Couple of quick ideas. Try Scourge arrow as your clear skill, it hits entire screens without need for a multi proj. Additionally, if someone with the build can try Assailium and let us know how that goes?
Postado porQtkari#7599em 16 de jan de 2021 03:35:09
Ty for build. All perfect, but... 5 offcolor sockets on 200dex Zodiac... Its impossible(Actually possible, but very expensive. 3900 chromatic on average, or random with white sockets in the syndicate)
Última edição por tennamidy#3756 em 16 de jan de 2021 07:34:49
Postado portennamidy#3756em 16 de jan de 2021 07:23:32
tennamidy escreveu:
Ty for build. All perfect, but... 5 offcolor sockets on 200dex Zodiac... Its impossible(Actually possible, but very expensive. 3900 chromatic on average, or random with white sockets in the syndicate)
Yeah, I am in the process of finding a workaround for that.
this is your best bet for now.
Postado porHarmageddon#0914em 16 de jan de 2021 08:10:51
What do you guys think about running Bereks Grip? seems to be much better while clearing compared to ignite prolif
Última edição por bosmano775#1213 em 16 de jan de 2021 21:01:35
Postado porbosmano775#1213em 16 de jan de 2021 18:49:30
bosmano775 escreveu:
What do you guys think about running Bereks Grip? seems to be much better while clearing compared to ignite prolif
assuming you meant bereks respite? you can use it if you want, im not having any issues with ignite prolif myself but i might try out the ring
Postado porHarmageddon#0914em 16 de jan de 2021 21:52:58
H4RM4G3DD0N escreveu:
bosmano775 escreveu:
What do you guys think about running Bereks Grip? seems to be much better while clearing compared to ignite prolif
assuming you meant bereks respite? you can use it if you want, im not having any issues with ignite prolif myself but i might try out the ring
yeah sorry my bad, thats what i meant;)
Postado porbosmano775#1213em 16 de jan de 2021 21:56:05
H4RM4G3DD0N escreveu:
tennamidy escreveu:
Ty for build. All perfect, but... 5 offcolor sockets on 200dex Zodiac... Its impossible(Actually possible, but very expensive. 3900 chromatic on average, or random with white sockets in the syndicate)
Yeah, I am in the process of finding a workaround for that.
this is your best bet for now.
Well, 6 link doomfletch worth like 20c. 3 green + 2 red + 1 blue = 20 chromas.
Postado porVladmade#6562em 18 de jan de 2021 07:10:23
Vladmade escreveu:
H4RM4G3DD0N escreveu:
tennamidy escreveu:
Ty for build. All perfect, but... 5 offcolor sockets on 200dex Zodiac... Its impossible(Actually possible, but very expensive. 3900 chromatic on average, or random with white sockets in the syndicate)
Yeah, I am in the process of finding a workaround for that.
this is your best bet for now.
Well, 6 link doomfletch worth like 20c. 3 green + 2 red + 1 blue = 20 chromas.
he was referring to the CWDT setup, which had 4 blue and 1 red, not the BA links :p
Postado porHarmageddon#0914em 18 de jan de 2021 16:36:43
So end game, hyrri ire is BiS for this build?
Postado porjbitz#4203em 18 de jan de 2021 20:54:34
jbitz escreveu:
So end game, hyrri ire is BiS for this build?
The added damage sure feels nice and the + dodge is a welcome boon. I imagine you can make up the damage in other places if you find an armor that seems to jive with the build.
not sure what that'd be though. Kintsugi is always good for defensives could always go Kaom's heart if you pick up exposure from a cluster jewel.
Postado porOmegaura#5918em 18 de jan de 2021 23:52:53