Stress-Free PoE! RIGHTEOUS GOLEMS (RF): No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End! 3.13

relakz escreveu:
First time trying a RF build.

Pretty sure I've screwed up, close to lvl 66 and still can't remotely sustain RF (true, haven't really looked to my items).
Hey relakz!

Your Purity of Fire gem seems to be a bit behind the other gems in terms of levelling. As that levels, you'll see a big difference. Also, saving your golem ascendancies for the end will impact their buff increases which in turn impacts your life regen as well. Ascendancies cost a lot to respec so just be patient as you level and wait to ascend. But once your golems are at full strength, you'll be dancing. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Some notes on topics that have come up. I'm using Flame Dash just fine. In thoery it interferes with elemental equilibrium, but in practice it just doesn't interfere enough to matter. I've got added lightning damage, so both cyclone and ball lightning fix it quick.

Up time on flammability with ball lighting is great. That thing pops off constantly in any content where the damage matters. The downside there is that we're using lv 5 instead of lv 20 of the curse to keep CWDT low to pop off fast. That is a significant drawback. To have a flammability aura, we could probably give up Skitterbots for it or outside of SSF, Impresence amulet (fire variant) would be an option. That amulet is ~100c right now, but should be very affordable later on in the league. Skitterbots is a theoretically very potent for offense and defense. I don't know how well it plays out in practice, but I suspect giving it up for a flammability aura would be a bad idea. If we gave up Vitality and added some reduce reservation cost somewhere, that might be another way to work it in without giving up too much. Vitality is really nice to have though. Maybe someone has a more clever idea of how to work a flammability aura into the build, but I don't see it.

Vitality doesn't scale, so if anyone brought this build all the way to the top, it's probably the best thing to give up. Drop vitality and the whole cwdt/ball/flam setup. Add flam as an aura. That leaves 2 open gem slots. You could work in cwdt with a guard skill then to help for spikes in damage (say jumping into a porcupine pack).

Wrecker_of_Days escreveu:

I'm glad it's been a good experience for you. I appreciate your kind words and feedback! I hope the rest of the time is good to you until you go with Flicker Strike. Thanks for the post!

Thanks for the fun build! I wouldn't have thought to even try RF on a Witch. I've got the flicker strike ranger started up already, but I'm going back and forth. I did a flicker strike build before and I already know that's about the opposite of the chill playstyle we get with RF. You need absolute focus and quick reactions to avoid flickering off into CERTAIN DEATH. I figure it will make a good pair for this league. I can RF to relax and flicker for action as the mood strikes.
Última edição por Lemabelle#6309 em 21 de jan de 2021 15:30:38
Lemabelle escreveu:
The downside there is that we're using lv 5 instead of lv 20 of the curse to keep CWDT low to pop off fast. That is a significant drawback.

Hi, I just wanted to pop in say that a lvl 1 CWDT can support a lvl 20 curse, it only cares about the triggered spell of the curse on hit setup, curse on hit support and curse can be max level. An alternative to save up sockets in gear would be to either use a curse on hit ring with flammability, or replace the skitterbots chilling aura with a curse instead using profane proxy. Or use a trigger secepter. Lots of options.

I’m currently playing a variation of this build and enjoying it a lot. I’m doing decently well in maps with 5.5k health, 1million RF mapping dps/3.7mill Vaal RF. Once I’m able to afford a good essence crafted elder helmet and replace my current chest with a kaom’s heart the damage will skyrocket.
At first when I got to early maps I felt really weak, but once I got my defenses in order and upgraded some gear it’s been an enjoyable ride.

Also lots of areas to improve and push the build further both in terms of survivability and also damage. 3million RF dps should be quite achievable at some point.
Última edição por DefiledVisions#7321 em 21 de jan de 2021 17:02:31
Wrecker_of_Days escreveu:
relakz escreveu:
First time trying a RF build.

Pretty sure I've screwed up, close to lvl 66 and still can't remotely sustain RF (true, haven't really looked to my items).
Hey relakz!

Your Purity of Fire gem seems to be a bit behind the other gems in terms of levelling. As that levels, you'll see a big difference. Also, saving your golem ascendancies for the end will impact their buff increases which in turn impacts your life regen as well. Ascendancies cost a lot to respec so just be patient as you level and wait to ascend. But once your golems are at full strength, you'll be dancing.

Made some changes to my gems and links, also did like someone suggested and refunded some points..

I'm now able to sustain R, however..

Never died so many times in tier 1 maps as I'm dying now xd..

Just don't think this is for me, don't have the necessary skills for this build..
forgive me for my ignorance. but how does Liege of the Primordial summon our golems for us?
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
Hello all!

Thx for great build, but i have some question:

- Better to use springleaf shield or rise of the phoenix?

- Better to use Kaoms Hearth or 6 link armor (life etc).

- Best defend skill? Steelskin or?

- If i take ascendancy Shaper of Storms and inpulsa armor,
RF will shock enemies and trigger explosion?
If not, how i can mix this ascendancy meyby with inpulsa with RF,
but still trigger explo?

- Best moving skill to triger fortify? Shield charge + flame dash?
Leap slam or cyclone?

- Is Life version realy better (as people usually told me) againts,
mana version RF mom?

- Best 2h staff for RF unique (if i would even use)?

For answers i will be rly thanksfull!!!
kaienowaty escreveu:
Hello all!

Thx for great build, but i have some question:

- Better to use springleaf shield or rise of the phoenix?

- Better to use Kaoms Hearth or 6 link armor (life etc).

- Best defend skill? Steelskin or?

- If i take ascendancy Shaper of Storms and inpulsa armor,
RF will shock enemies and trigger explosion?
If not, how i can mix this ascendancy meyby with inpulsa with RF,
but still trigger explo?

- Best moving skill to triger fortify? Shield charge + flame dash?
Leap slam or cyclone?

- Is Life version realy better (as people usually told me) againts,
mana version RF mom?

- Best 2h staff for RF unique (if i would even use)?

For answers i will be rly thanksfull!!!

I'll field some partial answers and thoughts:

If you're not going to use a high life shield, I'd suggest RoF for the +Fire Res

Kaoms Heart will work but only if you get a helm that has the implicits to let you run the gem link set up for RF as stated in the guide.

Defense skill is your choice to fit play style. But if you're considering the ascendancy change to Shaper of Storms and dropping Aegis, steelskin could work as a substitute. (Earlier versions of this build had Molten Shell)

In theory Inpulsa + Shaper of Storms should give you explosions (I haven't tried) BUT the only "hits" you do with RF are from Cyclone or other movement skills since RF is technically an "aura". I believe.

Best movement skill I've found is cyclone + fortify since it lets you phase through enemies and spread RF better since it's also DoT damage. Very useful in mobs.

RF runs off life and damage scales from that, so mana won't help. Unless you do some type of tree swap of mana for life but that's a whole other thing....

Previous versions of this build had Searing Touch Lahti 6L
jesterx93 escreveu:
forgive me for my ignorance. but how does Liege of the Primordial summon our golems for us?

It doesn't auto-summon initially. It does it after a golem is already up, but dies.

I personally run CWDT with my golem gems vs. the infernal legion gem in the guide. That way they're always up and respawning.
Hey WoD -

I'm running your "Starting out for everyone" filter (PC) and had a question about quality gems:

I happened to hit alt after a drop and found a Superior gem that was hidden.

I looked at the filter detail but couldn't see a call out for them.

Don't know if <x% quality gems start getting hidden by the filter at higher levels or what.

I pick any quality gem up to save up for GCP.

relakz escreveu:
Wrecker_of_Days escreveu:
relakz escreveu:
First time trying a RF build.

Pretty sure I've screwed up, close to lvl 66 and still can't remotely sustain RF (true, haven't really looked to my items).
Hey relakz!

Your Purity of Fire gem seems to be a bit behind the other gems in terms of levelling. As that levels, you'll see a big difference. Also, saving your golem ascendancies for the end will impact their buff increases which in turn impacts your life regen as well. Ascendancies cost a lot to respec so just be patient as you level and wait to ascend. But once your golems are at full strength, you'll be dancing.

Made some changes to my gems and links, also did like someone suggested and refunded some points..

I'm now able to sustain R, however..

Never died so many times in tier 1 maps as I'm dying now xd..

Just don't think this is for me, don't have the necessary skills for this build..

I personnally switched to rf at lvl 74 with a marble amulet (since i'm not in ssf)

I also modified the tree to get enough armor because otherwise random crits would OS me.

I don't expect to go beyond Yellow map with my gear atm (gear being close to full cheap version)

I want to get some endurance charge synergy to be able to drop RoF and get a Searing touch. Swapping to a cyclone setup to proc Fortify/Eo/EE at the same time

Also i need to get some decent flask i don't even have one to extinguish RF

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