Deadandlivin escreveu:
You sure?
I could swear I read Determination was reduced down to 35% in the manfiesto or the patchnotes. They also gave it like 2300 base armour while giving grace ~30 more evasion or something like that.
I clearly remember wondering why they lowered the reservation on Determination while not touching it on Grace.
Either GGG were sneaky and removed that change or I dreamt it all up.
At least in "New and Changed Gems" section there was no change for reservation
on Determination gems while for Purity of Elements was clear that they grew to 50%.
Btw, I'd loved your build and the way you organize all the stuffs inside the guide. Really thanks for everything you did 'till now. Thanks to you, I managed to evolve a lot in the last league.
Postado porYashal#0346em 21 de out de 2021 12:17:37
Qwiker93 escreveu:
What about dual clayshapers on leveling/early game?
Could be fine, but Necro Aegis + Victario's Charity is just straight better.
Pure Golem builds usually dual wield Clayshapers and it's worth it for them. The reason is because they run support spectres and get Charges from there. We don't and like to run Victario's for charges to our minions.
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 21 de out de 2021 12:22:52
teocrito77 escreveu:
Deadandlivin escreveu:
hamstereater escreveu:
Crafting a 12 passive large cluster like the one in the intermediate pob seems really difficult. How do you do it?
Buy base
Alteration craft Renewal + 35% effect. Probably easiest using 1 point resonators with Pristine (Life) fossils.
This is the easy part.
Once done you gotta get rid of the suffixes most likely.
Simply pray and use anull orbs.
Once base only has 2 prefixes and no suffixes, finish it with Harvest crafts.
Harvest slam Augment Speed (1/3 to get T1)
Then finish by slamming Augment crit to get Vicious bite 100% of the time.
Another option after getting your 2 prefixes is to spam reforge keep prefix until you get 3% attack speed. If you only get that suffix, slam crit with harvest. If you get 2 suffixes, anull and pray for the 1/4. If it bricks you go again.
It for sure is an expensive jewel, but pretty easy to make and predicated on getting Harvest crafts.
One option maybe could be to use Pristine + Shuddering fossil for Life + Speed mods and then simply finish with Vicious Bite slam from Harvest.
Thinking of it, I think they are adding crit fossils into the game aswell. Maybe using fossils alone could be an option. However, getting the 35% mod is the most important thing so it will require ALOT of tries if you're only gonna use fossils.
Augment crafts are exceedingly rare. This league, out of 300+ harvests times average 4 fields so at least 5000+ of those crafts (fire, cold, spd, attack...) I found *zero* augments.
Yeah, you usually buy them from TFT for ~6-8 ex or something per augment.
Don't know about the prices during Expedition. I would guess augments were even more expensive because no one was playing.
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 21 de out de 2021 12:24:29
What will be the new setup (budged and high end) for the AG? Any new ideas?
Postado porSchnuedde#4210em 21 de out de 2021 12:33:08
Deadandlivin escreveu:
Yeah, you usually buy them from TFT for ~6-8 ex or something per augment.
Don't know about the prices during Expedition. I would guess augments were even more expensive because no one was playing.
There was a Harvest mode on Map Device in Ultimatum, so crafts were cheaper. In Exp you could've either payed 12-20ex and get one as soon as you need or wait for, possibly, a week to snipe one on less than 10ex price.
Postado porIts_OP#0728em 21 de out de 2021 12:44:20
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Deadandlivin escreveu:
Yeah, you usually buy them from TFT for ~6-8 ex or something per augment.
Don't know about the prices during Expedition. I would guess augments were even more expensive because no one was playing.
There was a Harvest mode on Map Device in Ultimatum, so crafts were cheaper. In Exp you could've either payed 12-20ex and get one as soon as you need or wait for, possibly, a week to snipe one on less than 10ex price.
If that's the case I think the easiest way to make the clusters is to fix Prefixes first. Then spam Reforge keep Prefix (Should be 1 ex right) until you get a good outcome. Then simply it's all about praying to get an open suffix so you can slam Vicious Bite for 20 ex.
The real strength of the Cluster though is to run 35% effect with 3% AS.
Causes the cluster to give 140% minion damage and 40% attack speed. That's basically 14% MD and 4% AS per node.
Currently there are nodes giving 10% minion dmg and 4% AS alone. This is better than those nodes combined.
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 21 de out de 2021 12:50:54
Schnuedde escreveu:
What will be the new setup (budged and high end) for the AG? Any new ideas?
Currently the budget simply will run Leer Cast, Elemental Weakness curse gloves, +1 chest, Dying Breath.
Don't know about the High end version yet. There's alot of possibilities.
He will most likely wear a Kingmaker.
I want to experiment with the Brittle unique helm and Ailment Gloves to see how it works. This would mean we want Elemental Weakness Corruption on those gloves too.
Another idea I want to try is running the new Kill gloves where the AG steals the kills. Then run Inpulsa and Obliterations on him together with EW curse and +1 boots.
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 21 de out de 2021 12:53:52
Alright guys, here's some Low budget testing with the new version of the build.
I'm running Summon Phantasms linked with Syndicate Operative spectres. Looks like yet again, they will be the strongest spectre for our build. The reason is because of their insanely fast attack speed and unparallell clearspeed.
In the video I run a lvl 92 character with extremely cheap items.
Ignore the 6-link Lion's Eye, I'm only running it because I don't have a Skin of the Loyal with correct colors. A skin of the loyal would put my spectres at lvl 25 giving me 4 spectres instead of 3 which obviously is better.
I've also disabled Elemental Equilibrium and for single target I'm gem swapping GMP for Hypothermia to remove their shotgunning effect.
This version is and feels much stronger than any itteration we ran in Expedition. I think SOs + Phantasms actually do more damage than shotgunning SOs, hard to say really. And adding 11 additional minions with GMP throwing projectiles all around the screen also feels amazing for clear.
The testing was done versus Chimera and Enslaver guardians with Guardians Aid and Maven witness.
New video of Low budget version:
What's interesting to note is that everything about the build gets better compared to the video. We get more damage from the tree and better defenses. We also will be bale to fit additional auras et.c.
Higher budget versions also seem like they will be doing good.
Actually excited for you guys to try this itteration out! :)
Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 21 de out de 2021 13:05:34
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 21 de out de 2021 13:03:45
Deadandlivin escreveu:
Schnuedde escreveu:
What will be the new setup (budged and high end) for the AG? Any new ideas?
Currently the budget simply will run Leer Cast, Elemental Weakness curse gloves, +1 chest, Dying Breath.
Don't know about the High end version yet. There's alot of possibilities.
He will most likely wear a Kingmaker.
I want to experiment with the Brittle unique helm and Ailment Gloves to see how it works. This would mean we want Elemental Weakness Corruption on those gloves too.
Another idea I want to try is running the new Kill gloves where the AG steals the kills. Then run Inpulsa and Obliterations on him together with EW curse and +1 boots.
Hi bro, may I ask why we need +1 curse chest for AG?
Because I see AG only do 1 curse elemental weakness on gloves.
Postado porsieusao17#6813em 21 de out de 2021 13:16:19
Deadandlivin escreveu:
Buy base
Alteration craft Renewal + 35% effect. Probably easiest using 1 point resonators with Pristine (Life) fossils.
This is the easy part.
Once done you gotta get rid of the suffixes most likely.
Simply pray and use anull orbs.
Once base only has 2 prefixes and no suffixes, finish it with Harvest crafts.
Harvest slam Augment Speed (1/3 to get T1)
Then finish by slamming Augment crit to get Vicious bite 100% of the time.
Another option after getting your 2 prefixes is to spam reforge keep prefix until you get 3% attack speed. If you only get that suffix, slam crit with harvest. If you get 2 suffixes, anull and pray for the 1/4. If it bricks you go again.
It for sure is an expensive jewel, but pretty easy to make and predicated on getting Harvest crafts.
One option maybe could be to use Pristine + Shuddering fossil for Life + Speed mods and then simply finish with Vicious Bite slam from Harvest.
Thinking of it, I think they are adding crit fossils into the game aswell. Maybe using fossils alone could be an option. However, getting the 35% mod is the most important thing so it will require ALOT of tries if you're only gonna use fossils.
The problem is, by doing aug Speed you are very likely to get Call to Slaughter, not Attack / Cast Speed. Imo, doing "reforge Speed" via Harvest or just doing Shuddering spam would be a better option to craft such Jewel.
Última edição por Its_OP#0728 em 21 de out de 2021 13:24:22
Postado porIts_OP#0728em 21 de out de 2021 13:22:25