I had thought of this build very differently:
- Self cast Frostbite linked with Impending Doom
- Void Beacon gives further -20% cold res for the initial hit, and -20% chaos res for the pops on nearby mobs
- link Hexblast to Spellslinger and other supporting gems INCLUDING Added Cold Damage to proc freeze
- Use Ball Lightning and Elemental Equilibrium. So further -50% cold res to mobs
So your main targets have -114% cold res for a BIG HIT from Hexblast that'll also freeze anything that manages to survive. You can have a Despair aura with Void Beacon to support the Impending Doom pops + Profane Bloom (+Obliteration if you have that). If you have Whispers of Doom or another source of +1 curse, toss in Enfeeble for defense.
Ideally it should play like ED/Contagion. Curse, move a bit, Ball Lightning to trigger Hexblast and EE. Rinse and repeat.
Última edição por ssaneja15#9775 em 17 de set de 2020 06:46:05
Postado porssaneja15#9775em 17 de set de 2020 06:40:45
ssaneja15 escreveu:
I had thought of this build very differently:
- Self cast Frostbite linked with Impending Doom
- Void Beacon gives further -20% cold res for the initial hit, and -20% chaos res for the pops on nearby mobs
- link Hexblast to Spellslinger and other supporting gems INCLUDING Added Cold Damage to proc freeze
- Use Ball Lightning and Elemental Equilibrium. So further -50% cold res to mobs
So your main targets have -114% cold res for a BIG HIT from Hexblast that'll also freeze anything that manages to survive. You can have a Despair aura with Void Beacon to support the Impending Doom pops + Profane Bloom (+Obliteration if you have that). If you have Whispers of Doom or another source of +1 curse, toss in Enfeeble for defense.
Ideally it should play like ED/Contagion. Curse, move a bit, Ball Lightning to trigger Hexblast and EE. Rinse and repeat.
If its possible to proc the doom explosion with a blasphemy that would be cool otherwise. But isn't the damage element the same as the highest resistance off the mob and not the lowest or did I get that wrong??
Please remove mf gear
Seems like a clunkier and worse version of the old one tapping Bane trickster/occy for mapping. I do like the concept though but not as a starter for me.
Postado porMoridin79#6328em 17 de set de 2020 13:01:38
Xirce escreveu:
Why want you to replace a curse with another curse to trigger Doom Blast?
You can spam Despair with Impending Doom and use Doomsday to automatically let it trigger after a sec. This is the lazy way.
Or you dont use Doomsday.
When using all Doom related nodes you get up to 44 Doom and 150% increased gain rate, which makes it so that after around 1.5 secs you have max Doom.
Then you could use Hexblast to trigger it together with Doom Blast in a big chaos explosion.
Gameplay is more clunky than just spamming Despair but damage should be alot higher on boss fights.
Hopefully Hexblast doesent remove the curse without triggering Doom Blast first.
You are wrong in so many ways that I don't know where to start
Postado porDixuMixu#1719em 17 de set de 2020 13:17:39
DixuMixu escreveu:
You are wrong in so many ways that I don't know where to start
Now i am curious. What is completely wrong in my interpretation? Have you done tests or information i do not have?
Postado porXirce#0243em 17 de set de 2020 15:04:27
Xirce escreveu:
DixuMixu escreveu:
You are wrong in so many ways that I don't know where to start
Now i am curious. What is completely wrong in my interpretation? Have you done tests or information i do not have?
>You can spam Despair with Impending Doom and use Doomsday to automatically let it trigger after a sec. This is the lazy way.
This is wrong, read this thread you will find answer
>When using all Doom related nodes you get up to 44 Doom and 150% increased gain rate
Numbers are wrong, check pob
Postado porDixuMixu#1719em 17 de set de 2020 15:50:17
How do you play this build until you get Vixen's Entrapment?
>inb4 "you don't"
nihilisticGoliath escreveu:
How do you play this build until you get Vixen's Entrapment?
>inb4 "you don't"
Well, since OP took Malediction, the enemy can have two curses. So to remove a curse with curse, you need a third curse to remove the first curse you applied.
The more feasible way to play it would be Hexblasting until you get Vixen's, but that would be a different build, because OP wants to main skill Doom Blast
Postado porDixuMixu#1719em 17 de set de 2020 16:16:11
ssaneja15 escreveu:
I had thought of this build very differently:
- Self cast Frostbite linked with Impending Doom
- Void Beacon gives further -20% cold res for the initial hit, and -20% chaos res for the pops on nearby mobs
- link Hexblast to Spellslinger and other supporting gems INCLUDING Added Cold Damage to proc freeze
- Use Ball Lightning and Elemental Equilibrium. So further -50% cold res to mobs
So your main targets have -114% cold res for a BIG HIT from Hexblast that'll also freeze anything that manages to survive. You can have a Despair aura with Void Beacon to support the Impending Doom pops + Profane Bloom (+Obliteration if you have that). If you have Whispers of Doom or another source of +1 curse, toss in Enfeeble for defense.
Ideally it should play like ED/Contagion. Curse, move a bit, Ball Lightning to trigger Hexblast and EE. Rinse and repeat.
This is a little far out for this Occultist build, but I have been working on something very similar in the background. Which reduces targets cold res by -154, and uses Doomblast (in a blastchain mine). So it focuses less on bane generation, and more on the negative res thing.
But I am still working on this one, and ill have to test some of the concepts.
Postado porK33LIN#1618em 17 de set de 2020 18:31:17
DixuMixu escreveu:
nihilisticGoliath escreveu:
How do you play this build until you get Vixen's Entrapment?
>inb4 "you don't"
Well, since OP took Malediction, the enemy can have two curses. So to remove a curse with curse, you need a third curse to remove the first curse you applied.
The more feasible way to play it would be Hexblasting until you get Vixen's, but that would be a different build, because OP wants to main skill Doom Blast
Your sort-of right, my plan is to level with Bane until I get Vixens, as bane can apply all the curses I need and is 1 button (I'm lazy). Also I just enjoy bane for leveling, though I'll be doing testing at the same time as leveling to see if the end result will even work.
Postado porK33LIN#1618em 17 de set de 2020 18:38:09