[3.16] Caustic Arrow/Death's Oath Occultist [Life based Chaos Autobomber]

Szkrabula escreveu:
Hi, thank you for your answer, I have a hunter base, can I achieve this effect with chaos fossils alone, or do I have to connect with something?

Use Craft of exile site.

If you only care about the chaos dot, it's cheap. If you want other mods it may become more expensive

Caustic Arrow/Death's Oath Occultist - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2990048
Última edição por f4ward#6124 em 19 de nov de 2021 08:06:14
Thank you so much, time for a little shopping and gambling :)
Any ideas or tips on farming Death's Oath? (I'm playing SSF).

I've been running a couple of maps (I'd say about 8 total so far) trying to get the divination card, so far, only found one. The drop rate is the same in Carcass, Malformation, Phantasmagoria and Core Maps?

Also, as expected, I am lacking quite a bit in single target (clear is very smooth, even on 100%+ quant tier 16 maps), any ideas on what I could improve? (It seems to me that my bow is kinda garbage, some easy upgrades would be a 21 CA gem, a hunter amulet with +1, and an Empower).

You can find my character at https://poe.ninja/challengessf/builds/char/guifiusa/SioperaYameteKudasai?i=39&search=skill%3DCaustic-Arrow
Última edição por guifiusa#2199 em 19 de nov de 2021 12:40:11
CptAlbatar escreveu:
Hi, i've allways wanted to play Death's Oath and i'm loving the build so far but i'm struggling a bit for the dex requirement. Can you give me an advice on where to put my dex instead of the ring? i'm dying quite often in t15/16 to oneshots so yeah i guess i have to upgrade? i have only 2ex at the moment but i'm farming so may be up to 10ex in a few days

Ty for the cool build ! gl to you exile !

Uhm why you have a phasing jewel in the belt when you get phasing from tree on kill..

From what I see 50 dex from death oath + 70 from tree + 16 from impresence = 146 dex.

You need to cover that to 159 so another 13dex... S1 jewel hits 16 dexterity. Since you have a useless mod (because you either use taste of hate with clusters or get phasing from tree) on the one you are currently wearing you can cover it there. You can also hit 10 dex + 10 strg ( or intel) for a total of 26 dex on jewel. Even covers the enchant the OP has on the belt to cover the dex (hence you can get something else there like rez + chaos rez). And you only sacrifice the -2% to rez while affected by wither.

Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Última edição por Vendetta#0327 em 19 de nov de 2021 13:06:59
Vendetta escreveu:
CptAlbatar escreveu:
Hi, i've allways wanted to play Death's Oath and i'm loving the build so far but i'm struggling a bit for the dex requirement. Can you give me an advice on where to put my dex instead of the ring? i'm dying quite often in t15/16 to oneshots so yeah i guess i have to upgrade? i have only 2ex at the moment but i'm farming so may be up to 10ex in a few days

Ty for the cool build ! gl to you exile !

Uhm why you have a phasing jewel in the belt when you get phasing from tree on kill..

From what I see 50 dex from death oath + 70 from tree + 16 from impresence = 146 dex.

You need to cover that to 159 so another 13dex... S1 jewel hits 16 dexterity. Since you have a useless mod (because you either use taste of hate with clusters or get phasing from tree) on the one you are currently wearing you can cover it there. You can also hit 10 dex + 10 strg ( or intel) for a total of 26 dex on jewel. Even covers the enchant the OP has on the belt to cover the dex (hence you can get something else there like rez + chaos rez). And you only sacrifice the -2% to rez while affected by wither.


Thx for the answer :) i'll try to get a nice jewel on my belt but in fact i need 179dex and not 159 since i might use a thicket bow :/ but i guess i'll try to find a pair of gloves with some dex on it or just give up on my cold res craft on belt to replace it by str+dex craft :)

Thx again for help ! <3
Why would you use a thicket bow ?
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
cause i droped one with hunter influence and got 6L on it :/ but i still can sold it
do we lose dmg if we have the "deal no physical damage" scourge mod in weapon?

also, can someone tell me if this bow is worth 6l or should I buy one from trade? thanks for the help
hello guys !=)

Can someone tell me why with this build I 'm getting always ONE SHOT by the Minotor ?

clearing map is so smooth I do love it , but against bosses it's pretty hard no life regen eand almost no damage mitigation how do you solve it ?

ty =)

Edit , well mapping is insane while bossing feels so bad , kkinda sad , while stop playing this build
Última edição por mitenayo#0161 em 20 de nov de 2021 03:35:38
I follow his Pob. Damage seen nice but I can't dealt with wave 25+ Simu. Do you guys have any feedback to improve on simu?

My pob: https://pastebin.com/L7ASGwWa

QLR escreveu:
Hi everyone, after some time testing different setups, finaly got one I like.
Maybe it'll help someone, who has some currency but don't know how to boost dps.
Curently have 732k Death Aura DoT DPS and 2.87kk on CA with 9 withered stacks. Yeah, it's easy to change 2 support gem to get 4kk with CA, that'd be next update.
About defence:
5600 HP, 22k armour(+8% phys reduction from watcher), 110 movespeed with phaserun, stun/freeze/chill immune, 75% reduced shock effect, all w/o flasks/pantheon. No mana issues.
Using Solaris for anticrit and Ralakesh for phys DoT reduction.

Build works great, survives on 30 lvl simulacrum.

Current gear:

PoB link:

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