[3.13] guggelhupf's Ultimate Carrion Golem | Insane Damage and Survivability | Crafting Guide Inside

This Builds Damage is focused around the Carrion Golem, which is in my opinion one of the best experiences i've ever had in this game :) With this setup i come to insane Defense and Damage values which you can read in "Pro & Contra".

The items you will see are mostly selfcrafted and can be very expensive depending on your crafting RNG.

If you are looking for a more Budget variant i highly recommend the LL Carrion Golem Build by Grimro, which was also the starter for myself.

Table of Contents
1. Videos
2. Pro & Contra
3. Ascendancy
4. Bandits
5. Gear
6. Path of Building
8. The Pantheon
9. Enchantments
10. Crafting Guide
11. My other Builds

“Pro & Contra“

7k+ ES
~2k Energy Shield Reg
%Energy on block
89/89/90 Resistance
~ 25m Dps per Golem (4x Golem)
Stun, Chill, Freeze & Reflect Immune
Can do nearly all content without problems
Minions are nearly immortal, can even survive 100% Delirium Maps (see video)
Can survive full stack of bearers


No Reg Map Mod isnt the best option because it disables our reg and we cant use our Flame Dash + Convocations


First we go to Mindless Agression and after that to Bone Barrier. This is our best Defense Spell and should be spammend on cooldown. Now we pick first Commander of Darkness for additional Defense and at last we go to Unnatural Strengh because our golems will do more than enough dmg and this is for endgame and our 4th Spectre

PRO TIP: Select the Bone Armour as your Movement Key, so you will spam it automaticly on cooldown while moving around


We kill them all for the two additional Skill Tree Points



“Detailed & Gem Links“

IMPORANT: Try to get at least 155(159) Strength and Dexterity with your gear, so you can use all lvl 20(21) Auras.

Our Weapon will be the Convoking Wand with:

Minions deal 66% increased Damage
Minions have 5% chance to deal Double Damage
+1 to level of all Minion Skill Gems
+1 to level of all Spell Skill Gems

BiS would be with Minion Life, Movement Speed and Minion Attack Speed.

In this wand we use our Movement Skill – Flame Dash, and our minion recall gem – Convocation. We also use one Clarity Aura (lvl 1). The Divergent gives attional dmg as long as the golems have mana (could not find any conformation about this, so a normal clarity should do the trick aswell).

Note: We can switch our Auras from this wand with the rings like we want, it doesnt matter which aura is in ring and which is in the wand. Just for coloring Clarity is the best or you have a 3W one.

Gems: Flame DashConvocationClarity

Our Shield is a very good crafted one with at least the 15% Reduced Mana Reservation Modifier. The other Mods on it like +1 Physical Gems or the Minimun Endurance Charges offer alot of addtional dmg and defense.

Here we use our Auras with the most Mana Reservation. (Vaal)Haste, Pride and (Vaal)Discipline.

If you can get your hand on a +3 Ring you can also switch the Dicipline with the Skitterbots for even more ES.

Gems: (Vaal) HastePride(Vaal) Discipline

Our Helm will be a Elder/Redeemer Crafted Bone Helmet. Most importan here is the elevated Reduced Mana Reservation Mod (Redeemer), the Minion Damage (Elder) and the crafted +1 to all socketed AOE Gems. The other one are good QoL upgrades.

Important: If you get lucky with the crafting process and can remove ALL mods EXCEPT the elevated Mana Reservation and the Minion Damage, you can multicraft with additional chance to avoid stunned and save some money on the jewels.

Here we use our Purity of Fire and Purity of Ice because with the crafted +1 aoe gem mod they become lvl 23 and this way we got higher max resistances. The Purity of Lightning is 23 anyway because of our +1 int gems from the Amulet.

We also run our Divergent Dread Banner and Anomalous Precision here because of the +1 Gem Craft.

IMPORTANT: The Anomalous Precision gives the Gem itself 10% Reduced Mana Reserved which is mendatory.

The Hybrid Minion Damage is mostly because of the %Increased Minion Damage, so dont wonder why there are no Minions in it.

Gems: Anomalous Precision -> Divergent Dread Banner -> Purity of Fire -> Purity of Ice

Our Body Armour will be the Saqawal's Nest.
The most inportant part here is the 10% reduced mana reservation, try also get some with the highest Attribute roll you need (Depending on strength/dexterity on Belt/Amu etc).

This Body Armour also offers ALOT all attributes (25-75), so maybe you want look for some with a high roll.

Here will sit our Carrion Golem Setup

Gems: Carrion Golem -> (Awakened) Melee Physical Dmg -> (Awakened) Minion Damage -> (Awakened)Brutality(Awakened) MultistrikeImpale

Our Gloves we use should have as much ES/Int as possible and 3 open mods for multicrafting Minion Damage and more important: chance to avoid being stunned. If you have to decide which craft u want, go always with the stun avoidance!

Btw the best base are sorcerer gloves.

The Gem setup can be swapped with your Boots. Doesnt matter which setup is in boots or gloves.

Important!: The spectre need to be linked with Blood Magic because they have a very low mana pool and reg. BUT be carefull to link not the Purity of Lightning with them, otherwise you cant cast the Aura.

For the Spectre we take:
Carnage Chieftain for Frenzy Charges - Akt 2 The Old Fields
Host Chieftain for Power Charges - Akt 6 The Riverways
They of Tul for a huge defense AoE which gives block and less damgae tanken if you or your minions stand in it - Tul Breachstone (just use desecrate in the Breachstone to spawn their corpses)

Gems: Raise Spectre -> Animate Guardian -> Blood Magic | Purity of Lightning

Our Boots should also have as much ES/Int as possible + the T1 Chance to avoid being stunned mod. Here we also multicraft our Freeze and Chill Immunity.

As i said above we can swap the gem setup with the gloves if needed.

With the Zombies and Flesh & Stone linked together with Maim, we can be sure of a 100% uptime of Maim.

Gems: Raise Zombie -> Feeding Frenzy -> Flesh and Stone -> Maim

Our BiS Belt would be a Headhunter as always.

We can also use any belt with high Strength roll (if needed) and alot of ES & Damage, like a Darkness Enthroned and get a HUGE Dps boost.

With "10% Chance to Avoid being Stunned" on booth Jewel Implicits you can achieve additional 35% Stun Avoidance. But be carefull if you switch to HH and loose the Stun Avoidance.

We use Unset Rings for the additional gem slots. We want a Crusader/Elder base because this allows us to get the %increased maximum Energy Shield and gives our Minions Physical Reflect Immunity

One ring need the "+1 Minimum Endurance Charges" so we come to overall +3 Minimum together with our Shield.
The "Non-Channelling Skills have -(9-8) to Total Mana Cost" is needed as long as you dont want to downlevel your Flame Dash to at least lvl 16.

Use Tempering Catalysts to improve the Defense Modifier by 20%

Gems: Divergent Summon Skitterbots & Divergent Vitality

Our Amulet will be a Critrine base with Hunter/Redeemer Influence for the % reduced Mana Reserved and the +1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems.

Here we can also craft our Aspect of the Avian (or on of the rings). If we dont have a high ES roll on it we just multicraft it.

Use Fertile Catalysts to improve the Mana Modifier and up to 5% Mana Reservation Mod to 6%.

Blight League Oil Enchantment:
We take Champion of the Cause for the additional 4% Reduced Mana Reservation.

We need at least 8 Jewels with the 1% reduced Mana Reserved corruption.

I picked the Golem Jewels, Intuitive Leap, Conqueror's Potency and Fortress Covenant and 1 Abyss Jewel.

This allows us to use another well rolled Jewel with Minion dmg mods + ES.

IMPORTANT a): We need at least one Abyss jewel with Minions Leech % of Damage as Life, because its the only way our minions get the leech.

IMPORTANT b): We use one jewel with the Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you corruption, so we should decice which jewel it is, a normal or a Cluster Jewel.

IMPORTANT c): The Fortress Covenant needs to be placed somewhere without near a notable to disable the disadvantage, best place is on a medium cluster jewel, because the notables at these clusters arent effected by it.

As a Watcher's Eye we have different options, i personally prefer one with:

You have Phasing while affected by Haste
Gain % of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity.

Other good options would be:

% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Ice
% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage while affected by Purity of Fire
% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage while affected by Purity of Lightning
% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline
Regenerate % of Energy Shield per Second while affected by Discipline
Regenerate % of Life per second while affected by Vitality
Immune to Shock while affected by Purity of Lightning
Immune to Ignite while affected by Purity of Fire

We use 3x Large Cluster Jewels with:

1 Added Passive Skill is Renewal
1 Added Passive Skill is Rotten Claws
1 Added Passive Skill is Vicious Bite

We need all 3 notables to save some points and pick the right notables on the way to our Medium Cluster Jewels.

We use 6x Medium Cluster Jewels with:

IMPORTANT: Check your gear how much Stun Avoidance you could craft and pick as much Jewels with Stun Avoidance Implicit as you need to reach the 100%

1 Added Passive Skill is First Among Equals
1 Added Passive Skill is Replenishing Presence

For our Flask Setup we have some good option like the ones i took.

I highly recommend to craft your utility flasks with Bleed, Shock & Curse Immunity

The Rumi's offers alot of Defense with the armour and the Block chance which works great with the %ES Block from our Shield.

The Bottled Faith fits perfectly into any minion build because the Consecrated Ground Debuff. The Consecrated Ground is also very large from this flask, like nearly the whole screen, which means we can move abit around and still get the ES reg buff.

“Animate Guardian“

The Weapon our Guardian want to use is the Kingmaker. It gives us and our minions Fortify, Culling Strike & 50% Crititcal Strike Multiplier.

The Helmet our Guardian want is a rare one with Life, Chaos Resistances & Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage.

For the Body Armour we give him a Gruthkul's Pelt because it offer alot life and HUGE %Life Regeneration.

His Gloves will be some with Chaos Resistances, life and the Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit, with (40-48)% increased Effect corruption. Either some Rares or the Embalmer Unique Gloves

The best boots for him are some Rares with Chaos Resistances, Life and crafted Cannot be Chilled & Frozen. The Enchantment is additional QoL but not needed.

“Skilltree & Path of Building“

The Path of Building doesnt calculate the Animate Guardian right, so put it on the Stibnite Flask. You can find the Skill Tree in the PoB.

Path of Building

“The Pantheon“

Major Pantheon

The Soul of Lunaris gives us up to 8% physical reduction against groups of enemys, but it really begin to shine with the addtional Avoid Projectiles that have Chained because we fear chained projectiles and our minions let them ez chain to us.

Minor Pantheon

We can dicide between Soul of Tukohama & Soul of Gruthkul. Like if we prefer to run around or standing still.



Summoned Carrion Golems deal 40% increased Damage


Regenerate 2% of Life per second if you were Hit Recently
8% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've taken Spell Damage Recently
10% Chance to Dodge if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently
10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently


Doesnt matter which one.

“Crafting Guide“


Step 1 : Buy or farm a Convoking Wand Item Level 83+ with this hybrid Modifier „Minions deal (50–66)% increased Damage“ + „Minions have 5% chance to deal Double Damage“. Its an Incursion Temple drop, so you need to farm the temple or buy the base.

Step 2 : Beastcraft Imprint and split it so you dont loose your base. See Ghazzy's Video

Step 3 : Aug/Regal/Craft 2 additional Prefixes

Step 4 : Harvest Fracture a random Prefix on an item with at least 3 Prefixes, with 1:3 chance to hit the Minion Hybrid Damage Mod. If you hit the wrong Prefix, go back to Step 2 and reallocate your old base from the Imprint

Step 5 : Fossil Craft with 4 socket Resonator using: Shuddering, Corroded, Jagged, Metallic – until you hit +1 to level of all Minion Skill Gem & +1 to level of all Spell Skill Gems

Step 6a) : If you additional hit Minion Life, Minion Attack Speed or Minion Movement Speed you can Harvest remove the other suffixes and Harvest augment the ones you want

Step 6b) : If all suffixes are bad just remove the suffixes with Harvest or Prefix Cannot be Changed

Step 7 : Harvest Augment Life (→ Remove/Augment) until you hit the Minion Life you want

Step 8 : Benchcraft the Minion Attack Speed

Additional Crafting

Step 9 : You can Harvest Augment Speed (or Attack) and hoping for a high Minion Movement Speed and/or Minion Attack Speed roll

Step 10 : Remove/Augment Speed as much as you need for good rolls


Step 1 : Buy a Shaper/Warlord Titanium Spirit Shield iLvL 86+

Step 2 : Try to hit 30 Quality with Perfect Fossils, ideally you bought a cheap base with 30 quality in Step 1

Step 3 : Alteration or Chaos spam until you get +2 Minimum Endurance Charges or the 15% Reduced Mana Reservation Mod (Depending on the base you bought)

Step 4 : Buy whatever base that you did not start with, ideally with either 15% Reduced Mana Reservation or +2 Minimum Endurance Charges (otherwise you need to Alteration or Chaos spam the base like you did in Step 3 with the other base)

IMPORTANT: Before you go on with Step 5 be sure the +2 Minimum Endurance Charges and the 15% Reduced Mana Reservation are the ONLY influence mods on the items

Step 5 : Awaken Orb and pray that you can clean up all mods besides the 15% Reduced Mana Reservation and the +2 Minimum Endurance Charges with the use of Harvest/Annuls

Step 6 : Benchcraft "Physical as Extra Chaos Damage" and Harvest Craft "Augment Physical" twice (maybe once if you are lucky) this will result in a shield with "Reflect Physical Damage" and "+1 to level of all Physical Spell Gems".

Step 7 : Remove previous benchcraft and then Harvest Remove Phys for the 50/50 chance to hit the Reflect Mod

repeat Step 6 and Step 7 if you annul the „+1 to level of all Physical Spell Gems“

Step 8 : Craft any suffix and Harvest Augment Defense

Step 9 : Harvest Remove/Augment Defense untill you are happy with the outcome

Step 10 : Craft whatever prefix you like, most likely +ES or %ES

Step 11 : Aug Defense for %ES on block


Step 1 : Buy or Craft a Redeemer Bone Helmet Item Level 83+ with the 40% Damage Enchant for our Carrion Golems

Step 2a) : Chaos Spam until you hit T1 (4-5)% Reduced Mana Reserved, If your lucky the Helm will have ONE additional Redeemer mod, if not you need to Harvest Craft one with Augment Influence Modifier

Step 2b) : Alteration/Augmentation Spam until you hit T1 (4-5)% Reduced Mana Reserved. Now Beastcraft imprint the Helm, so you an go back to the base if you fail Step 4. This way you will save the Currency you used for hitting the T1 % Reduced Mana Reserved

Step 3 : If your lucky the Helm will have ONE additional Redeemer mod, if not you need to Harvest Craft one with Augment Influence Modifier

Step 4 : Hit the Maven's Orb and pray you hit the Reduced Mana Reserved mod to 7%, if not go back to Step 2

Step 5 : Buy a random Elder Helmet with Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Minion Damage as the ONLY Elder Influence Modifier. Note: This Modifier is a Hybrid with up to 25% increased Damage for ALL Minions, so it also affects our Carrion Golems

Step 6 : Awakener Orb the Elder base ontop of the Redeemer Bone Helmet (DONT hit the Bone Helmet ontop of the Elder Base or your Helm is rip and you can start all over)

Step 7 : Now you have an Elder/Redeemer Bone Helmet with 7% Reduced Mana Reserved & Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Minion Damage

Step 8 : Try to remove all other Suffix and Prefix via Harvest

Step 9 : If you are unlucky and hit an Affix you cant force remove via Harvest, you can use „Remove non-Influence/Augment Influence“ and hope you are hitting a new affix you can force to remove (in my case i hit the Spell Block which i cant force remove, but it could be way worse)

Step 10a) : If you could remove all other affixes Multicraft the Helmet with +1 AoE Gems and Stun Avoidance

Step 10b) : If you could not remove all affix just craft +1 AoE Gems


There is no good option to get two high ES defense rolls via crafting so:

Step 1 : Buy Scorcerer/Fingerless Gloves with the highest +ES, %ES & Int you can get

Step 2 : Remove all other mods via Harvest/Annul

Step 3 : Multicraft Minion Damage & Stun Avoidance

Stun Avoidance is a suffix, so keep that in mind.


Step 1 : Buy Elder Sorcerer Boots Item Level 84+

Step 2 : Use Deafening Essence of Spite until you hit T1 % chance to Avoid being Stunned

Step 3 : If you hit T1 Flat or %ES Remove the other useless affixes and Multicraft

Step 4 : If not remove all mods except the Int and Stun Avoidance via Harvest or Annul

Step 5 : Multicraft Chill & Freeze Immuntiy

Step 6 : Harvest Augment Defense (→ Remove/Augment) until you hit the +ES or %ES you want


Step 1 : Buy a random Elder Ring Base with "You and your Minions take (46-55)% reduced Reflected Physical Damage"

Step 2 : Buy a Crusader UNSET Ring with "(13-15)% increased maximum Energy Shield"

Step 3 : Be sure booth Rings only have only 1 Crusader / 1 Elder Influence Modifier

Step 4 : Use an Awakener Orb first on the Elder Base and than ontop of the Crusader Unset Ring

Step 5 : Try to remove all other mods, or be lucky and have a good Affix you want keep

Step 6 : Multicraft at least 1x "Non-Channelling Skills have -(9-8) to Total Mana Cost" and 1x "+1 to Minimum Endurance Charges"

Step 7 : Divine them until you come to 100% reduced Reflected Physical Damage with booth Rings


Step 1 : Buy or Craft a Citrine Amulet Hunter (Item Level 82+) or Redeemer Base (Item Level 75+)

Step 2 : Alteration/Augmentation or Chaos Spam until you get the Mana Reservation or the +1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems. The Mod need to be the ONLY Influence Modifier. So maybe you need to Harvest Craft or Annul other Influence Mods

Step 3 : Buy the other Base with +1 Int Gem or the Mana Reservation mod

Step 4 : As long as booth are a Citrine Base it doesnt matter which one you use for your Awakener Orb. If not, put the random Base ontop of the Citrine Aumlet Base

Step 5 : Clear out all other Affixes via Harvest Crafts (except if you have a better ES roll than you would get with Bench Crafting)

Step 6 : Multicraft +ES and %ES

Step 7 : Beastcraft Aspect of the Avian (if you dont have it already on one of your Rings

“Cluster Jewel“

There are some different Methods to force the Notables via harvest, but i just chaos spammed my Jewels.

Medium Cluster Jewels:

Adds 4/5 Passive Skills
1 Added Passive Skill is a Jewel
Added Small Passive Skills grant: 3% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
1 Added Passive Skill is First Among Equals
1 Added Passive Skill is Replenishing Presence

Step 1a) : Buy a Medium Cluster Jewel Item Level 50 – 67 (to block some unwanted Notables) and Harvest Craft Random Cluster Jewel Implicit and hope for 10% Stun Avoidance

Step 1b) : Buy a Medium Cluster Jewel Item Level 50 – 67 (to block some unwanted Notables) with 10% Stun Avoidance Implicit

Step 3 : Chaos or Alteration/Augmentation spam until you hit the Notables

Large Cluster Jewels Base:

Adds 8 Passive Skills
2 Added Passive Skills are Jewel Sockets
Added Small Passive Skills grant: Minions deal 10% increased Damage
1 Added Passive Skill is Renewal
1 Added Passive Skill is Rotten Claws
1 Added Passive Skill is Vicious Bite

Step 1a) : Buy the whole Jewel ;)

Step 1a) : Buy the Base with Item Level 75+ and Chaos Spam (or mabye use some secret Harvest Craft Methods i dont know about)

“My other Builds“
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Última edição por guggelhupf#2310 em 18 de fev de 2021 09:45:05
Último bump em 2 de abr de 2021 20:27:41
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Great setup. Thanks for the writeup.

Which Spectres are you recommending?
Yalaka escreveu:
Great setup. Thanks for the writeup.

Which Spectres are you recommending?

damn i always forget something ... :D Carnage Chieftain, Host Chieftain and They of Tul
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
guggelhupf escreveu:
Yalaka escreveu:
Great setup. Thanks for the writeup.

Which Spectres are you recommending?

damn i always forget something ... :D Carnage Chieftain, Host Chieftain and They of Tul

I've been using Arena Master over Host Chieftain, but I didnt min max this build nearly as much as you did. Is thera a reason you prefer Host Chieftains?
Yalaka escreveu:
guggelhupf escreveu:
Yalaka escreveu:
Great setup. Thanks for the writeup.

Which Spectres are you recommending?

damn i always forget something ... :D Carnage Chieftain, Host Chieftain and They of Tul

I've been using Arena Master over Host Chieftain, but I didnt min max this build nearly as much as you did. Is thera a reason you prefer Host Chieftains?

Because the buff from Arena Master has a 4sec downtime

With BM they cast it very reliably every 8 seconds, also during battle. You might be able to summon another Aren Master exactly 4 seconds after the first one cast his buff, to have an almost overlapping buff effect.

BTW: I Changed 2 Gems in my Helmet and Boots for overall better dps, Maim Uptime and easier coloring

My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Última edição por guggelhupf#2310 em 16 de fev de 2021 08:59:15
added new rings (now with reflect immunity) and a good belt choice. Updated the PoB.

edit: changed the primordial harmony to 1 additonal primordial eminence
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Última edição por guggelhupf#2310 em 16 de fev de 2021 13:36:46
How much currency would it take to be able to do 2 player hp "The Hidden" with 70%+ quant?
NinjaBlazin escreveu:
How much currency would it take to be able to do 2 player hp "The Hidden" with 70%+ quant?

with this build you can do it while sleeping, but to start as a LL or CI aurastacker carrion golem you can aim for ~ 100 ex for the basics (alone the %Mana reserved jewels are all together ~50ex+)

but im pretty sure you can do it for way less currency with another build
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf

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