Burning Arrow Chain Reactions // 30m DOT DPS // Faceroll all content

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Última edição por cenleegame01#5277 em 6 de mar de 2021 04:35:08
HeckinKoda escreveu:
If my ring has increased poison damage and increased poison duration, how do I take it off or swap it for chaos resistance or increased fire damage. I haven’t seen a remove chaos in any of my harvests yet. Although, 1 in 4 of harvests are Heart of the Grove for me.


Buy 2 Orbs of Unmaking and take off the 2 passives for Heart of the Grove in your Lex Proxima passives, that shi* is utter garbage.

Aside from that just buy them on the poe.trade discord > harvest looking to sell channel, it would take you 8 leagues to find all the actual harvest crafts you need.

To change poison to chaos resistance you would search for "remove/add chaos", typically 2ex per.

To change to fire you would search "remove chaos", buy that, then search "augment fire".
JCOH35 escreveu:
Dragoon_Diver escreveu:
i invested a bit on this build and now i am missing only a couple harvest crafting to swap my gloves and a GG watcher's eye

but i did something that i am surprised no one noticed that the build is very fragile in mapping because of stun, so i put stun avoidance on abyssal jewel and the mod from cinderswallow to give me over 80% stun avoidance and then i stopped dying to anything now, a little sacrifice in dps for a huge survivability
also anomalous chaos golem is pratically mandatory since lvl 20 + empower boosts phys reduction to almost 50% and put rolled a ton of divine on my lethal pride to give me more armour and stuff
before this i was thinking of doing the PF trick of using Hardened scar anoint + Enduring Hybrid flasks to "perma fortify" but it is only useful in rare situations
also i know that "cooked alive" in the medium jewels is BIS but burning bright and wasting affliction are fine too alongside blowback, i wish i could use cremator to get rid of porcupines but oh well

I run stun avoidance on implicits aswell but the best thing you can do to fix the build's fragility is just run flesh and stone. You can run wrath, malevolence, and flesh and stone and still have 110-130 mana unreserved and have a burning arrow (gmp version) that only costs 26mana without crafting -cost on your jewelery.

This is an example of the skill tree I run;


I run Disciple of the Unyielding as my annointment and have +1 minimum endurance charges crafted on my vermillion off ring, this gives me 2 endurance charges at all times, and then I also have an 8% chance to gain a 3rd charge on kills and gain 8% increased damage per charge, the 3rd charge also extends the duration of my immortal call which is further enhanced in duration by anomalous CWDT and increased duration.

Between those changes and flesh and stones blind and ranged damage mitigation things like porcupines pose no threat to me, I also have solid life, 6k or above and still have more then enough dps to melt anything and everything.

Overall all my crap looks like this;

I have 2 bows and 2 quivers to weapon swap onto bosses, the global crit quiver is for bossing.

Last thing rq, if you do go a similar route on the tree like I did, put some time and effort into your abyss jewels since you only have room for two, spend a little $ and harvest time on them.

I'd like to try this route of yours as well. the POB is for level 100, if I could ask, which points would I save for last?

Also I assume im missing the obvious but in your tree it would take 2 points to get unwavering stance, is that not worth it?
Última edição por Chridian#2796 em 6 de mar de 2021 03:49:13
Here's my take on the build: https://pastebin.com/PeeFFEFZ

Stun was the first thing that I've noticed killing me, mainly because i had a crit cinderswallow at the time, so I went full retard and got 10 stun avoid implicits on my jewels. I would definitely say it's 100% worth it, if you're starting out with the build to go for Unwavering stance. Like so: https://imgur.com/a/XQJxF6Q

That allows me to have the afromentioned crit cinderswallow.

I don't focus pierce at all, altho i do not map with this build at all, so can't really tell if pierce plays a major role. The few maps i've done the ignite prolif lived a life of it's own, chaining 3 screens wide etc. I run arcanist brand because qol > everything else.

All my gear:
when u run unwavering stance u cant evade anymore .
It would make the blind from flesh and stone do nothing. so choose one here id say.
For me i get very rarely stunned . i only use the stunavoidance cinderswallow on simulacrums so far. + 20 % from jewel implicits.
Porcupines do very little to me which i didnt rly expect. Even when the screen is full of spikes on added ele maps.
That was a pleasent suprise.

I am currently still trying chainbreaker and berserk, losing blood rage for it . (i want to get an es buffer and dont want the degen) .
chainbreaker stills feels really great and the 5+ second berserk for bosses is a lot of fun and higly effective.
i just did around 20 minotaur with double boss atlas passive in my hh clear modus.
it felt really nice. the attack speed is even better for bosses with rage/berserk .
And for clearing with hh . I dont think it can get any better 😅 the frenzy charges are not missed there and i can get 2 for bosses with shield swap .

@ppl feeling squishy. running 1 life flask made a huge difference when lower geared for me. blood of the karui.
i use it when leveling . imo losing the mana flask an getting a life flask = huge gain in effective survivability

edit: i think this will be my first lvl 100 , still madly in love with the build
Última edição por karlklaps#7622 em 6 de mar de 2021 06:34:17
Doesnt flesh and stone give monsters a chance to miss, rather than you a chance to evade, I always thought there was a distinction there or are they the same thing.
flesh and stone gives blind to enemies around u afaik. normal blind= halfes chance to hit
karlklaps escreveu:
flesh and stone gives blind to enemies around u afaik. normal blind= halfes chance to hit

yeah you're correct, unwavering stance nullifies the blind
JCOH35 escreveu:
Dragoon_Diver escreveu:
i invested a bit on this build and now i am missing only a couple harvest crafting to swap my gloves and a GG watcher's eye

but i did something that i am surprised no one noticed that the build is very fragile in mapping because of stun, so i put stun avoidance on abyssal jewel and the mod from cinderswallow to give me over 80% stun avoidance and then i stopped dying to anything now, a little sacrifice in dps for a huge survivability
also anomalous chaos golem is pratically mandatory since lvl 20 + empower boosts phys reduction to almost 50% and put rolled a ton of divine on my lethal pride to give me more armour and stuff
before this i was thinking of doing the PF trick of using Hardened scar anoint + Enduring Hybrid flasks to "perma fortify" but it is only useful in rare situations
also i know that "cooked alive" in the medium jewels is BIS but burning bright and wasting affliction are fine too alongside blowback, i wish i could use cremator to get rid of porcupines but oh well

I run stun avoidance on implicits aswell but the best thing you can do to fix the build's fragility is just run flesh and stone. You can run wrath, malevolence, and flesh and stone and still have 110-130 mana unreserved and have a burning arrow (gmp version) that only costs 26mana without crafting -cost on your jewelery.

This is an example of the skill tree I run;


I run Disciple of the Unyielding as my annointment and have +1 minimum endurance charges crafted on my vermillion off ring, this gives me 2 endurance charges at all times, and then I also have an 8% chance to gain a 3rd charge on kills and gain 8% increased damage per charge, the 3rd charge also extends the duration of my immortal call which is further enhanced in duration by anomalous CWDT and increased duration.

Between those changes and flesh and stones blind and ranged damage mitigation things like porcupines pose no threat to me, I also have solid life, 6k or above and still have more then enough dps to melt anything and everything.

Overall all my crap looks like this;

I have 2 bows and 2 quivers to weapon swap onto bosses, the global crit quiver is for bossing.

Last thing rq, if you do go a similar route on the tree like I did, put some time and effort into your abyss jewels since you only have room for two, spend a little $ and harvest time on them.

yeah i saw your pob when i was leveling but i decided to go to the original route + stun since i already got items towards it
i agree that your tree makes it more tanky but now i very rarely die in maps just need to make sure there aren't many mobs nearby plus back-dashing against bosses when needed. maybe i just play the build differently
kwerd escreveu:
HardPrimat escreveu:
I did now a bit of a testing as many people recommended arcanist brand over self cast WOC. My statement to this adjustment is the following:

In my opinion it's worse by quite a bit for the following reasons:

-Only 1 Brand can be attached to an enemy, so you loose your storm brand to proc Elemental Overload. As boss fights last only a very short period, you most likely won't even proc Elemental Overload if you want to rely on your crits by BA or Arcanist Brand. (Storm Brand ticks super fast and procs EO very reliable in a short timeperiod)
-I only did a very short testing, but for me it looks like arcanist brand casts the skills not in parallel (WOC + Curse) This means it takes some time until both skills are applied to the enemy.

That's why my recommendation is to use self cast WOC + curse on hit, because:
-You only use it for bosses and no QOL for maps is needed
-If you learn boss spawn mechanics you can precast Wave of Conviction from a bit of distance, so that WOC starts traveling and hits the boss as soon as it spawns. this allows you to instantly apply WOC + Curse right of the first split second of the boss fight maximizing your DPS

stormbrand + awakened hextouch (lvl5) + flammability +ele weakness
(addition curse on chest and despair on hit ring)

triple curse with the benefit of 3x stormbrand for elemental overload procs with 4 gems? One button skill for all 3 curse and proccing EO.

If you want to maximize your dps you shouldn't do that, as bosses have reduced curse effectiveness. So WOC+combustion should be always stronger than an additional curse i think. (Has to be POBed to be proven^^)
Última edição por HardPrimat#5269 em 6 de mar de 2021 07:38:13

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