[3.12 build idea] BEXSAYSBOOM, Maw of Mischief theory crafting
" The problem with this is that you can't use a shield (if you're also using Mon'tregul's Grasp to scale Zombie life). However, if you're using the zombies for clearing and HoP for bossing (like I do but with skeletons) you don't need the Grasp. But I didn't like the Zombie version myself since the cast speed was a lot worse (base .85 vs .5). Felt horrible without cast speed investment even with unleash. |
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I was thinking of it as a replacement for the Grasp if used at all. Was going through the replica items as there are a lot of items that are easily overlooked and both Replica Earendel's Embrace and Replica Siegebreaker felt like they had synergy with what we are doing.
The cast speed sound like it could be annoying. Planning to level and hear my build in the coming days so only at the theorycrafting stage myself so not gotten a feeling for it. Glad that we seem to have gotten a discussion going here now and that the build has some potential. I do worry about survivability a bit but once damage is in a good place we can put more focus on the defensive layers. |
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" Survivability is not an issue at all. I have about 8k hp (Also cold aegis and cannot be frozen on the shield) and around 550 hp regen which increases to about 2.5k every 5 seconds (Surging vitality). And I don't even have that great/expensive gear (other than the Elegant Hubris). You could switch out the Purity of elements and Vitality for more defence auras as well. Like for Flesh and stone or just grab a Corona Solaris for perma blind enemies and go with Skitterbots for perma chilled/shocked enemies. Could probably lower the damage by half and it would still feel great in terms of raw damage. And if you want leech just grab a Doryani's Catalyst (3c), It's slightly lower damage than covered in ash for me but gives me 1600hp/s in leech. And if you're going that route I would seriosly consider going for the Immortal Ambition belt (Soul Tether) for slightly lower hp (300 for me) but constant 1500+ overleech and also 700+ ES. You would loose the degen ground but when you have enough damage it's not a big deal. And IF you're going the zombie route with Aukuna's Will I would consider going for Corpse pact since your zombies counts as corpses = No problem with cast speed. I haven't tried this myself but I think it would feel a lot better. Also makes the enemies near your zombies chilled and shocked. I even think you could put in a Cyclone - CwC - Zombie - Detonate Dead for clearing in a cheap 6L (you'll have enough HP for maps anyway) if Death Wish feels too clunky in normal maps. The build is very flexible and I don't even see the Necromancer as a must (if you get a good Elegant Hubris). I could see a Chieftain version beeing really tanky. You loose +2 minion levels and 30% more minion life, that's all. Instead you get covered in ash and free leech and endurance charge generation and can use a wand with +1 or +2 minion and/or spell skill (+2 is expensive). About half to 2/3 of the damage for the Cheftain version (+1 wand that I have with no additional damage mods). But instead I would have 8.2k HP, 2k+ hp regen, 2400+ hp/s leech (with Soul Tether so doesn't stop at full life), endurance charges and unnafected by ignite as well as freeze (the shield I have). It still shows the explosions doing over a million damage each (HoP minions). As an example I did Sirus (A6) with 1.4 million in PoB. Something quick I threw together, basically just switched out the ascendancy and weapon. Just ignore that it requires lvl 99. You can drop the whole Scion life cluster and still have 7k hp, or drop the extra endurance charges (You'll still have 1.8k regen). And that's without Enduring cry that you ofcourse would use as a Chieftain. https://pastebin.com/Tn6PGqJG Última edição por Gavve#5038 em 29 de set de 2020 07:36:08
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So I'm assuming it wouldn't be great for the other minions, but would Guardian work out at all since we're using HoP so much?
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" It is true that Guardian is "the" ascendency when it comes to HoP but in this case I would say no, unless you're doing some sort of aura stacking low life/max block version of it. Your Sentinels from HoP barely even hits the enemies, you explode them and only scale your own damage (and their life). The only offensive nodes that helps is the charge node (Harmony of purpose) and the Radiant crusade (10% more damage with 1 nearby ally). Nothing else that I see. Defensively it's a completely different story but I would still go Chieftain over it, unless you have unlimited currency ofcourse. |
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Now that I've done some more theorycrafting for the Chieftain version I realize that it is probably better than the Necromancer version in a lot of ways (With a proper Elegant Hubris ofcourse). But specifically due to the fact that chieftain gets leech and Cover in ash for just 4 ascendancy points (also 15% ele pen on the way there).
Since we scale so much minion damage (with Elegant Hubris) with Chieftain it is completely possible to use the Scourge claw. That gives you +70% minion damage when you hit (not only with the weapon but with any hit) AND it also makes the Minion damage nodes affect you at 150% value. Sure, I could use it on the Necromancer as well but that won't allow me to cover in ash or leech. Necromancer versions: Damage with Necromancer using Doryani's Catalyst (No covered in ash): 1612319 Damage with Necromancer using Earendel's Embrace (Covered in ash but no leech): 1712327 Damage with Necromancer using The Scourge (No covered in ash and no leech): 1962346 Necro regen: 675/s. Necro leech (Only with Doryani's catalyst): 1536/s. Chieftain version (don't need to use Doryani or Earendel): Damage with Chieftain using The Scourge (Covered in ash and leech): 1832853. Chieftain regen: 1738/s. Chieftain leech: 2214/s. I am actually considering leveling a Chieftain to try it out. I would've made it a Scion if the Chieftain version of Scion also had leech (only has totem leech). The Necromancer version is however a better starter for when you don't have an Elegant hubris due to the minion damage and life nodes she gets. |
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Damn I gotta say that I really like those chieftain numbers.. I've only made it to lvl50 with my necromancer so I think Im honestly gonna try chieftain
Última edição por Smerte#3065 em 29 de set de 2020 13:16:33
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" Same here, just started leveling one! Just don't make a chieftain and expect it to be great right away. You need Cluster jewels (1 large is enough) and an Elegant hubris with minion life and minion damage (at least minion life since we lack that as a chieftain). The Necromancer gets both minion damage and minion life (30% more life is a lot), Chieftain doesn't get any of it. And also note that the Chieftain needs 1 more button if you want to sustain Endurance charges on bosses (Enduring cry). When clearing the %chance on kill should be perfectly fine. |
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" Oh ye no problem there, this is more of a side project for me! I have around 3-4ex to throw into it straight away and more later on so Im just hoping I can get it somewhat running with that :D At the moment I'm just wondering how Im gonna level this pseudosummoner chieftain.. Última edição por Smerte#3065 em 29 de set de 2020 13:48:37
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" I'm going to try to level as burning arrow. A 6L Ashrend will take you to endgame and costs about 10c. You'll be getting the fire multiplier/ignite chance ascendency point as well. First lab is probably that or Cleansing Water for +100 fire res for easy gearing while leveling. Just rush Resolute Technique and then Spiritual Aid. If you have enough accuracy you ofcourse get EO instead. The tree is pretty much the same as the endgame tree (Maybe get some fire multiplier nodes and respecc them later). Última edição por Gavve#5038 em 29 de set de 2020 14:02:56
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