Burning Arrow Chain Reactions // 30m DOT DPS // Faceroll all content
Any tips for crafting a +curse astral plate?
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" Well for a relatively cheap upgrade, u can go for: ignite boots, temple gloves (i dont know for sure but i think that's better than fdot multi), transcendent mind jewel, awakened gems. That should give a nice cheap boost. For the first expensive upgrade i'd suggest making the double (or single) elevated blizz crown. Also again i don't suggest going for double curse setup too early. Use malachai's artifice - its VERY strong. When you have a VERY good ring you can switch to double curse with awakened hextouch but before that malachai's is just better and costs 1c. A good chest to get is an astral plate with non-curse aura effect (significant dps boost and doesn't need to be a 6l if your gonna use malachai's) not stacked like mine but just that 1 redemer mod, some resists and nice life on it. Other chest options are hyrri's ire for damage or replica farrul's fur for nice mix of damage and survivability. Última edição por trancenergy11#1763 em 21 de mai de 2021 18:02:31
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definetly cant get the 30 mil dot but enjoying the build. best ive used so far. much of the gear is unobtainable (without a massive bank) in the guide but still works well. medium clusters seem like they have to be bought as i havn't been able to craft a single one and have only one single after at least 5-6 exalts worth of crafting mats. buy don't build in this case for sure. the one thing i dont understand is the amulet choice. i get that the golems stack damage(25% per) but neglect every other stat. seems like a huge waste. just bought an aul's amulet, dropped the primo chain for anger has no reservation. gives me an extra aura and at least 5-7% damage increase even with some extra atributes and LIFE. It just seemed like a huge waste. anger for aul's amulet is way lower than the wrath hatred ones because of the strength and armour but our chest is armour and scales better than the int or dex imo
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" imo its rough. i think its a 16% chance with 82 level chest but the risk makes the investment lower as if it fails, selling the chest is rough. |
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i tried a lot with level 82 astral plates and got one out of 9 smashing hunters exalts. if i would have bought i would have ended up with a better chest piece for sure
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" You can guarantee it if you do suffixes first. Like f.e. you can get an i82 hunter astral plate with like double t1 resist + essence dex or something. Put suffixes cannot change and reforge with caster to guarantee it. Than u aisling slam to try to get +10% life and craft life. Or if u wanna start with a high life roll u put prefix cannot change and reforge with caster for like a 30-40% chance of getting it but u can probably do a few tries. And you'll have to remake ur suffixes from scratch. |
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" I always find posts like this amusing. There are tons of people who have min maxed this build to insane levels, not only copying the guide but having put LOTS of thought into it. They all use Primordial Chain. So are they all blindly wasting that slot? Highly unlikely. You are neglecting that we also scale buff effectiveness off our golems. So these 3 extra golems give us 150% increased buff effectiveness from ascendencies alone. So it doesn't just give 75% increased Damage form Liege of the Primordial. It also frees up one jewel socket to get to Anima Stone. That amulet surely is BiS by far. |
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sry didnt mean to sound like i was complaining. i am not a veteran so there are things i'm not sure of. all i meant is that i was able to gain life and damage by switching to aul's and another primo enminence. it still gets all the auras but has 3 less golems. i should have tried explaining myself better
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I have a question about the golems, wich one do you stack guys?
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Appreciate the advice! I will start incorporating those into my setup
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