[3.13] Aziire's CwC Hydrosphere Elementalist - Maven Ez Clap | Ritual League Starter

So how to we plan our tree if we don't have those Cluster jewels? Some of those jewels are very expensive at the moment.
This is an amazing guide! I am realitively new to the game, I played POE briefly years ago, so there is much I do not know. This guide has provided a solid foundation and leaves me with no questions. I really appreciate the effort you put into this. Will you write additional guides for other builds in the future?
For some reason my PoB (latest version: 1.4.170) doesnt want to load your PoB tree(
raidman4 escreveu:
Awesome thanks! This build is so fun. Anywhere else I can get reduced wrath mana usage?? If not, which should I take out? Ice, Thunder or wrath?

At the moment I am currently just using Herald of Ice and Thunder, alongside Clarity and Vitality. This setup runs well into Red Maps, I am still working out the best ideal Aura setup as the build is a little more work in progress than I intended D:.

marquesini escreveu:
Just started mapping, any help on gearing? currently maxed out resists (-60% chaos) and 2.7k life and 630 energy shield.

18k dps toolpit on stormbrust maxed out 5k on hydrosphere tooltip.

edit: forgot to say, i'm having a lot of trouble surviving even on T1s :(

edit2: made a few upgrades build is playing a lot better now

The build upgrades you made look good. Going for Maximum Life early is really important to help us survive the majority of maps. I'm still working out the super ideal end game items, I am pushing into Tier 12s and 13s though.

RocketLeague escreveu:
What type of large cluster jewel/med cluster jewel "added small passive skills grant: ??????" should I look for? Increased spell damage/lightning damage?

%Increased Lightning Damage for our Large. For our Mediums we want %Increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments and Channelling Skills deal #% increased Damage

Onkelhase escreveu:
Nice build i love it

<3 Ty ty

Shiek200 escreveu:
Simple question, can we replace storm burst with Charged Dash? Would it accomplish the same thing (proccing the sphere) while allowing us to move at the same time?

Kinda sorta. For the way we scale the build with this guide etc no. Charged Dash is an Attack and scales based off things like Attack Damage and weapons. We scale Spell damage pretty hard. On top of that I think scaling both Hydrosphere Damage and Charged Damage would be hard as one is a Spell and one is an Attack.

It could probably be done, just not in this setup D:.

reciprocate escreveu:
Was wondering that myself, along with Divine Ire albeit divine ire is like Storm Burst where it's just a channeling ability without movement unlike Charged Dash.

Also wondering, would Frost Shield be useful in this build? Would require some energy shield to make the globe's absorption amount decent, but if done properly it can add an extra layer of defense/mitigation for static boss fights.

Divine Ire would work perfectly fine and is actually a great alternative as we can 1:1 swap it with Storm Burst (due to them being identically tagged skills). As for Charged Dash I explained above.

Frost Shield could be great. I like Tempest Shield, and I think we are a little gem starved to fit Frost in there. If you can though defs give it a shot if it is a defense you enjoy using.

Shiek200 escreveu:
Yeah but since this build doesn't require a specific helmet you can just slap on a crown of eyes, and this build utilizes almost no "more spell damage" modifiers, only "increased spell damage." Besides that, the majority of this build's scaling is ele/lightning/crit damage (and charged dash scales pretty well with crit), so it would apply equally to both skills.

The two things that would be hard to scale are the attack speed and flat damage, since "adds x-x to spells" wouldn't help CD and vice-cersa for "x-x to attacks." Likewise for cast speed vs attack speed.

Personally I don't think attack speed would be THAT much of an issue, but to account for flat damage there would definitely have to be some gear swaps. Namely the weapon/shield since added damage from jewelry is already applied to both.

Doryani's Catalyst could be okay, as it scales both the attack and spell pretty well, and gives decent crit chance.

Unyielding Flame is cute, global crit chance, fire res off-sets the negative res from crown, attack and cast speed, max life, but the triggered skill is fire which we don't scale well.

The Ghastly Theater is also interesting, +1000 temp life against physical hits (which we're the weakest against), blinds nearby enemies, and when we take some damage our crit chance and attack speed go up, plus the chance to avoid bleed is nice for uber lab.

2-Handed (another 6-link)
Agnerod west adds a decent chunk of flat lightning damage to the sphere while also scaling CD.

Disintegrator actually seems pretty nuts for damage and scales both equally, but I'm not sure how bad the degen would be.

Replica Duskdawn scales crits and with Crown of Eyes the inc spell damage would translate to attacks.

those are just a few options, I'm sure there's more, and with Harvest crafting making a come-back you could likely craft something even better.

Mainly I'm just pointing out that it's a lot more feasible than it looks.

The really big hurdle would be changing the tree to use less "spell crit" nodes and more generic crit nodes. The "crit while wielding a staff" nodes aren't far off, but that wouldn't be enough by itself.

Spells just scale crit so easily on the tree, that's the one aspect I'm not sure I'd be able to account for. But if you can solve that issue I think the build COULD work. Of course I'm not an expert at this game so maybe I'm 100% wrong on all of this, lol, but at first glance it looks at least possible.

This is a lot of thought for Charged Dash. I will go over this more in detail after I stream. Just replying to it now so it doesn't get lost and I can reply to it easier later.

Onkelhase escreveu:

Yo this gear is cracked! What the hell lmao. Absolute gaming warlord. How is the build feeling for you at the moment? If you get anytime and I am live on stream please jump in and let me know. Far better than what I've got going so far.

eatmagnetic escreveu:
How would go on the tree without Thread of Hope? Theres like a big gab between Lv75 and Lv95... just take all the nodes?

I've just been grabbing more life, making sure to fill out all my Jewel slots etc. I got the +25 Strength and Dex point as well. Ignore Heart of Thunder and Cold until we get Thread of Hope (if you decide to invest that hard). It will be a few days before prices drop a little.

ExiledSarin escreveu:
For generic critical scaling, I'd go power charges. The nodes aren't far, you can easily get 5 charges, each giving 48% increased critical chance, 5% increased crit multiplier, 8% increased damage, 4% increased spell damage. To generate, you've got 8% chance to get one on kill, and if you slap lvl1 CWDT linked to lvl 5 Assassin's mark, you'll be covered for mapping and bossing.

I'm taking that path in my own, budged version of this build.

Edit: linking a herald with power charge on critical is also a good option in this build if you want to generate power charges.

The suggestion for PCoC on Heralds is a good idea. I'll give it a test on my Herald of Ice setup today as I just dropped Ice Bite (wasn't providing Frenzy often enough). I still need to Min Max the PoB a little better. Now that we got Hydrosphere in PoB I need to work it out a little better.

SA_Lumis escreveu:
So how to we plan our tree if we don't have those Cluster jewels? Some of those jewels are very expensive at the moment.

Just go for everything else, pick up some extra life etc. I am Level 87 and only really finding that I am a little desperate for the Cluster now.

doom1999 escreveu:
This is an amazing guide! I am realitively new to the game, I played POE briefly years ago, so there is much I do not know. This guide has provided a solid foundation and leaves me with no questions. I really appreciate the effort you put into this. Will you write additional guides for other builds in the future?

I appreciate the compliments a lot <3. I have written quite a few guides on underused skills. I have a guide list at the top. They were for older leagues however most of them have been unchanged. Due to the skills not being super popular the build itself usually functions the same. There might be minor changes but I'd like to think the information still holds.

alex11644 escreveu:
For some reason my PoB (latest version: 1.4.170) doesnt want to load your PoB tree(

Are you using the Community Fork? I have it linked at the top. Otherwise you could always load my current Character itself. It won't be the endgame ideal setup but it gives a good idea of direction.

Aziire BigHydroPumper
I tinkered in the POB a bit and was only ever able to get Charged Dash up to around 600k DPS with Disintegrator, Crown of Eyes and respeccing the tree out of spell crit and into Power charges and Staff nodes, hydrosphere damage remained mostly the same.

Of course I'm really not good at this aspect of things, the actual math/building goes right over my head, lol, but it seems like it would certainly be POSSIBLE to scale it better.
Great idea this build . I´m playing it as a leaugue starter and its fun because its not easy ;)

But i got one question beeing a complete Wich N00b:

how do u get your 4th Golem running?
You get 2 extra with the accendant...and than? "Golem Commander"?

thank ya
AziiRe escreveu:
ExiledSarin escreveu:
For generic critical scaling, I'd go power charges. The nodes aren't far, you can easily get 5 charges, each giving 48% increased critical chance, 5% increased crit multiplier, 8% increased damage, 4% increased spell damage. To generate, you've got 8% chance to get one on kill, and if you slap lvl1 CWDT linked to lvl 5 Assassin's mark, you'll be covered for mapping and bossing.

I'm taking that path in my own, budged version of this build.

Edit: linking a herald with power charge on critical is also a good option in this build if you want to generate power charges.

The suggestion for PCoC on Heralds is a good idea. I'll give it a test on my Herald of Ice setup today as I just dropped Ice Bite (wasn't providing Frenzy often enough). I still need to Min Max the PoB a little better. Now that we got Hydrosphere in PoB I need to work it out a little better.

You'll still need to find room for Assassin's Mark on CWDT for bossing though. Herald starts doing damage and crits only after kill.

By the way, if you have room...try Precision. The mana cost isn't much, and the critical boost is nice.

Oberspalter escreveu:
Great idea this build . I´m playing it as a leaugue starter and its fun because its not easy ;)

But i got one question beeing a complete Wich N00b:

how do u get your 4th Golem running?
You get 2 extra with the accendant...and than? "Golem Commander"?

thank ya

You are allowed one golem by default. The passives build up from there.
I like the build so far. It is super stupid squishy though. Getting periodically one shot by trash mobs... bleh!
Thank you for the build, it feels very fresh and funny.
What do you think, about Delve? What is the max depth potentially possible?
Since is my first "time" playing the game (i used to be a necro-summoner on every league start) idk if this is normal but im not really having a good time on bosses or maps with monsters with increased elemental resistances. Maybe i invested on the wrong items or i went yolo "glass cannon" expectign to shock freeze every boss until hit a wall on t16 maps, but i hitted the wall a lot early...

On wich thing i should invest for start shcoking/freezing bosses?

current pob: https://pastebin.com/YxCGq5T4

I dont really want to re roll into minions, totems,golems, ed contagion or cyclone.

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