TheRealDeria escreveu:
I don't yet know if this is a good idea long-term, but since the playstyle for blazing salvo / flame wall requires a lot of standing still, instead of using Minion Speed I've added Raise Zombie.
The 5 zombies do a good job (at least so far) of keeping things off me (or inside the flame wall) and cleaning up stragglers.
I'm actually considering using Summon Skeletons (with Dead Reckoning, to convert the skeletons to mages) since their projectiles could leverage the Flame Wall. Those guys are temporary, though, whereas the zombies I can just summon and forget about for the most part.
At least at my low level (45) it seems to be helpful. As blazing salvo and flame wall scale up it might become less useful, but for now I figured since I'm already taking a fair amount of minion enhancing nodes it can't hurt.
Did you get any wand that has +1 to all fire/spell skill gems? Because for me BS and FW did all the job with my golems when I was leveling. But none the less, you can take more minions early on if that’s what you want
Última edição por Suzu520#2048 em 20 de set de 2020 19:44:06
Postado porSuzu520#2048em 20 de set de 2020 19:42:40
Suzu520 escreveu:
Did you get any wand that has +1 to all fire/spell skill gems? Because for me BS and FW did all the job with my golems when I was leveling. But none the less, you can take more minions early on if that’s what you want
Oh, I'm not struggling for damage, mostly I'm just thinking about survivability and utility. I suspect the extra minions might become unnecessary at some point, but at low levels (40-55) with basically garbage gear thinks are dying as fast as I can run, bosses included, so its handy/fun.
Postado porTheRealDeria#3188em 20 de set de 2020 21:41:09
Good day.
I'm now working on my own version of that build
I also liked combo of bs+fw, but I want to make it life build with Martyr of Innocense and Kaom's Heart (or maybe Belly of the Beast, I'm still looking what will be better). For now I use 4 golems (2fire, stone and chaos)
I still try to find out what will be the best way to increase survivability.
Thinking about combination of Mind Over Matter + The Agnostic + increase Mana, it may help.
I'm level 81 now, farming t4-t5 maps.
Will be interesting to know your ideas about that version.
Postado porDguffinHally#5006em 21 de set de 2020 02:13:32
DguffinHally escreveu:
Good day.
I'm now working on my own version of that build
I also liked combo of bs+fw, but I want to make it life build with Martyr of Innocense and Kaom's Heart (or maybe Belly of the Beast, I'm still looking what will be better). For now I use 4 golems (2fire, stone and chaos)
I still try to find out what will be the best way to increase survivability.
Thinking about combination of Mind Over Matter + The Agnostic + increase Mana, it may help.
I'm level 81 now, farming t4-t5 maps.
Will be interesting to know your ideas about that version.
The interaction sounds fine, but if you're going that anyways maybe necromancer would be better due to it's insane mana regen.
Postado porSuzu520#2048em 21 de set de 2020 08:43:04
Ascendancy any order?
Postado porDynastyr94#7955em 2 de out de 2020 16:32:55
Dynastyr94 escreveu:
Hi, I would suggest Golem route for normal and Cruel lab, then moving on to Pendulum of Destruction and the herald one afterwards.
Postado porSuzu520#2048em 3 de out de 2020 05:58:00