[3.24] SRS Bomber aka Popcorn SRS | League Start to Endgame | All Content
Thanks for the answer :). Do you have any tips for the helmet? Is it worth trying to craft it ? I'm not really at ease with all the crafting possibilities lol
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There are notes in the Guide on How to craft the Helmet, checkout the Details in the Gear section.
The only struggle is getting a usable Roll of prefixes, but you have a "decent" chance to hit a viable combination with Fossils. When you have your prefixes you can't brick the helmet (unless you fuck up ;-)) it will just eat some currency to to. I was lucky to craft my Helmet in Expedition within 10ex (including the Base for 2ex) So yeah, its worth trying when you got some currency to spare. But you don't have to do it until late in the game. Poeatlas.app
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Current Guide Version – 22.10.2021
- slightly updated passiv tree (taking life mastery earlier, taking Divine Shield with Thread of hope) According to u/Mark_GGG on Reddit Divine Shield should also proc when you Block a hit, since blocking prevents the Damage. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/qd4crg/comment/hhktpsc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Poeatlas.app
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I havent played the game for a few years but looking to start again with this new season. Stumbled across this build and have a (likely) very noobish question.
When looking at the PoB setup with the endgame gear loadout I noticed that the elemental resists are all deficient. Is that intentional? Also I havent played since crafting became more accessible and dont have a very good idea of the reality of building a helm like the one outlined in the guide. Is this gear achievable for someone who cant devote "full time" status to the game? Thanks in advance. ![]() |
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" Hey, That's a fair question. And yes it's intentional, I didn't put any resistances on any of the gear pieces. I don't want the player to think "oh I HAVE to get those 30 fire res in my left ring slot" etc. You just get the resistances you need where ever you can. On all gear pieces there should be enough open suffix slots that you can reach your resistance cap. The gear is mostly quite easy to get, besides the helmet. ;-) But even without the endgame crafted helmet you should be able to do anything in the game. Poeatlas.app
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" That makes total sense. Thank you for the prompt reply and for taking the time to share your build. |
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Hey, what spectres are you using in the videos? ( the bow hoodie dudes) also what spectres do you recommend, in case it's writen somewhere in the build I can't find it.
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" It should be in the guide, those are Artless Assassin's. But it doesn't matter all that much which spectres you use. The main purpose is to apply fire exposure, so you ideally want spectres that fire a some kind of projectile with fire damage. Besides artless assassin's you could also use Flame sentinels or Solar Guards. (Or what ever else works for you) Poeatlas.app
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Demon herder looks fine to apply debuff:
- 25% physical to fire (should be enough) - huge aoe without GMP nor pierce. - tanky Última edição por Suhuy#2176 em 24 de out de 2021 16:03:13
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" They DO look interessting! looking at poedb https://poedb.tw/us/Demon_Herder I guess the impact area is dealing all the damage and not the projectile it self. So what would you support them with? - Elemental Army (for fire exposure) - Combustion (chance to ignite, -10% fire Res) - Increased area of Effect (for more overlap, shotgunning)? - Ignite Proliferation (spreadding of Ignites) - Spell Echo (its a spell -> more projectiles -> more shotgunning)? - ... Any other ideas? Poeatlas.app
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