[3.13] Aura Stacking Minions (20-30+ Mil DPS, ~87% resistances, Beginner Friendly, League Starter)

Hey man, thanks for the guide!!
Is there gonna be a expensive skeleton pob in the future?
Ok I think I reached a plateau with Artless Assassins. Maybe there are ways to improve on them but I'm not sure how would we proceed.

Here's the "final" PoB that is the character I used. Minus the last 5 skill points th: https://pastebin.com/Ewx96a6s

A few notes:

You can get the Artless Assassin desecrating in Smuggler's Den.

They have a 75% conversion from physical to fire. PoB states that increasing physical damage is better (like with Maim support) but in practice it doesn't seems so. I think PoB doesn't take into account that conversion.

A big DPS share seems to actually be the Explosive Arrow component. (If this is true, Pierce may not be optimal for clearing as stated below, because of how Explosive Arrow works)

The clear speed actually feels better than my WaffleT's Golem Build in Ritual. Granted, my Standard build has better gear, but still, it's considerable. Not sure about single target dps, but killing Elder was quite a breeze, and pretty fast. With these changes it was actually faster than the video I linked previously

The attacks doesn't seem to Shotgun, so GMP is better than Greater Volley.

The spectres seem to die more than I would like. But maybe it's me being dumb.

Changes from the base build are:

- Spectre links: Raise Spectre - Vicious Projectiles/Pierce - GMP/Predador - Minion Damage - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Elemental Focus

(Could swap GMP for Slower Projectiles [no colour change] or Predator [needs colour change] if we take PoB in consideration. Also Pierce could improve clearing, but 2 gem swaps are waaaay to much for my lazy ass)

- Pride -> Hatred (I'm not sure why this works, but Kay uses this and it does seem to improve DPS)

- Maim can be swapped with Elemental Weakness curse so we can fit Elemental Army supporting the Animate Guardian instead of Flesh Offering.

Overall I don't know if I would swap my WaffleT's Carrion Golem build for Artless Assassins, although ot does seem to have a better clearing speed. Single target is kinda lacking with GMP.

Also it does seem to work on a cheaper budget, if you don't count the Shavronne's. The issue with this "cheap" budget is that a Solaris Lorica would need 5 off colours, while Golem builds needs only 3. So you'd need to go straight from a 4 link Solaris Lorica to a 6L Shavs, maybe 6 white.

In Flashback with SO i was clearing T16 with a 4 link Solaris Lorica, so... i dunno. AA doesn't seem to be as OP as SO though.

So yeah, I guess this is it. I'm done with testing lol. Hopefully someone with more game knowledge can improve on this setup.

If I

Hopefully Flickershade gets fixed soon and then we'll really have an insanely OP spectre to use until they nerf it again.

EDIT: decided to test the build again, with a t16 with more packs sextants. Clear speed is really good, but single target is SEVERLY lacking on my setup, even with predator.

Here's a new video showing a full Maze of the Minotaur. Gameplay is scuffed as hell, but w/e. Minotaur was too hard to kill.

Última edição por Garulf161#3794 em 20 de jan de 2021 11:50:57
kkhode escreveu:

Thanks for the insights! I think your post probably reduced the barrage of questions regarding the build by a lot. So thanks for that!

Btw, what build did you league start with? I'm trying a phantasm skely mage build and damn it's fun. I just created a small build guide about that too.


Yo man, thank you for the kind words. I am glad that my post was of some use. ^^

I actually did not start with this build sadly, because I played it quite a lot last league. I started with flameslinger (KB+ flame wall) elementalist and before Kitava switched to divine ire ignite build. Pretty fun so far, but I haven't reached red maps yet, so we shall see. Pretty much gathering currency for some build I will try to push endgame with, I think indigon BV mana hiero or something. Thanks for asking! :)

Glad to hear you are having fun. Checked the build and honestly, I am very interested. :D Seems super fun, I will prolly give it a go a bit later in the league. So thank you for yet another great build, and keep having fun man! :)
Garulf161 escreveu:
Ok I think I reached a plateau with Artless Assassins. Maybe there are ways to improve on them but I'm not sure how would we proceed.


EDIT: decided to test the build again, with a t16 with more packs sextants. Clear speed is really good, but single target is SEVERLY lacking on my setup, even with predator.

Here's a new video showing a full Maze of the Minotaur. Gameplay is scuffed as hell, but w/e. Minotaur was too hard to kill.


Damn. The manuevering on that mino kill was smooth as butter though.

One of the major reasons this build worked so well on SOs was because they were 100% phys spectres that spell echoed "attacks" that triggered multiple impales at once.

AAs just don't do that. They're only 50%, with downtime when casting explosive arrows and have no shotgunning impales. So yeah, I don't think impale, maim is the way to go with AAs.

If you really want to do AAs, just change the gloves Grip of the council, remove pride, flesh and stone and dread banner and add Hatred. Now we can get remaining 50% phys damage as cold and scale it with Hatred. Hatred scaling is quite impressive with Vengful commander and first among equals medium cluster. Might need to move things around to meet Str stat requirements, but you could probably get that on any of the cluster jewels or something.

Similar idea applies to Frost auto scouts, but I'd leave that to someone else to pursue. For now, I'm a phantasm skely mage boi.
Última edição por kkhode#5003 em 20 de jan de 2021 17:09:35
Hiya, thanks for posting your builds and giving advice. I'm new to Summoners and made my way to T16 maps using a skele/golem build found on the forums. After switching to this one I feel incredibly squishy, getting one shotted even in T10 maps when testing it and my minions seem to die very quickly as well. Both problems I wasn't really having using the other build.

Aside from equiping the Shavs when I finally get the sockets right, upgrading the gloves and changing out a Ghastly Jewel for more dex/str, can someone give me some info about what I should change or what I'm doing wrong? I feel like I'm missing something important in regard to staying alive and keeping minions up but I can't figure out what it is. Maybe I just need to min/max more?

With these items equipped I"m at 5.2k ES, 1.9k ES regen, and all resists at 82%. Switch out for items in stash keeps the resists the same but puts me at 4.3k ES.

Any help is appreciated!

Nuclear_Sushi escreveu:
Hiya, thanks for posting your builds and giving advice. I'm new to Summoners and made my way to T16 maps using a skele/golem build found on the forums. After switching to this one I feel incredibly squishy, getting one shotted even in T10 maps when testing it and my minions seem to die very quickly as well. Both problems I wasn't really having using the other build.

Aside from equiping the Shavs when I finally get the sockets right, upgrading the gloves and changing out a Ghastly Jewel for more dex/str, can someone give me some info about what I should change or what I'm doing wrong? I feel like I'm missing something important in regard to staying alive and keeping minions up but I can't figure out what it is. Maybe I just need to min/max more?

With these items equipped I"m at 5.2k ES, 1.9k ES regen, and all resists at 82%. Switch out for items in stash keeps the resists the same but puts me at 4.3k ES.

Any help is appreciated!

Hello man,

I think your problem is the Shavs. Chaos damage by default ignores energy shield and always deals damage straight to your life pool, which is super low if you are using Low Life build such as this, to reserve most of your life for auras. This means you have only like a 100 life to deal with any chaos damage, which basically translates into the problem you are having. Instant death. The only way to reserve auras on life and still live is Shavronnes or the poor man version Solaris Lorica, which both have the mod "Chaos damage does not bypass energy shield".

The easiest way to immediately solve your problem is to buy Jeweller's Touch prophecy if you do not have many fusings or link the Shavs yourself for at least 5l and do 2 red colors bench craft - if you wanna keep using the gems you have in the 6l. That will give you a ton of es on top of the ability to deal with chaos dmg.

Regarding the minions, I suppose skellies can be a bit squishy and you can aside meat shield or minion life to your golem and specters, but I really never had any problems with minions dying aside from zombos in very high delirium maps. It should definitely get much better when you get further with your aura effect and gem levels. The max res from 82% to 87% is a big difference. Also, you can buy lvl 21 gems which give all minions a significant health increase.

Hope it helps and solves the problem. GL HF with the build. :)
Rhothgarr escreveu:
Nuclear_Sushi escreveu:
Hiya, thanks for posting your builds and giving advice. I'm new to Summoners and made my way to T16 maps using a skele/golem build found on the forums. After switching to this one I feel incredibly squishy, getting one shotted even in T10 maps when testing it and my minions seem to die very quickly as well. Both problems I wasn't really having using the other build.

Aside from equiping the Shavs when I finally get the sockets right, upgrading the gloves and changing out a Ghastly Jewel for more dex/str, can someone give me some info about what I should change or what I'm doing wrong? I feel like I'm missing something important in regard to staying alive and keeping minions up but I can't figure out what it is. Maybe I just need to min/max more?

With these items equipped I"m at 5.2k ES, 1.9k ES regen, and all resists at 82%. Switch out for items in stash keeps the resists the same but puts me at 4.3k ES.

Any help is appreciated!

Hello man,

I think your problem is the Shavs. Chaos damage by default ignores energy shield and always deals damage straight to your life pool, which is super low if you are using Low Life build such as this, to reserve most of your life for auras. This means you have only like a 100 life to deal with any chaos damage, which basically translates into the problem you are having. Instant death. The only way to reserve auras on life and still live is Shavronnes or the poor man version Solaris Lorica, which both have the mod "Chaos damage does not bypass energy shield".

The easiest way to immediately solve your problem is to buy Jeweller's Touch prophecy if you do not have many fusings or link the Shavs yourself for at least 5l and do 2 red colors bench craft - if you wanna keep using the gems you have in the 6l. That will give you a ton of es on top of the ability to deal with chaos dmg.

Regarding the minions, I suppose skellies can be a bit squishy and you can aside meat shield or minion life to your golem and specters, but I really never had any problems with minions dying aside from zombos in very high delirium maps. It should definitely get much better when you get further with your aura effect and gem levels. The max res from 82% to 87% is a big difference. Also, you can buy lvl 21 gems which give all minions a significant health increase.

Hope it helps and solves the problem. GL HF with the build. :)

Gotcha! I figured that was the major issue. I just can't seem to get the 3 reds I was hoping for on the Shavs haha. I will take care of it and see about getting some 20+ gems. Appreciate the response and the advice!
Nuclear_Sushi escreveu:

Gotcha! I figured that was the major issue. I just can't seem to get the 3 reds I was hoping for on the Shavs haha. I will take care of it and see about getting some 20+ gems. Appreciate the response and the advice!

No problem at all, glad it helped you! Regarding the colors on Shavs, there is 3 red socket crafting recipe that can be unlocked in Runed Chamber in Delve. When you have it, you need 120 chroms to get guaranteed 3 red sockets. Ofc, it can be dumb and roll more off colors, but with a rather high int base like Shavs, it should one of the easiest outcomes. Otherwise, you can do 2 sockets, 2 sockets to red, then spam 3 and 2 sockets until you hit 3rd red and then 6s recipe. But that would be much more expensive albeit still rather easy. You can also search for some crafting service on forums on Forgotten Trove discord if you do not have the recipes and do not wanna farm them. ;)

GL! :)
Rhothgarr escreveu:
Nuclear_Sushi escreveu:

Gotcha! I figured that was the major issue. I just can't seem to get the 3 reds I was hoping for on the Shavs haha. I will take care of it and see about getting some 20+ gems. Appreciate the response and the advice!

No problem at all, glad it helped you! Regarding the colors on Shavs, there is 3 red socket crafting recipe that can be unlocked in Runed Chamber in Delve. When you have it, you need 120 chroms to get guaranteed 3 red sockets. Ofc, it can be dumb and roll more off colors, but with a rather high int base like Shavs, it should one of the easiest outcomes. Otherwise, you can do 2 sockets, 2 sockets to red, then spam 3 and 2 sockets until you hit 3rd red and then 6s recipe. But that would be much more expensive albeit still rather easy. You can also search for some crafting service on forums on Forgotten Trove discord if you do not have the recipes and do not wanna farm them. ;)

GL! :)

Tyty, I've been neglecting delving. In regard to my first post, the dying problem was indeed solved by equipping the Shavs, can actually take a few his now instead of exploding as soon as a mob looks in my direction. The minions still feel really squishy though. Last night I fought the Phoenix Guardian and it seemed like every hit, especially her AOE explosion thing killed all my minions including my golem. They just can't seem to tank well.

I'm missing cluster jewels that would, I assume, greatly increase my minions damage as well as some gem levels. Clearing for the most part is ok, they shred normal mobs but bosses take forever to down with my current gear.
Has anyone tryed this build with crabbies? Which gems would need to be changed?

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