[3.19] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

vearminee escreveu:
Im a little confused. Probably like all the people around i like big numbers in PoB but i cant calculate them myself.
So straight to the point.
When PoB says its around 250k damage per hit and ~~950k dps what does exactly that mean? How many shards ice storm creates?
Kinda confused because im used to normal simple builds like ordinary cyclone where its simple. Additionally on the videos i can clearly see its not 1 mil dps but way way higher. But is it beacuase of storm stacking on top of each other or some other factor?
Thanks for any clues :D

PoB doesn't know how to calculate it correctly.

The 250k per hit is how much each shard does damage.
950k is how much damage you do if you count together first shard of each storm.

(950/250=3.8) So in this case you would be triggering 3.8 storms per second.
But each storm keeps dropping shards every 0.2s. With 5 storms you get 25 shards/s so 25*250k (=6.25M) is the dps. Or would be if each shard hits, but since they all won't hit, 25*250k is the max you can do. How many shards hit target is pretty much impossible to calculate as it depends on target size and how much target moves and so on. And shards are aoe.
vearminee escreveu:
Im a little confused. Probably like all the people around i like big numbers in PoB but i cant calculate them myself.
So straight to the point.
When PoB says its around 250k damage per hit and ~~950k dps what does exactly that mean? How many shards ice storm creates?
Kinda confused because im used to normal simple builds like ordinary cyclone where its simple. Additionally on the videos i can clearly see its not 1 mil dps but way way higher. But is it beacuase of storm stacking on top of each other or some other factor?
Thanks for any clues :D

There's a post with the detailed math that explains why we were using CwC lv 15 and ACwC lv 1 until this league. It's still valid for the Ascendant version. But the Occultist now has to use ACwC lv 4 or 5 (which are the same) for stun avoidance that greatly outweighs the small damage optimization.

With ACwC lv4-5, your DPS is your AVG_HIT * 23.3.
If your avg hit is 250k then your DPS with fully stacked Icestorm is 5.8M.

However, if you do get your hands on ACwC lv 6, then it's AVG_HIT * 24.1 and your fully stacked DPS is 6.0M which is about 3% higher.

PoB calculates Icestorm DPS as AVG_HIT * 3.33, i.e. as 1 hit per CwC proc, as if each proc resulted in only 1 hit. That's just stupid and has nothing to do with reality. Ignore it.
I'm wondering about Doedre's Scorn Lunaris Circlet, it gives:
+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+30 to Intelligence
+103 to maximum Energy Shield
20% increased Elemental Damage
20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Curse on Enemy
Curse Skills have 30% increased Skill Effect Duration

with those:
20% increased Elemental Damage
20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Curse on Enemy

isn't it just overkilling all other helmets? While we can have 3 curses, it gives 80% increased damage.

Or am I missing sth?
Última edição por Xentias#4517 em 22 de nov de 2021 04:12:46
Xentias escreveu:
I'm wondering about Doedre's Scorn Lunaris Circlet, it gives:
+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+30 to Intelligence
+103 to maximum Energy Shield
20% increased Elemental Damage
20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Curse on Enemy
Curse Skills have 30% increased Skill Effect Duration

with those:
20% increased Elemental Damage
20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Curse on Enemy

isn't it just overkilling all other helmets? While we can have 3 curses, it gives 80% increased damage.

Or am I missing sth?

Doedre's Scorn is a leveling unique, it's used to get through the campaign and start mapping. But it's too weak for high tier mapping, let alone the endgame content. It's comparable to a decent flat Int helmet in damage, but lacks ES, Int (i.e. scaling ES) and has no resists. And any %Int helmet is much superior in every way.

Just take my PoB from this guide, add a max rolled Doedre's Scorn, and see what happens when you actually wear it.
So I'm still playing the build but haven't made any significant upgrades to my gear in awhile. What should I prioritize next? Was debating buying a hunter's orb for my helm and getting an %attribute craft on my chest, but wasn't sure if it'd be better to put the ex elsewhere.
Catemonster escreveu:
So I'm still playing the build but haven't made any significant upgrades to my gear in awhile. What should I prioritize next? Was debating buying a hunter's orb for my helm and getting an %attribute craft on my chest, but wasn't sure if it'd be better to put the ex elsewhere.

Make sure to adjust your tree to the latest version and anoint Steelwood Stance.

Assuming that you already have the basic gear (Astramentis, The Stampede and rares with good flat Int, ES and enough resists), the order of upgrades is this:

1. Belt. Cyclopean Coil with 13% of better. Or a synthesized %Int one (doesn't have to be the top tier) + Deafening Essence of Spite + craft Armour/ES.

2. Helmet. ilvl 75-79 with good flat Int, decent ES and preferably a resist mod + Hunter's Exalted Orb. Make sure that all prefixes are filled (craft a prefix if you have to) and 1 suffix is open.

3. Chest. 500+ ES and 2 open suffixes (may have to annul) for the Crusader mod and %attr. Crusader slam chance is 1/3 if it's ilvl 75-79, but down to 1/6 for higher ilvl ones. Unlike the first 2 items, this is a lottery, so do it after you already have a decent belt and helmet.
Última edição por Kelvynn#6607 em 22 de nov de 2021 23:07:59
wow with the now block setup it works much better. I got stun immunity over the jewels. i have 90 % now and thats way enought. The cwc gems are to pricey or it takes to long to lvl for me. The sec best choise is the watchers eye with es over discipline.
For me the armour int split jewels are better then the es ones. I have a little bit more then 10k es and then the more armour seems smother.

Dont do sirus and try now shaper with maven. Elder was no problem

the helmet crafting is a desaster atm. no luck. And i dont like the tier2 int version.
Última edição por ichbinwerichbi#6654 em 24 de nov de 2021 02:01:27
So i see that u use Megalomaniac clusters that are almost impossible to obtain in the 30 simu run.
How many mirrors does this build need to get thrown into it to actually do A8 Sirus, Maven, and other bosses comfortably?
Última edição por LordDuckiie#4568 em 24 de nov de 2021 06:48:15
LordDuckiie escreveu:
So i see that u use Megalomaniac clusters that are almost impossible to obtain in the 30 simu run.
How many mirrors does this build need to get thrown into it to actually do A8 Sirus, Maven, and other bosses comfortably?

Well, at the current price of ~800 ex per mirror, I'd say about 0.05 mirrors.

I've done A8 Sirus, The Cortex bosses, Clarissa or whatever her name is (betrayal boss), and Uber Elder/Atziri on gear that cost me no more than about 30 ex (mostly for the cluster jewels and the watcher's eye.) The helm and chest I always craft myself -- way more cost effective.

I haven't done Maven because I don't spend more than a few days played for any league (got other stuff to do) so have yet to get to that point in my Atlas. That is, I never bother to get in the mode of farming maps/delve for currency -- that's boring to me.

(Note I'm talking about previous leagues -- this league I had too much RL stuff to do to play much. Also note I am effing terrible at making currency.)
Última edição por Graiaule#7461 em 24 de nov de 2021 17:02:53
ichbinwerichbi escreveu:
The cwc gems are to pricey or it takes to long to lvl for me.

You only need lv 4 to get the stun immunity (+1 in the staff). That's not really hard to level. Especially if you farm Haewark Hamlet.

Alleyways is a natural T16 map (you can easily convert any T16 into it with Horizon orbs). It's a straight and easy layout. It drops exalt cards. You can set it up for Betrayal (Intelligence Gathering), Harvest (Bumper Crop) and Ritual (Sacred Lands). Get Tora in Research and she will help you level gems a lot faster.

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