Burning Arrow Chain Reactions // 30m DOT DPS // Faceroll all content
" Yes the Feared is the hardest challenge for sure. You need to Bless your ring and also use catalysts on it. If you're using the Enduring Eternal Mana flask, you shouldn't need divergent ele damage with attacks or the -mana craft on ring. I have 49 mana and I never have any mana issues because we get so many charges with spamming the flask. This will enable you to get awakened ele damage and also craft more damage on your ring. For your ring, yes the fire damage is not much of a boost. Personally, I would go either attack speed or chaos resis. Considering you are in negative chaos resis, this could be a great way to boost it. Última edição por brunowa#6253 em 3 de mar de 2021 17:30:46
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New elementalist ascendancy is really fun to play with and this build takes advantage of it really well. Pretty happy with my current gear although it is by no means perfect or min-maxed - I'm currently hovering around 25 bossing DPS w/ Swift Affliction using Divergent EDWA instead of awakened. Planning on improving my rare ring and flat damage jewels after I farm my HH.
I originally wanted to work my way to 30M+ DPS as I'm a little bit short on insta-killing A9 Sirus final phase before he does a move. However, survivability currently seems to be more of a concern to me than damage as I do get chunked from time to time in maps by stuff like legion and harvest bosses if I can't burst them down. What sort of bossing damage (non-GMP) are people getting speccing into mana nodes to fit in Flesh and Stone? I know the reduced damage will still be more than enough to do most things in the game, but just a vanity thing for me I guess. Also, Arcanist Brand setup seems pretty nice as I hate having to walk in close to dangerous bosses to manually cast WoC. I assume the trade-off is you give up Storm Brand, so how is EO uptime without Storm Brand? |
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" So, this build is pretty craft intensive. I would recommend buying the base crown rather than the built one and start working on it. For me, I used the +106 life essences and spammed until I had a decent base. If you have Fire Res on there then an aug fire with open suffix will hit ignite, redeemer's orbs are cheap. With the ring, you may consider using the unique one in budget build until you can craft curse chest. It's supposed to be hella dps while losing survivability. For quiver, you can try to find a non pierce quiver with t1 life and DoT multiplier and then craft on that. I think I used the WED Essences to start crafting on mine until I hit t1 life and t2 DoT. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so it drives me nuts not having t1, but it's still quite good. If you go back 10 or so pages there's a lot of crafting tips within the thread. So even if you're not good at it, you can learn. My understanding is there's no need to increase the duration as ignite ticks for a long time as is. You just want the damage to go very, very fast. Additionally, I forget whether or not you have Lethal Pride, but it's worth to get 2 nodes of Ignites deal damage faster while learning how to craft. (Use Divines then plug into the tree to see what you got) With crafting, it's a lot to take in, but easily some of the most rewarding content in the game. Try it, it's fun! |
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" Appreciate the advice. I just switched my nodes around today because I was so frustrated with constantly running out of mana. I think between the flask and the nodes I might be able to switch back to Awakened Ele Damage and throw some base damage in suffix on ring. The cold res on ring is place holder for chaos res when I get the craft. Still not sure what to do about burning damage. I'm in the true min maxing phase now LOL. |
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The manas 1 of the easiset things to fix honestly, as ive said before my GMP burning arrow costs 26 mana, I have 133 mana un-reserved with flesh and stone, wrath, and malevolence on, and I have elemental damage leeched as mana.
You can use the sovereignty, tireless, heart and soul, and righteous decree nodes in the skill tree to adress mana and the cost of skills. You can use anomalous GMP for another -20% burning arrow cost, I sold my awakened GMP and havent had any issues clear speed wise, and you can use divergent elemental damage with attacks for the mana leech. Or you can just smash a mana flask, for people used to doing piano builds and using all 5 flasks constantly its no trouble, I however have old man hands and am only willing to press a few buttons including my flasks. Just keep chipping away at your gear, the more you min/max the more you can trade off dps for quality of life and it really starts to feel smooth. I have half of my dps nodes off right now for extra life to safely level a couple more lvs and I still destroy everything b/c I min/maxd all the gear, theres alot of wiggle room. |
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" 25M boss DPS is pretty good. Here is a quick vid I just made on A9 Sirus Phase 3: https://youtu.be/Fgoe9QyeXE4 Unfortunately I wasn't able to pop him before the phase on this occasion, but you can see I am running with Flesh and Stone too with only 49 mana. A couple other things you may notice, I'm using Arcanist Brand setup so simply popped 3 of them before he spawns so I can focus on shooting. I also run a small cluster with Enduring Compsure and you can see it quickly and easily creates 3 endurance charges even on boss fights. After watching this vid and realising he phased with about 10% life left it makes me wonder whether culling strike as 6th link on golems could be good. If I had that he probably would have been dead in this one. It's effectively another 10% more damage. Something to test. Not sure how it compares to your DPS but thought I'd share. I'm not min-maxed... I haven't elevated my helmet or don't have an enchant or anything because I can't justify the cost/benefit for it. Última edição por brunowa#6253 em 3 de mar de 2021 22:35:33
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Every league, I usually only play one build and stick with it for SSF, but I've been swapping between this and a Flame Wall Spellslinger this league using the same character. I like the higher topend damage for this build, but my god... Burning Arrow is such an absolute bore to look at. Going from KB explosions to a twing twing is a bit of a let down. I really like how the build doesn't leave any things on the screen though.
By the way, I don't see this in OP, but if you are using Malachai's Artifice, you cannot use Anger or else the golem you slot in there will end up doing fire damage and adding 50% Fire Resistance to the enemy it hits. I plugged in Chain Support to my Burning Arrow links temporarily because I can't figure out why one or two mobs seem to always be alive and at full health when everything else around them died. I can't wrap my head around how to maximize the spread of ignite with Ignite Proliferation and Berek's Respite. I understand how each of them work, but I feel like I'm still missing something. |
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" I have lethal pride in the name of Koam but unsure if I have the ignites deal damage faster nodes. All I see is + strength on every passive. I changed my boots. I’m going to harvest remove defenses and add Jun’s onslaught movement speed next. I can do the curse chest and gloves for cheaper than helm, so will probably go that route. +Frenzy charge on hit and extra curse. As far as curse ring - is elemental weakness preferred over despair (DOT) or vulnerability (faster ailments)? Does the minus res from elemental weakness stack with flammability? On quiver, does it matter if it’s fire DOT or will regular DOT be fine, too? Obviously, both is preferred but no idea how to go about doing that one. Crown will probably be the last thing I do. I really need to get a blue socket on bow to use unbound ailment support. I did get an anomalous flame golem and there isn’t a difference in the damage bonus it gives me versus a regular. It should be +20% increased buff. I thought this glitch was fixed? Última edição por HeckinKoda#1823 em 3 de mar de 2021 22:22:03
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Ohhh i am so happy right now. just used my first maven orb and got what i wanted ,, yeahhhhh.I know phys as ele is most likely a better idea but now i am kind of addicted on getting as much life ass possible on the build w/o sacraficing dps.
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" amazing work exile... What's your life at now? Última edição por brunowa#6253 em 3 de mar de 2021 22:47:29
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