[3.20] Gryph's Burning Witch - CoC Volatile Dead Necromancer - Burn Yourself Through the Atlas!
" I want to, but I don't think the other offerings are worth the gem slots and sacrificing a belt slot. Also, we can only afford so much attack speed before we start skipping procs and losing DPS which a boosted (offering effect chest) Flesh Offering will give too much. Was one of the first things I looked at actually bc I love the concept of that belt. |
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" I've been playing baronmancer every league since blight, and Ive been waiting for a...faster build than it, i'm really liking this build. However, do you have issues with sirus or anything? And secondly, with what we know about 3.13, do you think there are possibly large gains we could get from mavens orb and such? |
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I'm looking at both your self burn VD build and your cremation witch build. Both look like a blast and will probably try both this upcoming league. Which one do you think will have a better league start?
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" Have not had major issues with any content. Atziri/Uber Atziri probably not doable unless you get reflect immunity though. I died to Sirus a couple times due to my own play errors but he melts really fast. One struggle will likely be just getting all the build's tankiness put together as that is where the bulk of our main investments are. Things like Glorious Vanity, rare chest with 10% of life as extra max ES, and unique/cluster jewels all add substantial boosts to our survivability. As for Maven Orb shenanigans, that's going to be a matter of waiting and seeing what the elevated mods are. But some of the influence mods we can make good use of include: Chest: Attack Crit Spell Crit Offering Effect Splodey Extra Curse Boots: Tailwind Elusive on crit Cooldown Recovery Rate Helmet: Power Charge Global Crit Multi Elemental Damage Fire damage to spells There are others I'm not listing simply bc the list is extensive. Need to see what they all are really. More importantly, Harvest Crafting should allow us to make absurd chest pieces where we Woke orb an Elevated mod with say, offering effect, and use Harvest to clean it up and add attack and spell crit. " For the average person I would say cremation is easier since it builds itself. Cremation is also looking to be exceptional mechanically for Ritual. That said, Cremation always ends up getting boring for me by the time I get to around level 90 or so because it's slow and I feel like I can't farm efficiently to make the needed upgrades for it. This one will scale exceptionally well into maps but will feel a lot squishier than the Archmage Cremation build until you start layering her endgame defenses. I would highly suggest doing a practice run at least once before league start with this to get familiar with it in a league start scenario. Worth Noting regarding early defenses: You can squeeze in the following auras with a conqueror's efficiency jewel: Anger + herald of ash + Flesh n Stone + Precision(level to as high as mana allows while leaving about 40-50 mana if using smoke mine+flame dash) Última edição por Gryphenprey#0653 em 12 de jan de 2021 21:37:48
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" Thanks for the advice. I think I'll give the cremation a go first. I've done VD before and with VD being decently popular with all the build variants maybe I'll be able to gear cremation easier. Speed doesn't bother me too much. Looking forward to Friday! Thanks again. Última edição por Noctuaturpe#3686 em 12 de jan de 2021 22:02:26
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Gryph's Cremation build is probably the best you can play in the new league.
Its perfect for fighting bosses in small areas. On top of that you can even tank a full sirus beam when Arcane cloak is up (where you end up frozen). Desecrate with all the triggered spells let normal mobs melt in 1-2 shots even without Cremation. You are not the fastest mapper but with all the movement nerfs in the new patch, most builds arent so much faster anymore. If this build doesent work for me Cremation will be my fallback build although i have played it the last 2 leagues. |
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Wondering since eye of innocence is pretty much mandatory, what do you do until you get it? Spellslinging until you get it? Since it drops from phoenix it's pretty expensive/unavailable the first few days :3
Última edição por shokilicious#2638 em 13 de jan de 2021 13:07:06
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" Good question: I play without the self-ignite+CWDT stuff because at its core, CoC VD will work fine on its own. The self ignite+self damage mechanics are there because I am lazy and like my utility spells to cast themselves. Also the "while ignited" bonuses are pretty legit. But yeah you can make the switch as soon as you have a 6L (tabula) and around level 67-70 |
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PoB has been updated, now all skill trees need to be converted to 3.13.
Unfortunatly the dps drop is a bit higher than expected, more like 10-14%, both on Cyclone and VD. At least this is not a Summoner or Assassin build, so i do not complain. I copied all the leveling trees into the main PoB and all important leveling information into Notes. I like to have quick access and everything in 1 spot. :) |
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" The 10-14% damage drop may not be entirely accurate as the gem updates don't usually take effect in POB until the actual patch drops. But if none of the gems we are using got any changes then I am not so sure. Just wanted to add that it may not be final. Última edição por AngelOfPassion#3443 em 13 de jan de 2021 16:35:55
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