[3.20] Gryph's Burning Witch - CoC Volatile Dead Necromancer - Burn Yourself Through the Atlas!

Gryphenprey escreveu:
charliebrown1321 escreveu:

Really truly I can't thank you enough both for the build guide (having so much fun!) and also for this excellent crafting guide. I have never done "serious" crafting and managed to make a pretty baller item (Didn't have the money to maven orb the mods but otherwise I think it turned out darn well!)

YO! Sick chest! That's what I'll be going for shortly (need to actually have play time to get currency for woke orb. lmao)

Gonna mesh these elevated ones and hope for the best! Wish me luck!

cjbender escreveu:
I am loving the build btw. :D Going through white maps right now not sure where to upgrade next tbh. I have all the uniques/ a 6 link explosion chest and the second best weapon cause it's cheap lol.

And basically it's just super min maxd gear to get the HP levels you get

Oh and also I'm having issues getting the auras in... I can only run Herald of ash, precision, and zealotry. I can't even fit in the flesh and stone with those... I have all of the aura reduction on the tree,... what am I missing?

Probably need to use a Conqueror's Efficiency jewel for the extra 2% mana reserve. That's how I fit it. Beyond that just adjust level of precision to accommodate your mana.

Dobster escreveu:
Hey Gryph, I'm the guy that just bought a 6 link off you. Huge coincidence that I'm following your build.

Loving the build and guide and not had this much fun in the game for a long time.

If your looking for a fun explodey build then this is the one you are looking for.

Thanks again for sharing this.

Woot! yeah it's a great splodey build. Happy that this build breathed some fresh air into POE for you! <3

Come hang out when I stream if you can.

I stream Every Tues, Wed, Friday USEastern time @2:45-4:45pm and 11pm-3am.
I also sporadically stream at those times on the off days when I am able (family man here ya know :P)


The conq efficiency jewel didn't fix it. Anger 42%/ Zealotry 42%/ Herald of ash 21% Just those 3 I still can't fit with the jewel socketed... I'm still unsure how you are making it happen. I have the whole sovereignty wheel as well...
cjbender escreveu:

The conq efficiency jewel didn't fix it. Anger 42%/ Zealotry 42%/ Herald of ash 21% Just those 3 I still can't fit with the jewel socketed... I'm still unsure how you are making it happen. I have the whole sovereignty wheel as well...

It sounds to me like you aren't using enlighten at all, you absolutely need at least a lvl 3 (I blew all my money crafting a chest so I'm using a 3 and can squeek in 13 levels of precision), but preferably a lvl 4 (this would let me run precision at lvl 20)

https://poe.mikelat.com/ Mikelat's aura calculator is really good for figuring out this stuff if you've never used it.
Última edição por charliebrown1321#6481 em 25 de jan de 2021 17:33:44
cjbender escreveu:

The conq efficiency jewel didn't fix it. Anger 42%/ Zealotry 42%/ Herald of ash 21% Just those 3 I still can't fit with the jewel socketed... I'm still unsure how you are making it happen. I have the whole sovereignty wheel as well...

Ah you're using 1 too many auras:

Zealotry(Default choice) OR Anger (with good watcher's eye basically)
Herald of Ash

Tommiiie escreveu:
DTB_CorruptD escreveu:
How do you get the aspect of the spider skill for use on the boots I might have overlooked it.

It's from beast crafts, you could search poetrade for it on a belt of gloves.

I've been looking into some alternate mods for Megalomaniac since Over overlord is ridiculous. I seen an interesting one and wonder if anyone has tried with this build? It's called Victim Maker and it reads, "Enemies Cursed by you have Malediction if 33% of Curse Duration expired".

This is Malediction:
"When you Kill an Enemy, for each Curse on that Enemy, gain 8% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage for 4 seconds You can apply an additional Curse 15% increased Effect of your Curses Enemies you Curse have Malediction"

Thinking it might be an easy way to get double curses and potentially some free chaos dmg?

Oh that's the Ascendancy, not the Malediction buff.

That said, we constantly reapply the curse so it wouldn't proc much sadly.
So I hit 100 yesterday with the build and I have a couple things to comment on:

1. I would not ever league start this again and would never recommend that anyone league start with it. It is a bitch to get tanky and I didn't feel great about the build until I got my watcher's eye. This could have been mitigated by grabbing the fenumus boots but I felt that was an extra transition that would have been a bit wasted. Also, the Eye of innocence is very expensive at the beginning of the league so watch out for that as well.

2. Starting with this is expensive and required a pretty big investment to feel good. I might be biased because I was doing really rippy content with it but that is just my feeling. Once you get over the 50ex mark the build starts to feel amazing though.

3. Phantasmal Desecrate looks like it was changed so is most likely not work it anymore?

This was a fun build that I am probably finished with now unless I was to keep crafting a bit more. I have some Cull gloves I am working on and the body armor could be much better. The helm is complete garbage and I would start fresh crafting it. The belt was picked up pretty early and I haven't seen any reason to improve it. Everything else is not bad but could be improved for sure. At a certain investment once I felt relatively unkillable I stopped worrying at all about gear so everything here is from day 4-5. The gimmick is fun and interesting and once you get over the gear hurdle, it plays very well and is insanely tanky. I made my money so it is time to test 3.14 league starters now. Have fun with the build everyone! :)

Gear when hitting 100:

I just made changes to my build with an edited version of blah, so I removed Immortal Call and switched back the Ice Golem because :
- The accuracy the Golem gives lets us have more freedom for Helmet / Gloves slot
- The additional crit chance alleviates a bit the lower base crit of Martyr
- Martyr is still more DPS than Replica Duskdawn in pretty much all my sims
- Having a Duskdawn means losing either a Prefix on Boots (for Cannot be Frozen) or a Suffix on a Flask (for Of Heat)

All in all, it seemed much more efficient to bring back the Golem (and possibly use the 150% effect enchant on top of Anomalous version for 170% increased effect) and remove Immortal Call.

However, that does NOT mean I was happy with removing Immortal Call. Having a 31% (not enough strength yet, Headhunter will eventually fix that) less Physical / Elemental damage taken for 2.72s every 5.22s is kinda pretty good...

So I had an illumination and instead dropped... Second Wind. I realized I don't really use it or need it in any way, only if I had to run a long long way without flasks or mobs (so prolly if I died (unlikely, the build scales so freaking well with currency, I'm close to reaching 98 by mapping in extra rippy triple legion maps)) and didn't have a portal close) and self-cast Immortal Call is actually crazy good for various reasons :
- You have it on demand and not randomly when our high level CWDT triggers
- Linked with Flame Dash it allows us to proc Arcane Surge reliably without having to dash around
- It also enables us to get that sweet +6% Spell Block chance from Conjured Wall on the Large Cluster Jewel

All in all very very happy with my tweaks, I finally bought the two unique Flasks (about time) and nearly doubled my dps, sitting at 200k spell hit for each VD.
And what's even nice is that there is soooooooooooooooo much room for improvements, mostly in terms of dps but also for tankiness. (when I see my belt, urgh)
I`m playing with this build, and I`m still on progress to improve the DPS.

I can say the survivability improved a lot with the WE, because to have always UP the ES x Soult Tether (that is a good start).

My Gear (I need to craft my Armor yet, I`d like +1 Curse, +Atk Crit Chance)

My first test x Minotaur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_87rzIZLgI

I did easy the Sirius 5, I`m going now to the next Sirius.

Thanks for the great build!
Última edição por afonsosp#2315 em 25 de jan de 2021 20:59:01
viper9494 escreveu:
1. I would not ever league start this again and would never recommend that anyone league start with it.
2. Starting with this is expensive and required a pretty big investment to feel good.

I think a really good alternative is to start as a Necro DD build. There are a TON of builds from HC SSF runners and the build scales well with ZERO investment. I used it till yellow/red maps and made the switch affording the core pieces and a Martyr of Innocene and it's been pretty smooth since.
hey gryph thanks for the build having a blast playing it atm.
just wondering i noticed that the boots you have have cool down recovery on movement skills and was wonderting if that affects the CoC aspect of the build since you dont have cooldown recovery on something else that i can see.
thanks for any help :D
Woute escreveu:
I just made changes to my build with an edited version of blah, so I removed Immortal Call and switched back the Ice Golem because :
- The accuracy the Golem gives lets us have more freedom for Helmet / Gloves slot
- The additional crit chance alleviates a bit the lower base crit of Martyr
- Martyr is still more DPS than Replica Duskdawn in pretty much all my sims
- Having a Duskdawn means losing either a Prefix on Boots (for Cannot be Frozen) or a Suffix on a Flask (for Of Heat)

All in all, it seemed much more efficient to bring back the Golem (and possibly use the 150% effect enchant on top of Anomalous version for 170% increased effect) and remove Immortal Call.

However, that does NOT mean I was happy with removing Immortal Call. Having a 31% (not enough strength yet, Headhunter will eventually fix that) less Physical / Elemental damage taken for 2.72s every 5.22s is kinda pretty good...

So I had an illumination and instead dropped... Second Wind. I realized I don't really use it or need it in any way, only if I had to run a long long way without flasks or mobs (so prolly if I died (unlikely, the build scales so freaking well with currency, I'm close to reaching 98 by mapping in extra rippy triple legion maps)) and didn't have a portal close) and self-cast Immortal Call is actually crazy good for various reasons :
- You have it on demand and not randomly when our high level CWDT triggers
- Linked with Flame Dash it allows us to proc Arcane Surge reliably without having to dash around
- It also enables us to get that sweet +6% Spell Block chance from Conjured Wall on the Large Cluster Jewel

All in all very very happy with my tweaks, I finally bought the two unique Flasks (about time) and nearly doubled my dps, sitting at 200k spell hit for each VD.
And what's even nice is that there is soooooooooooooooo much room for improvements, mostly in terms of dps but also for tankiness. (when I see my belt, urgh)

Hey thanks for the feedback! The biggest takeaway here for me is the use of self casting immortal call. I honestly had forgotten that that was a thing and just slapped it into CWDT because...well, lazy. I can easily swap the NEVER casted golem for IC. Good catch!

Regarding my thoughts on Martyr vs Rep DD...
I mean I've beat this like a dead horse by this point but still worth saying.

Rep DD will do more work by merits of crit chance. Also it scales the corpse explosions more than Martyr. Martyr damage is roughly 12-14% more than a well rolled Rep DD but can comfortably drop crit strikes support and possibly some crit on tree for more passives.

1 thing to take note of: when comparing them are you removing Avatar of Fire when switching to Replica DD? That node is not needed without battlemage adding physical damage to our spells. I could see this as a cause for why Martyr would be doing so much more as AOF deletes the extra chaos damage from Rep DD.

Boot cannot be frozen is stronger than Martyr's mod as well as it's unconditional (chill immune from wrapped in flame anyway).

that said, keep up the good work! That's quality feedback and I love it! :D

R1N1X escreveu:
hey gryph thanks for the build having a blast playing it atm.
just wondering i noticed that the boots you have have cool down recovery on movement skills and was wonderting if that affects the CoC aspect of the build since you dont have cooldown recovery on something else that i can see.
thanks for any help :D

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it. To answer the CDR question...It very simply is: I haven't felt like getting CDR yet as I plan to do it via Woke CoC support.

viper9494 escreveu:
So I hit 100 yesterday with the build and I have a couple things to comment on:

1. I would not ever league start this again and would never recommend that anyone league start with it. It is a bitch to get tanky and I didn't feel great about the build until I got my watcher's eye. This could have been mitigated by grabbing the fenumus boots but I felt that was an extra transition that would have been a bit wasted. Also, the Eye of innocence is very expensive at the beginning of the league so watch out for that as well.

2. Starting with this is expensive and required a pretty big investment to feel good. I might be biased because I was doing really rippy content with it but that is just my feeling. Once you get over the 50ex mark the build starts to feel amazing though.

3. Phantasmal Desecrate looks like it was changed so is most likely not work it anymore?

This was a fun build that I am probably finished with now unless I was to keep crafting a bit more. I have some Cull gloves I am working on and the body armor could be much better. The helm is complete garbage and I would start fresh crafting it. The belt was picked up pretty early and I haven't seen any reason to improve it. Everything else is not bad but could be improved for sure. At a certain investment once I felt relatively unkillable I stopped worrying at all about gear so everything here is from day 4-5. The gimmick is fun and interesting and once you get over the gear hurdle, it plays very well and is insanely tanky. I made my money so it is time to test 3.14 league starters now. Have fun with the build everyone! :)

Gear when hitting 100:

*cracks knuckles* Okay let's break down some of this! :D

1. Regarding league start. Fair. Totally fair. I underestimated the cost of Eye of Innocence at league start by a lot. That said, I anticipated not having access to it for a few days but still. I also made this build with a general idea that it would just scale smoothly. Yeah I was wrong and have spent a lot of time figuring out the best way to scale it up to the Watcher's Eye. I think I inevitably figured it out pretty well. I would label this as a solid 2nd character (or level as something else/similar and transition later).

2. Kinda answered it in 1, but yeah. 2nd toon material for sure. Gives you time to pick up the major defensive pieces that way and would likely make it really smooth sailing from there.

3. Phantasmal Desecrate now provides 20% chance to generate corpses that have 300% increased life. Someone with more knowledge about average monster life in maps would be able to tell me if this is better than the monsters in your average map or not. If it is (I think it probably is?) then it's still worth. That said, I am also slowly working on my gear which includes and unset ring for a raise specter gem with Primal Crushclaw and...there's another one from Harvest that has insane life as well. Just to add these to the desecrate pool for massive DPS boost. I may find a 2L somewhere for meatshield even if I think it's needed (can't hurt).

Anyways, thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed the build :D
Última edição por Gryphenprey#0653 em 26 de jan de 2021 03:25:23
il aurais un francais qui joue ce build et qui peut m'aidé svp

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