[3.19] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
40/40 OMG
A very high price for me, no essences for int, no exalts, no luck. Can't get level 95 due to maps deaths. This is a failure. |
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" What are you doing to get that little currency? If you simply run maps with Exarch influence, you get a guaranteed 1 ex every 25 maps from just selling the invitation. That's any T14+ maps that you don't even have to clear - can simply kill the boss. Harbingers on the Atlas (+1 Harb, chance of harb boss, chance of dropping a whole currency instead of shards) also pretty much guarantees 1-2 ex per those same 25 maps. They constantly drop exalt shards, and sometimes a whole exalt. " The gear I have now is a massive overkill and it's in no way required for any challenges. I killed all endgame bosses before my gear was even 25 ex total. But the currency just kept coming. So I ended up buying expensive stuff for small upgrades. Another funny thing is crafting. I've crafted all gear for myself initially. This league is almost as easy as Harvest 1.0. But of course, if you want to buy the finished product, it'll cost quite a bit. I'm especially surprised that the amulet prices are staying where they are. After multiple posts and even a video showing exactly how to craft them with a couple of Awakener orbs and a recombinator. Well, if people are still willing to pay 50 ex for them - why not make some profit then? I've sold 3 of those and bought the most expensive Megalos and Watchers Eye on the market. " I've invested literally NOTHING. I started the league with this build and it paid for itself to the point where I have nothing else to upgrade even with the currency. " That's your problem, not the build's. |
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" You are playing a modified version of the build that lacks some of the most important defenses. And you are complaining about dying in maps and being unable to get even to lv 95. That's a direct consequence of the modifications you've made. Follow the guide. |
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I can't find the will to push to 40/40 because the wings look like crap, but I think the Occultist version is a perfect all rounder.
I got a mageblood and went CoC FR and this build felt tankier than CoC FR with max spell & attack block and 90% all res just due to how strong the leech + es gain on hit is. Some videos incase people are interested: Uber Sirus Deathless Feared all released at once + Height of Hubris keystone (super sloppy) Blind Uber Maven kill Última edição por Firestrike9#7135 em 13 de jun de 2022 13:13:32
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If you plan to use recombinators, check this out https://www.poecurrencybuy.com/news/poe-3-18-sentinel-recombinator-completed-guide .
If you have two 1P3S amulets, the guide tells you you need more prefixes in your prefix pool, so find identical prefixes to craft on both amulets, and you'll have a ~85% chance to get 3 prefixes on your recombined amulet, for example. Última edição por Graiaule#7461 em 14 de jun de 2022 16:29:38
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Hey there,
I followed that build for a while now and will use this as an off-meta leaguestarter for 3.19. Thanks a lot for all the content and the updates, very impressive to keep it up in such a manner. I was always a fan of off-meta an was looking for a new project, and seeing that this build can handle even the hardest of the new content leaves me already excited for the next league. Will use the rest of this league for in-depth treshhold testing and when I need what etc :) Cant Wait, thanks for the great work so far! |
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" Ok thats your luck then. I have ALL harbinger atlas passives and never in over 200 Maps a ex dropt. And all shards together was 1,5 ex from that amount of maps. " Ok Another lucky thing I tried crafting 3 amulets and all brick. The cost was the awakener orbs and the amus. " Perhaps other people dont have so much luck (like me). Or you have the better strategie to do the amulet. I looked the guide and tried it like him but wasnt lucky. " Sorry thats bullshit. You invested a LOT of time specially early league. Thats a big investment and last league i could do that also. But if you cant play that amount of time its really a lot harder. " Thats correct :-) BUT in most other leagues i had no problems with the build to do the contend and challenges. In this league the things changed. I love the build furtermore, but your say often all is no problem with the build. And thats not correct. The build is fine if you invest a lot of currency OR have a lot of luck with crafting. Last league a mageblood dropt. So i could craft and buy the best gear, and got 40/40. this league 2 things changed. First i have no luck with currency and crafting, second the bosses are much harder. |
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Yeah this build is good, *if* you run lucky in the league, and *if* you can sustain the always-required gear upgrades.
If you run well in the luck category, this build is fun. Otherwise, you'll hit a wall pretty quickly... but nowadays that's true of almost every build. |
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" Oh, time is an investment now too? Well, if you want to win this game without spending any time - then it's not going to happen unless you get lucky and drop a mirror, or Mageblood, etc. I've never had any such luck but somehow my hideout is filled with 40/40 trophies. This game requires investing time to achieve anything. That's a given. When people say 'investment' - that means currency, in addition to time. You ALWAYS have to invest your time. I'm a very patient person but all this whining and nitpicking is starting to tire me out. I play a moderate amount of time in every league. I don't get any lucky drops. I share all my strats and techniques. I show videos doing everything from small budget to the uber bosses. But it seems to be never enough for some people. "This build requires a lot of investment! This build requires a lot of luck!" " Go play a build that does not require anything. Zizaran does everything in HCSSF, so can you! Have fun. Última edição por Kelvynn#6607 em 14 de jun de 2022 18:22:09
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" Lighten up, Francis. It's ok to tell the truth about your build - even if it is the same things that affect almost every other build. Doesn't make it a bad build, but people should know not to expect your results (on average). It's not a personal attack against you, but I appreciate your concern over how my time is spent in-game. I think I'll stick around here for a bit though... get some more perspectives. |
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