[3.14] Dejuvenate's Flameslinger Elementalist. Best League starter and unethical clear speed

BergMichel escreveu:
Some videos of this build with mostly endgame gear:

A9 Sirus:

A9 Conqueror:

T16 Fractured Canyon:

I have roughly 7m Sirus dps with flasks up. I could probably push to 10m with Malachai's + Stygian + trigger wand memes, but I'm too lazy to gearswap just for bosses and built with clearspeed as a priority.

This is probably the strongest build I've ever played, and I have no idea why it's not more popular.

I like your setup so I think I'm going to use it as a base.

Can you go into depth about the Malachi + Stygian + Trigger setup and what the differences are between the "ideal" setup and your current setup?

Also is your helm better than one with Spellslinger mana? If you had Spellslinger mana would you do something different?

I'll likely do the same thing but knowing what you're talking about will help me build it.

Thanks to everybody for their help so far!
Kateroze escreveu:

I think you should ensure your socketed golem can do lightning or cold damage.
Only the gem that is socketed on Malachai's Artifice will have Elemental Equilibrium, so that gem must do lightning/cold damage so fire resistance of the target is lowered.

Let's wait for other guys to validate this tho, I'm still kinda "new" to Path of Exile.

For potential upgrade for your stuff, I think that Shadowstitch is a really good upgrade if you want more dps AND not lower your survivability.

I thought the chaos golem is enough...

Well, if someone could let us know if we need any kind of abyss jewel for the socketed golem to proc EE would be great
livejamie escreveu:
I like your setup so I think I'm going to use it as a base.

Can you go into depth about the Malachi + Stygian + Trigger setup and what the differences are between the "ideal" setup and your current setup?

Also is your helm better than one with Spellslinger mana? If you had Spellslinger mana would you do something different?

I'll likely do the same thing but knowing what you're talking about will help me build it.

Thanks to everybody for their help so far!

Basically, Malachai's Artifice does almost nothing for clearspeed, as the golems have to melee hit an enemy in order to apply EE. Therefore it's only useful for single target, where it is an insane boost.
This is also the reason why I don't use a trigger wand atm. Getting one would lower resistances by a further 27%, but only to very few targets. I'd rather fill the sockets with something else instead.

As to the helmet, it's definitely not better. I only got it because I orginally went with Divine-Flesh + Perma Righteous Fire, but I dropped it because headhunter gives you a shitton of ES.
Getting mana reserved enchant would probably allow me to drop Charisma and annoint Growth and Decay instead, which isn't a huge upgrade but still quite nice.

Here's my current PoB in case you want to take a gander: https://pastebin.com/za8FYUbE
Flameslinger PoB: https://pastebin.com/dqbLZnda
BergMichel escreveu:

Here's my current PoB in case you want to take a gander: https://pastebin.com/za8FYUbE

Any reason you didn't take the nodes around Arcane Guarding? Seems like a good decision for both block and damage. Maybe rather than the small nodes around Constitution?
Just curios
Cry0nicS escreveu:
Any reason you didn't take the nodes around Arcane Guarding? Seems like a good decision for both block and damage. Maybe rather than the small nodes around Constitution?
Just curios

I hate chance based defense, and not taking it frees up 5 points that I'd rather spend on extra Life. It's a 600 hp+es difference.
Flameslinger PoB: https://pastebin.com/dqbLZnda
BergMichel escreveu:

I hate chance based defense, and not taking it frees up 5 points that I'd rather spend on extra Life. It's a 600 hp+es difference.

Maybe I should do the same. The difference is like 25% chance to block spell damage and some extra damage increase

This build doing A9 uber elder with maven.
Far from flawless gameplay, just mindless shooting all around, ate shaper's beam while reading what does someone wish to buy :^D

When world record is around 1:23 on normal a0 uber with no maven and with items that do not exist anymore anything under 5minutes is great.

This was something around 2minutes from boss activation to loot drop.
Not using anything special, keeping all ehp and map clear items.
But I plan to drop 600hp to double my dps but i did not get the items needed yet.
So like I said before, sure you will likely not break world record times but you will not do noticably worse either.

Unless you run 200 uber elders per day, something which lets admit it you do not ever and never will, it is fine tm.
just for curiosity: you would lose around 1hour and 40minutes of your time per day running 200 of them with my character compared to real boss carry build.

There are people that pushed dps in this build far futher than me, there is dude running around with 3000 life and has almost 20mil normal dps that i've seen on poeninja.

So there is challenge to you dps focused guys, do the same time as world record on maven uber elder with this flamewall build and I will reward you with
2chaos orbs

It is free money guys, I will also reward first 3 people that try with 1 chaos orb.
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
Última edição por CAKE#4700 em 16 de fev de 2021 05:31:47

>Tfw your sirus dps is 20million
>Tfw you die after attacking once inside normal map
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
BergMichel escreveu:
livejamie escreveu:
I like your setup so I think I'm going to use it as a base.

Can you go into depth about the Malachi + Stygian + Trigger setup and what the differences are between the "ideal" setup and your current setup?

Also is your helm better than one with Spellslinger mana? If you had Spellslinger mana would you do something different?

I'll likely do the same thing but knowing what you're talking about will help me build it.

Thanks to everybody for their help so far!

Basically, Malachai's Artifice does almost nothing for clearspeed, as the golems have to melee hit an enemy in order to apply EE. Therefore it's only useful for single target, where it is an insane boost.
This is also the reason why I don't use a trigger wand atm. Getting one would lower resistances by a further 27%, but only to very few targets. I'd rather fill the sockets with something else instead.

As to the helmet, it's definitely not better. I only got it because I orginally went with Divine-Flesh + Perma Righteous Fire, but I dropped it because headhunter gives you a shitton of ES.
Getting mana reserved enchant would probably allow me to drop Charisma and annoint Growth and Decay instead, which isn't a huge upgrade but still quite nice.

Here's my current PoB in case you want to take a gander: https://pastebin.com/za8FYUbE

Got it, so you decided to go with rings that give resists and EHP.

What would change if you went with a trigger wand?
I have am empty socket that I'm not sure what to use it for.

Option 1: Link 3 golems to Meat Shield / Predator support gem (to make them aggressive / have a chance to taunt)

Option 2: Link flame dash (already linked to SW and Arcane surge) to something like Enhance / faster casting / Increased duration (works well with arcane surge)

Option 3: self-cast _something_ like Void Sphere or Tempest Shield.

Any suggestions?

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