element resistance. But cant using warcries instant and need some str more.
In terms of damage its obviously better. Speaking about survivability I thought pob show correct es regen numbers but now i think its not, because dropping Replenishing Presence = losing a lot of real regen and in your pob regen is same. Maybe pob counts also es recharge or smth. Also dropping Stamina and Call to Arms hurts survivability of this build. Overall i think this version is a lot more damage but a lot less defence.
Any recommendation on what changes to make if harvest craft is not available (in standard/heist)? Maybe move the main golem gem to 6L chest instead of 4L+support mods in the helm? Will have to drop 2 other gems though...
Well, using 6L is the option thats can work but it also means losing really big amount of dps (dropping curse combo, losing helmet mods like 3% crit which is rly big), also maybe we can use poor version of current helmet without conc effect and elem damage (in delirium league this "poor" version was worth a mirror but still). So i see this 2 options atm.
Postado porNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN#3525em 2 de set de 2020 14:52:09Banido
poelibra escreveu:
What do you think if i fix skill tree and cluster jewel like this. More ES, more dmg, more element resistance. But cant using warcries instant and need some str more.
In terms of damage its obviously better. Speaking about survivability I thought pob show correct es regen numbers but now i think its not, because dropping Replenishing Presence = losing a lot of real regen and in your pob regen is same. Maybe pob counts also es recharge or smth. Also dropping Stamina and Call to Arms hurts survivability of this build. Overall i think this version is a lot more damage but a lot less defence.
Any recommendation on what changes to make if harvest craft is not available (in standard/heist)? Maybe move the main golem gem to 6L chest instead of 4L+support mods in the helm? Will have to drop 2 other gems though...
Well, using 6L is the option thats can work but it also means losing really big amount of dps (dropping curse combo, losing helmet mods like 3% crit which is rly big), also maybe we can use poor version of current helmet without conc effect and elem damage (in delirium league this "poor" version was worth a mirror but still). So i see this 2 options atm.
Next leagues, this build will be removed? i really like this build, do we have any solution? :( why all builds that I like get removed in the next league!
Postado porpoelibra#2160em 2 de set de 2020 16:58:44
Build looks very interesting.
What would be some reasonable to gear to craft/buy with harvest? I mean even if the build is 10 mil dps total thats still more than enough to stomp all content. Especially if the tankiness remains intact.
If I take the scepters out of PoB its sill 5 mil dps per golem which is still insane. And without the helmet its 900k dps per golem ON A FOUR LINK with weapon and helmet slots empty. Ya its not game breaking damage anymore but I'd say the build could for sure be salvaged.
Última edição por gladiatorpie#3317 em 2 de set de 2020 19:54:44
Postado porgladiatorpie#3317em 2 de set de 2020 19:48:19
gladiatorpie escreveu:
Build looks very interesting.
What would be some reasonable to gear to craft/buy with harvest? I mean even if the build is 10 mil dps total thats still more than enough to stomp all content. Especially if the tankiness remains intact.
If I take the scepters out of PoB its sill 5 mil dps per golem which is still insane. And without the helmet its 900k dps per golem ON A FOUR LINK. Ya its not game breaking damage anymore but I'd say the build could for sure be salvaged.
My character without helmet and no minmax scepter, no awakened gem, 2m/ golem. But i spent ~30ex for it, too much. Build stone golem 100% impale same dps and just ~14ex, all item done. I think next league this build will die.
Postado porpoelibra#2160em 2 de set de 2020 20:00:14