[3.13] Divine Ire Igniter Elementalist | 30 Million Damage Pure Lightning Ignites

Yeah, I'm cruising pretty smooth in t14-16s now. Honestly aegis is ridiculous and I feel really tanky with glancing blows life on block arctic armor and rumi's+taste of hate. unwavering helps too
For anyone struggling a bit, here's a list of mods to look for on items:

Gain % physical as extra lightning or as extra chaos
Getting 20% on your wand is significantly better than a +1 to lightning skill gems wand. Our ignite damage is based on the initial hit damage of divine ire, and this directly boosts that.
Boots can also roll the lightning mod, and shields can roll this chaos mod.

% Increased fire damage over time multiplier
This mod is higher priority than any fire or burning damage mods

Recover % Life on Block
This enables GB to massively boost your health gains during fights. Prioritize this over 'physical as extra chaos' on shields. Get the cheapest one you can as soon as possible.

Adds Fire Damage
Adds Fire Damage to spells
Gain % physical as extra fire damage

With EE, we want 0 fire damage on our divine ire hit. Having any whatsoever gimps your damage enormously.
SirDeeps escreveu:
For anyone struggling a bit, here's a list of mods to look for on items:

Adding ignites deal damage % faster to this list
gmofosho89 escreveu:
Hey guys, I made a quick video on this build and how I'm doing it. I hope this helps with gearing/scaling and all that. If you have any suggestions I'm open! If anyone has any questions let me know, I don't do guides or stream generally.


Is smoke mine worth the effort? Also god damn I wish I knew about phase run on mouse1 before.
I was already going a similar route so this was very helpful, the covenant looks pretty solid if the RNG gods let it drop for me on SSF.
Xilian_PoE escreveu:
gmofosho89 escreveu:
Hey guys, I made a quick video on this build and how I'm doing it. I hope this helps with gearing/scaling and all that. If you have any suggestions I'm open! If anyone has any questions let me know, I don't do guides or stream generally.


Is smoke mine worth the effort? Also god damn I wish I knew about phase run on mouse1 before.
I was already going a similar route so this was very helpful, the covenant looks pretty solid if the RNG gods let it drop for me on SSF.

Early: Hard Yes
Mid: Your style
Late: Probably not worth the slot

I like smoke mine a lot cause I casually race and its a big tool in racing through the acts.

And yeah, any instant skill (can do warcrys even if you have them instant) works on left click. Miners can even do detonate mine on there.

Covenant rocks, it isn't the best end game chest but I think it provides a lot of comfort with the free divine ire mana. I'm a no mana flask gamer 100%
Última edição por gmofosho89#7520 em 20 de jan de 2021 14:43:13
Build looks good, any of you using cluster jewels? How much damage do they give and are they worth it? The ones in the POB seem very affordable.
DaCurse escreveu:
Build looks good, any of you using cluster jewels? How much damage do they give and are they worth it? The ones in the POB seem very affordable.

I think Fan The Flames + Blowback is the ideal medium cluster. Saves you ele prolif jewel in socket and the 15% faster ignite dmg is a lot.
There are a lot of bad informations about this build in this thread. Owner did really good job, but there should be more information on first page about how build works.

I play HC, lvl 90, killed 3x conquerors so Awakened 3 on 5-link. Running red maps now, hitting mobs on 1-3 stages, just clicking shots, some rares need 10-20 stacks, no cluster jewels yet.

First of all, you can play Life, CI or Low Life Version of this build, everything works. Low Life version allow u to run some defensive auras, cause heralds doesnt do much in dmg and u literarry need only Malevolence and Hatred. CI version is expansive, but way to go when i got money. You can be 8k ES with block and ES on block, quite tanky, good regen.

Divine Ire shot due to Elementalist ascendancy can IGNITE and thats where we go. First we need to do as much as possible BIG HIT on begin, because IGNITE base dmg come from it. So everything that boost our first hit is good (+1 light and spell gems improve divine ire gem level, thats dmg), phys dmg as extra chaos/light dmg is much better, we also get dmg as extra dmg from flasks (taste of hate, atziri promise) and from aura Hatred (phys dmg as extra cold). What we really dont want is any FIRE DMG or FIRE DMG TO SPELLS. We dont want to do FIRE DMG with divine ire, cause it destroy our Elemental Equilibirum, which is mega boost.

But true numbers you always see in your PoB. It's hard to say what scale best on your current gear and setup.

After we do big hit with divine ire, enemy become ignited and there goes our next bonuses from gear and gems:
inc fire damage multiplier over time = BEST
inc fire damage over time
inc damage over time
inc burning damage
inc fire dmg

Ignite damage is for some time (+- 8 sec), so DPS is different from Total Ignite Damage. When DPS is 500 000 dmg and ignite is for 8 sec, then total ignite damage is 4 mil. And there goes one of the best ignite DPS mods - Ignites you inflict deal Damage faster. What does it mean?

Total ignite DPS stay same, but duration is lower, because it happens faster. Due to this our DPS increase and ignite duration is shorter.

There exist one big item for ignite builds, but it works only for attack - https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Dyadian_Dawn .

But there is possibility to get ignite faster from medium cluster jewel and hunter boots.
15% is for medium cluster jewel
boots are this hunter mod:
Ignites you inflict deal Damage (11–15)% faster
(10–20)% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies

Lets example:
Imagine your ignite DPS for 20 stages of divine ire is 5 mil and it longs for 8 sec (total dps 40 mil). Just with hunter boots 15% faster ignite and 20 % inc ignite duration, what happen? From 8 sec is now 9.6 sec (so total ignite dmg is 48 mil), but ignite deal damage 15% faster - so total ignite dmg is still 48 mil, but it happens 15% faster - so 8,16 sec. What are new numbers?
Total DPS 48 mil for 8,16 sec, so 5.88 mil DPS. Our boots gave us nearly 1 mil dps more. Its late so maybe i coutned something but, but principle should be clear.

So this build is from my perspective VERY OP. It's not zoom zoom and if u play fast, go some SC fast [Removed by Support]. Literary without any special items you can run into yellow and first red maps, everything scales with gems, ascendancy and some passive tree nodes.

Options to scale dmg are lot, unique flasks, expansive wand, hunter boots and cluster jewels. With this u should not have problem to kill Sirus 8. Boss fights are quite nice, because u shot Divine Ire and then u can 5 - 8 sec run around, because u are dealing damage over time. When ignite expire, u have to shoot again, but within this time u can just dodge and thats best defensive layer. Bosses with talk phase like sirus, uber elder, shaper etc.. give u big advantage, u can prepare 20 stages of Divine Ire before they become targetable. There is few sec when dmg is lower (ggg added this protection because of miners who can prestack 23 mines and then release chain with mega dmg), but rest of sec your ignite dmg is going full. Thats big advantage compared to miners for example.

I was lookin for poe.ninja and lot of big lvl players are playing this build wrong, with fire dmg on wands etc... So yea for begginers this build can be complicated, but if u know whats happing here, you can play really good build, which can scale to end and kill everything in this game.

Última edição por Al_GGG#0000 em 1 de abr de 2021 19:16:13
Also one big point, with Low Life version you have access to Pain Attunement, which gave u 30% more damage. But you have gone slot for Amulet and Armor, because u have to run shavronne and chayula amule.
AnubixcZ escreveu:
There are a lot of bad informations about this build in this thread. Owner did really good job, but there should be more information on first page about how build works.

I play HC, lvl 90, killed 3x conquerors so Awakened 3 on 5-link. Running red maps now, hitting mobs on 1-3 stages, just clicking shots, some rares need 10-20 stacks, no cluster jewels yet.

First of all, you can play Life, CI or Low Life Version of this build, everything works. Low Life version allow u to run some defensive auras, cause heralds doesnt do much in dmg and u literarry need only Malevolence and Hatred. CI version is expansive, but way to go when i got money. You can be 8k ES with block and ES on block, quite tanky, good regen.

Divine Ire shot due to Elementalist ascendancy can IGNITE and thats where we go. First we need to do as much as possible BIG HIT on begin, because IGNITE base dmg come from it. So everything that boost our first hit is good (+1 light and spell gems improve divine ire gem level, thats dmg), phys dmg as extra chaos/light dmg is much better, we also get dmg as extra dmg from flasks (taste of hate, atziri promise) and from aura Hatred (phys dmg as extra cold). What we really dont want is any FIRE DMG or FIRE DMG TO SPELLS. We dont want to do FIRE DMG with divine ire, cause it destroy our Elemental Equilibirum, which is mega boost.

But true numbers you always see in your PoB. It's hard to say what scale best on your current gear and setup.

After we do big hit with divine ire, enemy become ignited and there goes our next bonuses from gear and gems:
inc fire damage multiplier over time = BEST
inc fire damage over time
inc damage over time
inc burning damage
inc fire dmg

Ignite damage is for some time (+- 8 sec), so DPS is different from Total Ignite Damage. When DPS is 500 000 dmg and ignite is for 8 sec, then total ignite damage is 4 mil. And there goes one of the best ignite DPS mods - Ignites you inflict deal Damage faster. What does it mean?

Total ignite DPS stay same, but duration is lower, because it happens faster. Due to this our DPS increase and ignite duration is shorter.

There exist one big item for ignite builds, but it works only for attack - https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Dyadian_Dawn .

But there is possibility to get ignite faster from medium cluster jewel and hunter boots.
15% is for medium cluster jewel
boots are this hunter mod:
Ignites you inflict deal Damage (11–15)% faster
(10–20)% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies

Lets example:
Imagine your ignite DPS for 20 stages of divine ire is 5 mil and it longs for 8 sec (total dps 40 mil). Just with hunter boots 15% faster ignite and 20 % inc ignite duration, what happen? From 8 sec is now 9.6 sec (so total ignite dmg is 48 mil), but ignite deal damage 15% faster - so total ignite dmg is still 48 mil, but it happens 15% faster - so 8,16 sec. What are new numbers?
Total DPS 48 mil for 8,16 sec, so 5.88 mil DPS. Our boots gave us nearly 1 mil dps more. Its late so maybe i coutned something but, but principle should be clear.

So this build is from my perspective VERY OP. It's not zoom zoom and if u play fast, go some SC fast [Removed by Support]. Literary without any special items you can run into yellow and first red maps, everything scales with gems, ascendancy and some passive tree nodes.

Options to scale dmg are lot, unique flasks, expansive wand, hunter boots and cluster jewels. With this u should not have problem to kill Sirus 8. Boss fights are quite nice, because u shot Divine Ire and then u can 5 - 8 sec run around, because u are dealing damage over time. When ignite expire, u have to shoot again, but within this time u can just dodge and thats best defensive layer. Bosses with talk phase like sirus, uber elder, shaper etc.. give u big advantage, u can prepare 20 stages of Divine Ire before they become targetable. There is few sec when dmg is lower (ggg added this protection because of miners who can prestack 23 mines and then release chain with mega dmg), but rest of sec your ignite dmg is going full. Thats big advantage compared to miners for example.

I was lookin for poe.ninja and lot of big lvl players are playing this build wrong, with fire dmg on wands etc... So yea for begginers this build can be complicated, but if u know whats happing here, you can play really good build, which can scale to end and kill everything in this game.

Great job man! Play at HC too and this build works well. Thanks for reply!
Última edição por Al_GGG#0000 em 1 de abr de 2021 19:14:52

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