Stress-Free PoE! SLOW-MO GUNSLINGER (AW): No Required Items|1-Button Play|SSF League Start-End|3.13

dlvbrown1969 escreveu:

Thank you for your kind words. I do feel like this build has a lot of synergy and possibilities.

As to your comment about missing Withering Step self cast, I dont believe I've ever self casted it. My memory isnt what it once was and so I could be wrong. Most times, Flame Dash is my go to movement skill. WS is more of a defensive safeguard for me.

Regarding making a new Hungry Loop ... at this point in the league I have enough currency to be able to do so if I choose, but I built my current HL to keep my Chaos Golem alive and he does just that. His job is to buff me and my AW as well as taunt an occasional monster here and there. It is my understanding that FF and Meat Shield conflict and so that is why the HL has what it has.

If I could ever get lucky in the Haewark region with harvest crafting, I honestly feel like I could run two HL rings. Since there arent any uniques required for this build, it is very easy to reach 110 or more in each resist and have leftover prefix and suffix for othet things. This would allow me to put an extremely tanky AG in my current HL and then make a new HL with FF in it for the golem.

Another option would just be to remove my increased duration gem from the WS, CWDT, steelskin link. If I removed this one gem, I could sell my 21/23 golem gem and use a new chais golem gem which could be linked to the CWDT for auto cast. At that point I could make a new HL with FF and stick an AG in it ... or I could stick a second golem in it (using golem commander for annoint on amulet).

I wish I owned a PC so I could theory craft better and more efficiently. I hate not knowing and trying to guess which option is better.
Hey dlvbrown1969!

I do most of my theory crafting on my phone (like Google Keep). All my gems are based on the concept I want in the build and funtionality. Then damage supports are based on descriptions such as, do I want 59% more damage or 49% more damage with bleed chance? Or AoE vs. no AoE... stuff like that. But I do use the app that I use on my phone to help with the tree. (I have it listed in the Media section.)

PoB is awesome, but it's missing lots too. So don't be too discouraged. My favourite part about this game is that theory-crafting can be done via the wiki only (excluding the tree).

Anyway, hopefully that's a little encouraging. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
TheLazyAdamMan escreveu:
Thank you so much for putting in those pictures that show off the whole build.
I don't have a computer, and there's no mobile version of PoB, so looking up builds always sucks if no one puts a skill tree up somewhere else.
Love your builds, would love to see a return to some of those older, non-minion ones sometime.
Keep up the good work <3
Hey TheLazyAdamMan!

Awesome! I'm glad the picture works for you. I use it too. I get my old and current guides, along with my current theory-crafting, mixed up all the time. So when I play, I use my guides as well. I have those pictures up ALL the time ;).

Thanks for making time to be so encouraging. I really appreciate it. It goes a long ways.

On my podcast, I've been mentioning the last couple of weeks how much I'm tossing and turning with the idea of adding more guides (which I have 0 time for ;)) I'm currently testing out a defensive Champion that would "in spirit" replace the old Trigger Happy build. I'm not sure if I'll go through with making more guides, but at the end of the day, if I had someone that could do all of my housework for me, I'd love to have a Zombie guide, RF guide, Curse guide, Tank guide, and a Raider guide. Whether they'd all be minion or not I don't know...but it's a dream ;).

Were there any guides or mechanics you'd want back? Any requests? Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
I would love someone to make a True Paladin/Crusader build with Smite, Holy Relic and Holy Flame (the are all themtically linked but I dont know how to build something awesome... ands no one plays it (probably for a reason....) but the colors and animation are awesome if you want a non-pet suggestion.
tntpop escreveu:
I would love someone to make a True Paladin/Crusader build with Smite, Holy Relic and Holy Flame (the are all themtically linked but I dont know how to build something awesome... ands no one plays it (probably for a reason....) but the colors and animation are awesome if you want a non-pet suggestion.
I love the combo tntpop! Cool idea. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Última edição por Wrecker_of_Days#7691 em 4 de mar de 2021 13:30:46

If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
Última edição por jesterx93#2143 em 5 de mar de 2021 02:37:12
Been thinking about this for a while and I could use your help.

I have a convoking wand with several minion modifiers. At one point in the past I figured out how to link here in these forums, but sadly I have forgotten. If someone could enlighten me, that would be appreciated. In any event, the wand is in my profile equipped on my only Ritual character whom I've named Slo_Mo in honor of Wrecker and his build here.

What I'm wondering is ... if I switch to a different convoking wand - one with both +1 to all minion spell gems as well as +1 to all spell gems - would my dps go up? Assume for the sake of arguement that the new wand has no other modifiers beneficial to the build. Would the mere +1 and/or +2 to some gems be enough of a gain to offset losing all the other modifiers I have on my current wand?

These wands are VERY expensive, so I cannot just "try it and see what happens".

If the answer is that much current wand is "better" in terms of dps, hypothetically what additional mods would the new wand need to have on it in addition to the aforementioned two different +1 gem modifiers?

Thanks a bunch!
dlvbrown1969 escreveu:
Been thinking about this for a while and I could use your help.

I have a convoking wand with several minion modifiers. At one point in the past I figured out how to link here in these forums, but sadly I have forgotten. If someone could enlighten me, that would be appreciated. In any event, the wand is in my profile equipped on my only Ritual character whom I've named Slo_Mo in honor of Wrecker and his build here.

While writing a post, click on your avatar on the upper left corner, select the character tab you wish to look at and left click on the item you want to link once. It'll appear where your blinking write marker is. After that simply click somewhere on the edges of the window outside the character window to get back to your post. It's an overlay, not a separate page.

Your wand is glorious by the way. But if you have it, I personally, would replace the craft with pure minion damage. And I probably wouldn't want to sacrifice attackspeed, movementspeed and damage for minions over 1 measly level if it doesn't give you a benefit. Level 21 of Animate Weapon would allow you to have 1 animated weapon more, but I'm really not sure if it's offsetting the loss of other combined stats on a new wand. So I'd suggest stick with it and save up for a wand that combines several of the qualities you want. Wrecky can probably give you a more profound answer though.

Gonna try this one by the way to have the 'holy trinity of wreckism' complete :P It's awesome that I basically can use all my gear of one of the guides for all of those guides, heh. I already have a question! How far exactly is the blasphemy aura gonna be and how far can our withering aura go? Both screen wide?

Another little question; I'm having an Awakened Void Manipulation from a build I've tried lying around; Can that be useful here? I wanted to ask before I sell it again.
My Hideout -> (PoE1)
Última edição por LibraExAnima#1943 em 5 de mar de 2021 12:49:41
Thanks for your patience everyone. It was a BUSY weekend. You're all awesome :)

LibraExAnima escreveu:
dlvbrown1969 escreveu:
Been thinking about this for a while and I could use your help.

I have a convoking wand with several minion modifiers. At one point in the past I figured out how to link here in these forums, but sadly I have forgotten. If someone could enlighten me, that would be appreciated. In any event, the wand is in my profile equipped on my only Ritual character whom I've named Slo_Mo in honor of Wrecker and his build here.

While writing a post, click on your avatar on the upper left corner, select the character tab you wish to look at and left click on the item you want to link once. It'll appear where your blinking write marker is. After that simply click somewhere on the edges of the window outside the character window to get back to your post. It's an overlay, not a separate page.

Your wand is glorious by the way. But if you have it, I personally, would replace the craft with pure minion damage. And I probably wouldn't want to sacrifice attackspeed, movementspeed and damage for minions over 1 measly level if it doesn't give you a benefit. Level 21 of Animate Weapon would allow you to have 1 animated weapon more, but I'm really not sure if it's offsetting the loss of other combined stats on a new wand. So I'd suggest stick with it and save up for a wand that combines several of the qualities you want. Wrecky can probably give you a more profound answer though.

Gonna try this one by the way to have the 'holy trinity of wreckism' complete :P It's awesome that I basically can use all my gear of one of the guides for all of those guides, heh. I already have a question! How far exactly is the blasphemy aura gonna be and how far can our withering aura go? Both screen wide?

Another little question; I'm having an Awakened Void Manipulation from a build I've tried lying around; Can that be useful here? I wanted to ask before I sell it again.
Alright alright! I'll do it! ;).

I brought your build into PoB. I unchecked Spellslinger (to get the true damage of AW). I noted your current DPS per AW (68k). I removed your weapon. I added a +1 wand (50k). I added a +2 wand instead (60k). Final Verdict: your current weapon kicks ass. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Wrecker_of_Days escreveu:
Thanks for your patience everyone. It was a BUSY weekend. You're all awesome :)

LibraExAnima escreveu:
dlvbrown1969 escreveu:
Been thinking about this for a while and I could use your help.

I have a convoking wand with several minion modifiers. At one point in the past I figured out how to link here in these forums, but sadly I have forgotten. If someone could enlighten me, that would be appreciated. In any event, the wand is in my profile equipped on my only Ritual character whom I've named Slo_Mo in honor of Wrecker and his build here.

While writing a post, click on your avatar on the upper left corner, select the character tab you wish to look at and left click on the item you want to link once. It'll appear where your blinking write marker is. After that simply click somewhere on the edges of the window outside the character window to get back to your post. It's an overlay, not a separate page.

Your wand is glorious by the way. But if you have it, I personally, would replace the craft with pure minion damage. And I probably wouldn't want to sacrifice attackspeed, movementspeed and damage for minions over 1 measly level if it doesn't give you a benefit. Level 21 of Animate Weapon would allow you to have 1 animated weapon more, but I'm really not sure if it's offsetting the loss of other combined stats on a new wand. So I'd suggest stick with it and save up for a wand that combines several of the qualities you want. Wrecky can probably give you a more profound answer though.

Gonna try this one by the way to have the 'holy trinity of wreckism' complete :P It's awesome that I basically can use all my gear of one of the guides for all of those guides, heh. I already have a question! How far exactly is the blasphemy aura gonna be and how far can our withering aura go? Both screen wide?

Another little question; I'm having an Awakened Void Manipulation from a build I've tried lying around; Can that be useful here? I wanted to ask before I sell it again.
Alright alright! I'll do it! ;).

I brought your build into PoB. I unchecked Spellslinger (to get the true damage of AW). I noted your current DPS per AW (68k). I removed your weapon. I added a +1 wand (50k). I added a +2 wand instead (60k). Final Verdict: your current weapon kicks ass.

Thank you my friend. Someday I hope to be able to do what you do as easily as you do it. ><

If I'm understanding what you did, my current wand yields 13% more dps than would a wand with both +1 minion gemd as well as +1 all spell gems. So, in theory, if I wanted to replace my current wand, I would need to do it with not only those two +1 modifiers but also additional + attack speed and/or + minion damage.

This likely won't happen anytime soon as the wands I am describing are tens of exalts on the ps4 trade board whereas my wand apparently is only worth a couple exalt.

So, for this build, stats matter more than +gem level .. at least in this one isolated example.

Speaking of which, I finally learned the third rank of minion damage and so i removed my + minion life / + minion damage enchant and replaced it with a straight + minion damage. IIRC, my previous enchant was around 25-28 minion damage whereas now the enchant I'm using is +53%.

Since we agree the AW are "disposable", giving them added life is a waste - especially with Call to the Slaughter in my cluster jewel. That being said, I do want some minion life for the sake of my golem.

On a side note, I'm approaching 6k max life. I re-anointed my Amulet with Golem's Blood and have almost completed using Fetile catalysts on 1 ring. Amulet and belt.
Ok. Don't hate me. At least not too much. >< I did a mini overhaul today.

I got rid of the increased duration support which was linked to withering step and Steelskin. Not a big deal I'm sure.

I got rid of the Summon holy relic. While the 100 life regen was nice, I think what I did in the overhaul more than made up for it.

So, in the CWDT-> Desecrate -> Spirit Offering 4 socket, I added Withering Step (and obviously lowered the gem level to make it work). So now this WS procs a lot more often. It's obviously not as effective being a lower level, but it is what it is. I think the more constant phasing is an upgrade already.

In the other CWDT 4 socket, I linked the max level CWDT to max level Steelskin. In the other 2 sockets, I linked the Blasphemy and Temporal Chains. So, two 2 links in the 4 socket.

In the 3 socket shield, I now have Feeding Frenzy (yay) linked to both Chaos Golem and Carrion Golem.

I didn't want to undo my Amulet Amulet annoint so what I decided to do was to refund the 3 passive points that lead to the Unwavering Stance notable in the passive tree. I then used those 3 passive points to unlock Golem Commander.

The dps gain is very noticeable. I've yet to push Heist 83s or t16 maps to see if I can survive.

Oh yeah, I removed the Hungry Loop and replaced it with an unset ring. I placed Flame Dash inside of it. This puts me at 6150 max life ... more once I add 20 fertile catalysts to the 2nd ring slot. The ring is kinda bad, but with some Harvest crafting, could be worthy.



I think I'm done now. ><

The only other thing I might do is replace the unset ring with that aforementioned Hungry Loop and stick an Animated Guardian inside. We'll see.

As always, thanks

Edit: there is one question I have about what I've the helmet link if CWDT, desecrate, spirit offering and withering step ... does it matter if the link is CWDT-> desecrate -> withering step -> spirit offering? I feel like it doesn't matter as long as the Desecrate is right after the CWDT. I guess it's just my OCD wanting spirit offering to follow Desecrate...

Edit again ...

Crazy thought. I've played your trigger wand minion build previously. Could a trigger wand be used in this build? I've read and reread the descriptions of the items and skills and I don't see why not, but PoE sometimes has hidden conflicts.

The reason I ask is that in my current new build, my golems are occassional dieing. Since I dont have enough unreserved mana to just summon them, I have to undo one of my Spellslinger skills and then resummon and then redo the Spellslinger. Not THAT big of a deal, but certainly an inconvenience.

I found a wand with both +1 to gems as mentioned above plus 54% minion damage plus the trigger modifier. If I can negotiate a decent price, I am pretty sure this new wand would be an upgrade for me - not only dps but also in survivability of my golems.

So, what I'm thinking is to move Desecrate, Spirit Offering and Withering Step to the 3L in the wand. These 3 skills of course would get triggered by the Trigger modifier on the wand when I use a skill (like Kinetic Blast). Right??

I would then move the 3L Spellslinger, Bladefall and Culling Strike to the shield 3L.

Lastly I would move my current Feeding Frenzy, Summon chaos golem and Summon Carrion golem to my helmet. I could link them to minion life if needed or minion damage if life isnt needed. Alternatively, I could use lower leveled golem gems and link to a CWDT but they would have to be substantially lowered due to mana reserve restraints.

My hope would be that if I use two golem gems that are 21/23 and I gain an additional +2 to gem level from wand, then the golems might have enough increased survivability to be hands free. Of course, if I save more currency, perhaps I could get a gg +3 to socketed gems in my Bone Helmet as well. Surely lvl 26 golems would kick some butt. ><

But, first I need to know that there is no flaw in my logic and that the trigger wand idea would actually work as I described. And then if course I would need to procure the aforementioned wand.
Última edição por dlvbrown1969#9563 em 9 de mar de 2021 10:52:05

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