Stress-Free PoE! RIGHTEOUS GOLEMS (RF): No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End! 3.13
" I see some poison mods on the map. Not 100%, but since poison is technically "chaos" damage, if you're chaos res is low then you could be getting wiped by that quickly. Maybe a flask with "of curing" on it could help? |
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" 1. Sirus-dominated monsters are super rippy. I wouldn’t feel too bad if you died to one. If Sirus shows up in a map it’s ok to skip it if you don’t feel comfortable with it. 2. The chain mod on maps is DEADLY to minion builds. Are you using the captured soul in the Lunaris pantheon that prevents damage from chaining to you? Última edição por theta40#7994 em 21 de mar de 2021 23:18:48
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" My chaos Res is 75% (and have +26% to spare). Does that mean that poison is not my killer? " I was 95% from level 91 to 92. So i do mind deing 2x6 times on Tier 15 maps ;) Does Sirus show up just out of the blue, or can i reroll a map to prevent that? I use the build in this forum :) So RF Life with 4 Golems. But they don't die, they keep fighting even when i'm killed. Does that mean that Chains itn't my killer either? Gr, Thx |
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Hey Everyone! I hope everyone is just "ticky boo" (great). I've had an unpredictable day today so unfortunately, I'm having to squeeze in replies. So I'll only reply to the questions about the guide itself, not the theory crafting options or extras. Sorry.
"Hey Mokado! That's an awesome shield. Nice find! I don't quite understand what you're asking about Inspiration Support but let's give it a shot. Inspiration Support requires two gems to function with RF. One linked to the mana-spending skill and the other linked to RF. The higher the level of Inspiration linked to RF, the more damage the support provides RF. (I don't think, though I'm not sure, that the level of Inspiration Support linked to Cyclone matters.) But you're correct, Cyclone is simply the trigger for Inspiration Support's damage on RF. I'm still using Life Gain on Hit Support personally. But I'm fine with more defence and less damage. Thanks for your kindness and enjoy your burning ;). Let me know if I didn't answer your question.
" " " I'm sorry you've had a rough go the past few maps. One of the biggest global criticisms of this game is that players can't see what's happening; it's too busy. The players that stick with this game love a challenge. A hard game is their style, but it's still nice to know what's going on and why. This game doesn't provide that...or, it's less user-friendly the deeper you get, as you're beginning to witness. Unfortunately, there isn't anything we can do about that until Path of Exile 2 comes out...and that simply hoping that PoE 2 "fixes" the game's spastic clutter. In terms of map mods, there can be some really surprising and powerful combos that seem quite innocent. You've had some good replies that bring up some good points to consider. Maps mods are kinda tricky to picture sometimes too. It's hard to foresee their power. But keep in mind, enemies also have their mods. So enemy mods coupled with map mods and you're getting a TON of unpredictability. With this map there's "monsters skills chain 2 additional time" coupled with "players and monsters take 8% increased lightning damage". If you have a bunch of enemies that deal lightning damage, that's really rough. And having that with "area contains 4 additional packs of monsters that deal lightning damage" means you should be mapping on your tippy-toes. The Sirus invaders are nuts. They hit hard and fast, over and over again. So if any of them were using lightning, it'd be a really harsh encounter. This build's only weakness is physical damage mitigation. So since that's a pretty common type of damage, we need to be constantly moving. So when we're rolling map mods, we just need to be aware of whichever other weaknesses we're adding to the build. The sucky part is that half the time we have no idea what's happening. You have awesome gear, have followed the guide well, and have added some nice clusters too. I don't see anything wrong with your setup. Honestly, I don't think I have any gear that comes close to yours! So I'd chalk this down to simply a bad combo of map mods and enemy mods. My suggestion is something you're quite possibly already doing and that's to keep moving. Focus on the ground you're standing on more than dealing damage. One thing that I've found very helpful to me is to try and play slowly, but as close to enemies as possible. It's taught me lots about enemies, their skills, and how much time I have to move around. Sometimes it's hard (or unwise) but when I remember to do so, I've found great success overtime for not just hte current build, but future ones as well. I learned a lot trying that. Lastly, some map combos are easy, some surprise you. It sucks losing 60% in a session but hang in there. We've all done it (TONS) :). It's part of the joy of success later on. I hope that helps...even if there's nothing new for you here. Hopefully everyone is doing well. Ask any questions you like and never feel like you have to type anything :). You're all great! (And @Rex_Urhole, I see no one answered yet (end of the league I guess) so just quickly, I miss being able to do a map if I only had 5 minutes to squeeze something in. But I love how much content there is now just as much. The only thing I HATE about the new content is that the game can get too busy for itself. Depending on your system the game will literally be unplayable, and/or the game will be too busy to see what's happening. So I don't mind the thousand things to discover and interact with as long as it's controlled...and I don't think it is. That's just me.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Thanks for you're incites. The Phys weakness i tried to mitigate with using Armour instead of ES. And is switched 1 life potion for a armour potion. So it's not perfect, but it still hurts. The movement is indeed a good point. I don't really look at were i'm going, except for the squared white hexes on the ground that lock you. I mostly just run about as fast as i can. And even through large packs. But heck, i'm not surprised if i die now and again. Even been playing this game for a long time but it can't seem to get very far. Been playing from 2013. Still drawn to it by the shear number of possibilities! With you're build in this leagau i killed Atziri for the first time. And i've managed to clear a lot of maps. Also got lucky with some trades from which i bought my gear. So i'm quite happy with the what i've gotten so far :) I like build that use only a few buttons :D Have you ever thought about Totems of Mines as a Build for you to make? Thanks for the great guide!!! |
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I see that this build's thread and some other advertised as 1 button to play, draw a lot of attention and I clicked this one just to see what is going on.
The first I noticed to the guide was: helmet: anything you want amulet: anything you want ring: anything you want and so on. By now I already know what is going to happen so I rushed to the last posts just to prove myself. Well most of people just thank the build that it was able to carry them to the 3rd act of the game or T1 map.And ofcourse some complaints that they keep dying in T10 white maps. Well guess what, you choosed a build where the guide says "equip anything you want". Now I really understand why some poeple choose this build. Most of them are new and they have no idea on what is going on and the rest build guides look like NASA plans to populate Mars, so this build looks the most suitable to them. But suitable doesnt mean it works. There are also other people that play the game for years but they are still what we call in game argo noobs. I put myself in the second category. After many years, though, I realised, that the best build for noobs like me, is some very strong meta build almost exclusively made by uniques. You can find many of them, especially if you look for older league builds before the rise of the harvest craft. Just find a build that untilizes synergies of unique items, which most propably are cheap or middly expensive. Even if you dont understand why it works, it will work, and it is proven. I would have name some of them but I am not here to advertise. There are a lot of things that can kill you using RF in a map. Many mods can do that , and they can do it super fast if combined. tl;dr avoid fake titles, search for proven builds completely made by uniques items that work 100% and start from there. After that you can transition. You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
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" I fail to see your point, and also believe you also missed the point of this build. (Perhaps by "rushing to the last posts" as you said.) By doing so, you've overlooked the elegance of this RF build - it is just that - it DOES NOT rely on a specific combo of uniques to be effective. The "anything you want" is explained further in detail in the build description that if you have crap gear you have crap results. However, the flexibility of the build allows one to play with a trigger wand, or a scepter or staff (or anything else). Allows for caster gear OR heavy armor equip, has options for changing your tree, altering gems and skills etc. So rather than being limited be particular choices or "must haves", it's actually quite liberating to be able to "choose your own adventure" within the playstyle. Open ended pursuit of better gear that isn't tied to random and wildly expensive corruptions of uniques or 50+EX per-piece gear is just fine for those not among the 1% of POE grind players IMO. Having played versions of this RF build since 3.6 (so yes, it's also an "older league build) I can say, without a doubt, that it's one of the most satisfying builds I've played across any ARPG. Do yourself a favor a take another look at the build and guide as well as those versions that have come before. You might find something enjoyable. |
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Hey everyone! I hope this is a beautiful day for you today. It's wonderfully rainy over here, not too much so after guide replies, I'm going out to plant some veggies and fruit. It's too cold to plant still, but it's the end of spring break. That's the only time I have. So "stick it" planting "do's and don't's"! I'm gonna force it!
"I'm glad the build has taken you farther than before redbaronnl and that you've achieved some new "firsts"! That's awesome! Hang in there and we'll have you clearing the Atlas, your way, in now time :). Thanks for the kind words. I have considered Mines, traps, and/or totems. I think about them all the time :-|. I have to make sure that I limit myself with the # of guides I have or I get overloaded. I've been craving bringing back the old meta Flameblast Totems and I LOVE Fire Trap. Mines I probably won't touch cause it'd be 2 buttons on console. 3 guides is perfect for if I decided to move away from world would explode with possibilities. Any requests? "Hey Spacecom! I see @Rex_Urhole gave a response that shows a different perspective than yours. I once had a boss that was famous at our workplace for saying, "Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups." I too have my fair share of assumptions in life and every time I remember my old boss's saying, it reminds me to consider whichever circumstance a little further. The great thing about PoE is that there are many ways to play and many ways to be successful. Some people like the loot-based experience. They like learning about crafting, figuring things out, comparing gear, having options ...there are many different ways to like this game. Some people feel more comfortable with more uniques and less variety. Whichever way is your preference make sure you play that way. This game is much more balanced than people give it credit for. It's good to have a variety of guides and different methods to help others 100% the Atlas. Hopefully everyone is having a great time at the end of the league. Some fun announcements are coming up that should be exciting. Hopefully some fixes too. Have a great few days everyone! I'm off to the garden. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" My second most fun build i have played (this RF build the most fun a.t.m.) is Frostbolt Totems. It wiped the screen of everything not rare/unique. I can stand safely behind my turrets (totems). I can place them in front of me so they clear the room before i enter. But haven't played since they lowered the number of totems. I did try a few other totems build, they didn't give me the same fun as the old Frostbolt Totems. The guide i used back then was from LiftingNerdBro. So if you're open to requests, a totem build in you're style would sounds like lots of fun to me :) If not no problem!!! What i like about you're guide is that i don't need to spend must effort on finger placement and what buttons to press. So i can focus more on thats going on on the screen (not that thats going very well :p). |
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Any advice on how to improve my gear?
I tried Sirus for the first time ever, I got him up to 10% hp and then somehow he one shotted me. Trying to prepare for the next fight, I have some currency but I don't really know what to look for, and I really want upgrades. I'm currently sitting at 8 ex. I've been looking blindly at trade, comparing gear through PoB and that's the best I could get. Only thing I can think of is my armor, but every armor I see that upgrades my DPS and my HP is 20+ exalts. Maybe a Craiceann's Carapace? I think the crab skill may be good to shaft some phys damage. Also, I thought about branching out of the passive tree using clusters, but I am at loss there. Anyone thought of this, or gave it a chance? Edit: I forgot to ask, would elemental army do any good to our golems? Última edição por Elenher#4379 em 29 de mar de 2021 06:55:26
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