Stress-Free PoE! BONE ZOMBIES: No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End! 3.13

throbORdie escreveu:
Whoops, yeah meant gems. I'm currently 80ish now thanks to the guide! Not sure what else I can improve on though, hard to go with SRS or a diff minion gem.
Gems. Awesome throbORdie!

If you make your character tab public on the PoE website, we'll be able to take a look and see your setup, if you were looking for advice that is.

SRS will only work for levelling speed with this build. SRS has a natural fire conversion so it won't benefit from our support nodes or auras. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Chaoisia escreveu:
Sorta looking to push this build to the next step. Not sure where I should be upgrading other than just getting better gear with better stats. I think my next 2 upgrades should be a helmet and boots. After that then an amulet and rings?

Also, should I just drop ES all together on gear and just go straight armour?
Hey Chaoisia,

Without a fancy mod, ES and Armour don't do much for us as we have so little invested in them on the tree. Work on your life rolls on a few of your items. You can find a Rare helmet with way more life that also raises the level of socket gems too. So , Helmet, Boots, Gloves, and one of your rings.

Good observations! Good job! (Boots are good to be picky with as you want movement speed along with the other basics.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
WaylandertheSlayer escreveu:
so i am level 87 now, doing some t7/t8 maps. i get killed a lot. yes, i am a very, very bad player but still....what could i do to get a little more tankier? my life is about 4000 and all res (except chaos) are capped. i get one shoted a lot and the spikes in the uber lab kill me on the spot

any tipps?
Hey WaylandertheSlayer!

If you make your character tab public on the PoE website we'll be able to take a look at your setup. There are so many details that go into survivability. In the meantime, take a look at my gear in the links and also the example video. See what differences there may be. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
gkloyy escreveu:
Hi im level 89 and also a new player and i also am getting one shotted alot. i recently just tried doing minotaur and pheonix and it was very hard because the minions dont do as much damage and i get one shotted easily by the boss am i doing something wrong in my build :O
Hey gkloyy!

Good job getting to 89! If you make your character tab public on the PoE website, we'll be able to take a look at your setup and see what's up.

Some of the more epic bosses require familiarity. They're meant to crush you until you learn them. Some skills that the big bosses use are meant to destroy. The Pheonix stacks "flammability" on you so you need to kill the phoenix birds as fast as you can, while with the Minotaur you're safest staying close and behind them. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Última edição por Wrecker_of_Days#7691 em 26 de jan de 2021 13:57:09
First of all, thanks for all your hard work putting together this guide. It's one of the most easy to understand and complete.
I've just finished act 10 and so far it's been a blast.

I'm trying your filter. When should I switch from the starting off version to the upgraded one?

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work
Wrecker_of_Days escreveu:

If you make your character tab public on the PoE website we'll be able to take a look at your setup. There are so many details that go into survivability. In the meantime, take a look at my gear in the links and also the example video. See what differences there may be.

thanks a lot wrecker for trying to help us, much appreciated! character tab is now public
Hi Wrecker i have set my profile so u can see the items can u see if i need to improve anything that might help in doing end game content?
revanxp escreveu:
First of all, thanks for all your hard work putting together this guide. It's one of the most easy to understand and complete.
I've just finished act 10 and so far it's been a blast.

I'm trying your filter. When should I switch from the starting off version to the upgraded one?

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work
Thanks revanxp!

You're very kind to say what you did. Thank you. If you have any suggestions for things that are missing or oddly mentioned, I'm all ears.

Sweeeeeeeeeet. I love filters :). The best time to move on from a filter is when the one you're using is annoying you. That kinda happens naturally as you'll be set with your items and really only looking for occasional improvements instead of desperately looking for a much-needed upgrade.

If you're a loot LOVER, there isn't really a reason to go up to the tier two filter except for the sake of clutter. Filter 2 only shows the tops of each base type but the guide specific filter is for builds that don't care about Armour, Evasion, or ES. So the Tops aren't going to be better, it's just less clutter.

Does that help? Thanks again for your kindness. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
WaylandertheSlayer escreveu:
Wrecker_of_Days escreveu:

If you make your character tab public on the PoE website we'll be able to take a look at your setup. There are so many details that go into survivability. In the meantime, take a look at my gear in the links and also the example video. See what differences there may be.

thanks a lot wrecker for trying to help us, much appreciated! character tab is now public
Thanks for your patience WaylandertheSlayer!

So, in all honesty, I can't see anything wrong or out of place. I mean, there's some gear that can be improved, but you're already above 5500 life, fully ascended, capped resists, unmodified gems...honestly, outside of the improvements that we all want to make to our builds, the setup looks perfect.

So I'm honestly not sure where the one-shots are coming from. I clear the highest content with this exact setup and it works fine for my maybe it's map mod combos? Some map mods, though they may seem minor set apart, can actually be really brutal when combined with other innocent-looking mods. It could also be familiarity? PoE is a game, despite all of the random stuff that happens, that really benefits players with experience. Certain looks, tells, animations, where to be with certain pack combos...and of course, the crazy new content that no one has dealt with yet (like Sirus invasions). That all takes getting used to. AND coupled with that, the closer quarter combat of Fortify just doesn't suit some people. Some people just like the ranged verion of minions with Predator Support instead of Meat Shield. You could always try Predator Support as your button instead of Meat Shield if that distance suits you more. You'd lose Fortify though.

I'm sorry this didn't answer your question. Hopefully, something in here was helpful. Just remember to keep moving. Move slowly, without panic, but keep moving. It'll help you get used to certain encounters.

I'll make sure to play this build in a day or two to show some high-end gameplay so that it can be compared once it's posted. Check out the example video in the meantime and see if my style is that different than yours. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Última edição por Wrecker_of_Days#7691 em 27 de jan de 2021 15:08:28

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