[3.24] SRS Bomber aka Popcorn SRS | League Start to Endgame | All Content
" Nice Helmet. The "Socketed Gems deal 30% more Elemental Damage" is a more multiplier for us, compareable with the Hypothermia Support. Definitly worth using. I haven't recommended Essence crafted Helmets in the guide, since hitting a decent one is a real pain. Poeatlas.app
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" Oh perfect, thank you very very much! So it's definitely not worth going for it, however if you have it as an enchant on a helmet, it doesn't hurt either (depending of course, as it takes a slot away). |
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РHey, folks. i would like a somewhat noobish question. I am running this build now and there are a couple of things i would like to ask.
1) Currently i see that all the suggested build upgrades are 1ex and more, but i rarely even get the shards at tier 9-12 maps which i can run comfortably at the current setup, so should i keep sticking to yellow maps until i get at least +2 helmet for srs? 2) Currently the srs are dying too late so that most of the time i am trying to avoid damage and i get a very small window to cast the srs is it normal for this build? |
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" 1. There is plenty of room for upgrade for a few Chaos: - Get a Hunter Influence Chest with additional Cruse and offering effect: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/8LW58zMiV get a Jeweller's Touch Prophecy to make it 5-Link: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/EoOYc5 => Total ~20C - Get a Stygian Vise With Life and Resistances => 10C - Get Ghasytly Eye Jewels with max Life and at least one of "increased minion Life", "increased Minion Damage" => 1C - Get a Rumi's Concoction => 5C - Get some Shrieking or Deafening Essences of Fear, get A Convocation Wand iLvl 84+, Craft it until you have a open Suffix (Craft "trigger Spell" on it) => Total ~15C - Get a Large Cluster Jewel with fewer passives. 8 is best, 9 is ok: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/7DaJ8o7t5 => 15C - Get Medium Clusters with max 5 passives and "Feasting Fiends" and one of "Hulkingcorpses" or "Bodyguards" https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/Kmk5opPH5 => 2*10C Besides your gear you should check your Gem Setups. I'd recommend dropping the Zombies and getting Spectres instead (Artless Assassins from Heist). If you have a 5-Link Chest just leave out the Feeding Frenzy Add a Hextouch Ball Lightning Setup with Elemental Weakness and Flammability (if you have the new Chest) Put Desecrate, Tempest Shield and Bone offering in your new Trigger Wand Drop the "Quickening Covenant" Jewel, it does nothing useful for you. Get a Quarz Flask Spec into "Elemental Equilibrium" (You proc it by casting Ball lightning) 2. You typicaly don't wait to see your SRS explode. You normally have a stutter-step playstyle "cast - walk/charge/dash - cast - walk/charge/dash" and so on. Besides stronger Rares and Bosses your SRS should one-shot everything so you don't have to wait for them. Just circle back when something of interest drops. If you still feel SRS die too slow get a "Fortress Covenant" Jewel and socket it somewhere, where it influences one notable passive that you have spect Poeatlas.app
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What are the options we have for ailment immunity?
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This is my first real league start and love leveling with this build :D
Super funny "pop, pop, pop" of SRS head exploding ^ Thanks a lot ! A question, if you mind : I'm a bit puzzled by the fact you put the wand trigger to the desecrate/tempest shield/bone offering. Instinctily i would have put the lighting/hex/elemental weakness on trigger to proc weakness as much as possible Any comment on that ^^ ? (don't have the wand yet so can't give it a try for now ;) ) Edit: i'm stupid, the "trigger" part of the wand cost nothing should definitely buy it :D Última edição por Zaephiryn#3898 em 11 de ago de 2021 02:32:03
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" What you want to have up as much as possible is survivability, and block is the biggest part of it in this build. So trigger is used for tempest shield and bone offering (which has to be accompanied by desecrate). For general map clearing you don't really have to have constant curse uptime, cause trash mobs die quickly anyway. I only cast my storm brand on tougher packs/rares/bosses as needed. " as far as I know: - synthesized gloves implicit (25%) - shaper boots suffix (up to 25%, or 35% with maven orb), or craft - shield suffix craft (18%) - body armor craft (20%), or T4 Aisling unveil (30%) - amulet anointment (like Arcane Swiftness, 15%) - Harvest jewel implicits and abyss jewel explicits (10% or a bit more for a single ailment) to fill up missing % Currently I'm working towards 25% gloves + 35% boots + 18% shield + body unveil. Body armor is the most annoying part, cause each attempt requires crafting "suffixes cannot be changed", then farming up T3 Aisling and Mastermind, then winning 50% roll for aisling to remove metamod and not additional curse, and on top of that Jun has to unveil ailment avoidance as one of the three options. Última edição por Prypcio#5727 em 11 de ago de 2021 03:36:40
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" Sweet thanks this is what I have so far, all of this gear is self-crafted: " Have room for spider on one of the rings. Still leveling should hit Blood Aqueduct tonight. :) livejamie
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" Exactly right. " Correct, but since we "only" need 100% avoidance you should be good with: - 25% Synthesized Implicit (Gloves, Boots, Rings, Belt are possible, but I would go for gloves) - 25% Shaper Boots suffix - 18% Shield suffix - 20% Body Armour Craft - 15% Arcane Swiftness (Amulet Anointment) => 103% Poeatlas.app
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Do the Spectres we use have to be Fire ones? If we have Phys ones if we have Added Fire Ghastly Jewels will that work?
If we have to use Fire, have you tried Solaris Champions? Or would you still recommend Artless Assassin without the GMP/Pierce? I think for my chest I'm going to try Animate Guardian/Zombie/Spectre - Elemental Army - Combustion - Feeding Frenzy If we don't need Fire, what are some good utility Spectres to use? livejamie
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