Stress-Free PoE! RIGHTEOUS GOLEMS (RF): No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End! 3.13

LapinMalint escreveu:

Interested to know as well!

I was a bit underwhelmed by the 400k DPS in PoB. How much better does it get with reasonable gear? (not mirror-level)

And how well does it scale with investment? Would more golems (with Anima stone/Primordial jewels) be the way to go?
Would that synergize will with an explode-chest? Do you need to take the Shaper of Flames node to ignire, then?

Lemabelle escreveu:
...RF builds traditionally have lackluster single-target DPS at the high end of things. RF just doesn't scale with gear as much as most meta builds. However, it has the advantage of being able to attack, at all times, while moving and dodging stuff, with only a very minimal mental focus needed on 'stay in range to deal damage'. While DPS is lower, you tend to spend more time actually dealing damage, which makes up for it somewhat. The survivability advantage of being able to just focus on movement is huge. High life and high life regen make it a tanky build and because you don't benefit from a lot of offensive gear mods, you can focus more defense, making an even tankier build. It's a mixed blessing, since there is a much more modest damage ceiling with gear investment than most meta builds.

If you're wanting to acquire 100EX of gear and use it to faceroll all content, RF probably isn't a good choice. If you're wanting a relaxed style of a play that can blow through most content without much concern while you watch some netflix on the side or something... RF is that. I usually build at least 2 characters in every league I play. One is always a relaxed cyclone/RF/autobomber type build. The other is whatever I feel like I'm missing with that relaxed build.
Hi LapinMalint!

I'm sure you saw it, but just in case you got into league launch and didn't check again, Lemabelle answered about RF damage really well. The biggest makeup being that RF is also doing damage when other builds wouldn't be doing damage. Damage is always on, while escaping or moving to safety, which makes up for the DPS comparison to other builds.

In regards to your other questions, yes RF scales really well. The options for offence or defence on this can take you everywhere in the game. GGG loves it's RF and it's a great skill.

The only perk to golems is their buff. Their quantity doesn't help much, nor do the other golems benefit this build at all. Make sure you're alive and surviving harsh content before you dramatically change too much of the guide.

You may add an exploding chest if you like. They work with most builds.

I'm not familiar with Shaper of Flames. Sorry.

Hopefully, this helped. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Lemabelle escreveu:
I really enjoyed playing a RF builds a long time ago and have been hoping to do RF again. I haven't played in a few leagues, but will be coming back for this one. Playing RF on a witch, with golems!? Count me in! I'm hyped.

RF builds traditionally have lackluster single-target DPS at the high end of things. RF just doesn't scale with gear as much as most meta builds. However, it has the advantage of being able to attack, at all times, while moving and dodging stuff, with only a very minimal mental focus needed on 'stay in range to deal damage'. While DPS is lower, you tend to spend more time actually dealing damage, which makes up for it somewhat. The survivability advantage of being able to just focus on movement is huge. High life and high life regen make it a tanky build and because you don't benefit from a lot of offensive gear mods, you can focus more defense, making an even tankier build. It's a mixed blessing, since there is a much more modest damage ceiling with gear investment than most meta builds.

If you're wanting to acquire 100EX of gear and use it to faceroll all content, RF probably isn't a good choice. If you're wanting a relaxed style of a play that can blow through most content without much concern while you watch some netflix on the side or something... RF is that. I usually build at least 2 characters in every league I play. One is always a relaxed cyclone/RF/autobomber type build. The other is whatever I feel like I'm missing with that relaxed build.
Thanks for the really helpful answer Lemabelle!

I appreciate your excitement and kindness! I hope the build works well for you. Let me know what you think :). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Torvos escreveu:
Don't traditional RF builds use scorching ray? Wouldn't it be a DPS improvement on this build to use SR instead of Cyclone, with hextouch + flammability on it?
Rex_Urhole escreveu:
If you're talking about SR while leveling, I've found DPS isn't a concern during that phase using PF.

For full-build it could certainly work (previous RF builds from Wrecker had Incinerate). For boss fights it will help DPS.

However I've found with incinerate/SR you lose the mobility (even without cyclone) that aids in the survivability of the build and general clear speed - especially against mobs & maps where you probably don't want to stand still for very long, even if stuff is being killed as it comes into the RF AoE.

That's what I've enjoyed with these builds - they have flexibility to support personal preferences and tweaks without sacrificing overall effectiveness.
Hi Torvos!

Great answer Rex_Urhole!

Ya, it's a choice between offence or defence. To me, for SR to have a standing chance at being used in an arena with 10 bosses it needed to have it's peak reached faster. Standing still is dangerous. Feel free to go offensive of course. Just make sure to come back to the guide if the survivability isn't there.

On a side note, the nice thing about PoE is that there are infinite ways to play each skill. There's no wrong way to play.

Thanks for your kind words Rex_Urhole! I really appreciate it. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
kEvS escreveu:
I'll league start this on SSF SC :-)

Thanks for the guide update. Hope Elementalist is huge.
Thanks for the thanks kEvS!

Hopefully RNG treats you well. Good luck! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Rex_Urhole escreveu:
Ormoslormos escreveu:
One thing I don't understand. The tree/ascendancy enables 4 golems. And the buffs are boosted per summoned golem. But still the links have 3 golems and a random support (infernal legion). Why? Wouldn't a 4th golem be far superior by boosting all buffs?

You're granted a "4th" golem (duplicate of one already summoned) by the ascendancy nodes. The other types of Golems don't do much to support RF by way of their skills, so Carrion, Lightning or Ice won't benefit the build much.

As WoD states in the detail, Infernal Legion is just for fun. You can put something else in there to buff/assist the Golems as desired. Previous builds had CWDT to automatically respawn the golems without having to manually trigger.

I personally like it that way so that the life regen from Stone Golem stays up permanently - important for early RF sustainment.
Hey Ormoslormos!

What Rex_Urhole said ;). If you tried the build, hopefully it's working well for you. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Haattila escreveu:
Returning player that mostly played RF

I'm a bit curious how is this supposed to performed compare to a marauder's ascendency RF build ?

Like sure you have a lot's of damage amp but 4kHP on a RF build when HPs are your base damage.

Also can you sustain righteous fire while the earth golem is down ?

I'm like really intrigued by that build yet i'm affraid that this is just too hard to play
Thurasiz escreveu:
With my current PoB for this, with really bad gear, losing the stone golem makes you lose 64 life/s from having 5,2k. That's for 4 seconds before the golem comes back, makes 256 life lost. Plus, if you think that's a problem, you have 3 kinds of golems but can summon 4, so just double up on the stone golem, one dies, you have the buff from your second.

Numbers change a bit, since i plan on using Saffels for the extra max res.

Should not be much of a Problem.
Hi Haattila!

Like Thurasiz pointed out with their PoB research (thanks for the reply btw Thurasiz!), you don't actually NEED the golems.

With this setup (but in 3.12), I didn't need my golems on to sustain RF. And if my golems were up, I didn't need Vitality either. Sometimes I'd be mapping and when I got back to my hideout I would realize that I accidentally turn off Purity of Fire (and didn't even notice). So don't worry about the golem's. They'll always be up anyway because of the Ascendancy.

Compared to the Chief, there are some differences...but Chief lost 2% life regen this league. I had this guide as a chief for a long time. I switched for the sake of flexibility and ease of levelling. Since the switch I'd never turn back. I didn't lose survivability or offence. I find the biggest benefit to the Elementalist over the Chief though, is flexibility in gems, gear, and now ascennacy node choices. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
KorbeanDallas escreveu:
Hey guys, any idea on which on anointment to go? thanks again cant wait to try this build tomorrow!

Hey KorbeanDallas!

That's totally based on currency. Expect to replace your anointments on a regular basis until you get some gold oils. Then marry yourself to something with sweet life and life regen Golem's Blood and Growth and Decay. But there are literally so many options. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
MaxFox1823 escreveu:

can we chang Bastion of Elements to Heart of Destruction 60% aoe is better for me than some def in softcore league + is this biuld fast iam reading some thing like watch a movie while playing dose that mean i will take a lot of time to clear map or thay mean i will not have to focus to much
Hey MaxFox1823!

Ya! That totally works. As a guide planner I have to focus on the hardest content. So make this as offensive as you want. Make it suit your style. IF more survivability is required, you know what to switch. Let us know how it goes in harsh end-game content if you go that route! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
MaxFox1823 escreveu:
cyclone as a momevt skill isnt that bad thing for clear speed as cyclone slow you
It's only bad if you don't like the speed. Some people prefer fast movementspeed mods and Quicksliver flasks. It's all about what you want to put into it. Some people use Leap Slam everywhere in an Unset Ring and then Cyclone mobs. It's all up to you. Cyclone was chosen for its defence though (Life Gain on Hit, physical damage mitigation (Infused Channelling), and Fortify). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Ormoslormos escreveu:
DasWiggles escreveu:
Ormoslormos escreveu:

I am happy for the explanation, but still confused as hell =D
I've been re-reading the updated elementalist nodes and can't find anything that mentions 1 golem being counted as "double". I feel so silly.

Will use this build as my league start in HC anyway :)

It doesn't count as double. The buffs are amplified per golem, not per unique golem. You can summon 2 stone golem, and the 1 buff is increased for 2 golems. It in this case, 4 total golems, but only 3 unique buffs. The 3 buffs are still amplified using the golem count of 4.

Oh snap I am so stupid =D Why the hell would you need 2 gems for summoning 2 stone golems. Thanks all. That was the level of my brainfartiness here.
Awesome DasWiggles!

I'm glad it makes sense. Don't every worry about asking questions and ask whatever comes to mind. It's a deep game, so sometimes the things I overlook are the most simple. It's just how it goes :). Good luck in HC! Crazy!

Great clarification Ormoslormos! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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