[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" I feel as though our builds are very similar - granted you have some things I don't but for the most part very similar. I feel as though there's something off about my build though. During bosses not enough DPS - I personally feel a bit weak. I know my helmet needs to upgrade - that'll be the next thing I do. Mind looking to see if there's anything else I'm missing? Última edição por Skyhigh87#4353 em 31 de out de 2021 21:25:36
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Feeling myself struggle quite a bit in red maps... what did I do wrong?
edit: my damage is so low compared to the pob and I don't know why... Última edição por Quintessence#4525 em 1 de nov de 2021 01:42:07
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Hi @Deadandlivin
could you advice what skills setup to use with +2 covocing wand if i don't have determination corupted shield? (there literally wasn't a single one on the market for last 3 days) i just can't understand how to fit skills this way with trigger spells on hit. Removed the last support gem from my zombies (feeding frenzy) to use convocation somewhere instead.. dunno if that was right option. Thanks PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players. Última edição por judikator#2053 em 1 de nov de 2021 05:22:30
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is there any good alternative for skins with EE?
maybe some node with more tankiness? whats the next best choice after EE? |
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" Eldritch Battery could be cool as it would solve our mana problems completely, It obviously takes away from our tankiness so I wouldn't get it if you have high amounts of energy shield. |
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" There are plenty, none which gives higher throughput though. Some examples of other decent keystones would be: - Solipism: ~40% reduced ailment durations on you (With the 60% ignite/shock reduced duration pantheons you get another ailment immunity) - Magebane: 10% Spell Supression - Leethe Shade: Protection against dots, very helpful vs ignite and poison. - Eldritch Battery: Helps with mana issues - Iron Reflexes: Could be insane with Grace and Molten Shell later later on when we're running an Auls. - Glancing Blows: Saves a skill point. - Wind Dancer: When running Auls this literally puts us at 95% evasion. I'm sure someone else can find other things. Keep in mind people, that if you're running Awakened Cold Pen you get -15% cold exposure at level 3(Gem gets 2 levels from chest). This exposure is only 10% worse than EE so any of the above options could actually be better for your build if you prioritize things like defenses or ailment immunity above dps. |
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" Yeah, you're trying to fit Molten Shell without a shield corruption which quite frankly, is impossible.. Looking through your skills I do think we have a great solution though. Yesterday I did some testing after buying Awakened Fork to increase my clearspeed. My findings weren't too positive. I noticed that the attacks from phantasms didn't fork at all, meaning they didn't split into more projectiles increasing the clear speed. I had to do alot of testing and eventually went to PoEdb to read up on the phantasms. It turns out, that their projectiles have an inbuilt "pierce" without a target limit. Something I had no idea about, mostly since i've never used these minions. The projectile behaviour priority is Pierce until maximum pierces > Fork > Chain > Return. But since Phantasms have infinite pierces, that means their projectiles can't fork, chain or return. So what does this all mean? You're running fork in your build becaue I incorrectly told ppl to use Fork for better clear. Your chest is pretty much running a 5 link right now. My suggestion for you would be to try running this setup in the chest instead: - Raise Spectre - Summon Phantasm - Minion Damage - GMP - Awakened Cold Penetration (Buy it, it's cheap) Level it to 3 asap for -15% cold exposure. - Swap Increased critical strike dmg for Feeding Frenzy. It will provide more dmg to your build and makes your spectres/phantasms aggresive which feels so good. For ST, swap GMP for Divergent Hypothermia. This lets you keep Vaal Molten Shell and Determination. And since you were running a dead gem in the build, your dps should improve aswell. |
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" Do you feel that your damage is low in maps in general? Alot of it might have to do with your skill gems. Majority of your supports have zero quality and are underleveled so there's alot of dmg to get there. Your hatred gem is only level 16 and your Golems only lvl 20 too. Alot of dmg to get there. I see your AG only is lvl 16 too, meaning maybe you're not using any gear on him yet? Try buying a 21/0 AG for like 30 chaos and throw some gear on him. It will increase your damage alot. I have two cheap setups I suggest: - ST: Leer Cast, Dying Breath, Ambus Charge, Elemental Weakness curse gloves, Windscream. - Clear: Galesight Helm, Dying Breath, Gravbind gloves, Inpulsa, rare boots with 2% life regen lab enchant and +30 fire and lightning resistances to cap elemental resistances. Another suggestion is to replace your BV with Stormbrand in your weapon since you've got no trigger wand. BV is really clunky to use without a trigger, it's more comfortable to apply your curses with Storm Brand. |
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" Your gem levels are very low and there's no quality on them. I suggest you go and buy 21/0 Carrion Golem and Raise spectre to start with. As for supports, the cheapest way to get quality is to buy 1/20 support gems and level them up through the grind. This will make you very weak for a while. Considering you haven't invested into an expensive chest, you might want to look into buying a 4b-2g Loyal/lords. This will allow you to use Predator which helps ALOT with single target against bosses as it forces your spectres and phantasms to focus fire the target. Without predator, your spectres and phantasms mostly don't do anything if you're standing at max range which is EXTREMELY annoying. |
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Does someone know, if the craft +1 to level of all minion skill gems provides more damage than minions deal ~20% increased damage? Since I've got a wand with minions deal 72% increased damage and +1 to spell gems but wands with +1 to spell AND +1 to minion skill gems usually provide only about ~55% increased damage. Is it still worth upgrading or will it barely be noticable?
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