[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
Same, I would like to know that also please
Carrion Golem in body armour and spectres in helm gives the best single target numbers. If you can make the swap you will gain ~10% more dps but it requires a body armour with red sockets.
You can look through the new PoBs at the front page.
Wanted to check what the helmet enchant priority would be, is there a superior helmet enchant for both single target and clear, or would it be different enchants for each?
Thank you.
Flesh Offering 21% attack speed is the best enchant you can get.
Hi, I had a good read of the thread and I have pretty clear ideas of how the build works.
I only have some doubts about the gems to use on Raise Specter (but I'll see later) but I would like you to explain a few things to me:
1) EE is core or there is more room for maneuver;
2) With AULamu the use of Grace is still recommended or it is better Haste since we have Determination;
3)Large clusters are still harvestable or there are other ways;
4)Since I am a player who tends to do everything by myself, how does Desecrate work to always have the required spectra available (always using host and chiftain I never asked myself the problem) and not having to ask in chat?
1. EE isn't core, but it's a luxury for higher investment and will provide the best dps. We can still get Exposure in the build with Awakened Cold Pen or Elemental Army.
2. Grace is the best if you want to be tankier.
Haste is the best if you want to be fast or burst things down.
Currently I'm running Haste for things like Bossing, Heist and non juiced maps where I won't die.
But when I start doing higher difficulty maps or Deep Delve (500+) I'm using Grace. Both for us and our minions.
3. Spam reforge crit or reforge life on Large clusters to try making them.
Reforge crit has 100% chance to get Vicious Bite, just need the prefixes after which can be a pain. It's simply RNG. Don't depend on it, you're better of buying them complete and maybe have a large in your backpack to throw crafts on.
4. You need to make a spectre bank this patch.
For some reason, GGG decided that if you lose your spectres for some reason, you can't get them back yourself. You must have a spectre bank for this.
I just got the Skin of the Lords with "Arrow Dancing". Just wanted it because of +2, but afterwards I'm wondering about "Arrow Dancing". Do you know if "evade projectile" also inlcudes elemental stuff like a fireball? Or does it only work for arrows & knifes and stuff like this?
I'm unsure about it, because I got it for 15c and don't know, if it is crap...otherwise the other two ones in trade costs 1 or 2 ex...
It includes elemental stuff and spells.
All projectiles basically.
Arrow Dance could be a cool Keystone.
Cool, that's great. Do you know, if the global defences of the Skin also have an effect on arrow dance?
Global defenses apply to Evasion, Energy Shield and Armour. So all projectiles that deal physical damage will be affected by the 100% global defenses mod. Spells and elemental damage will not, they're affected by resistances and conversion.
And sorry, presented the wrong information last time. It does NOT include spells, it only includes attack projectiles. This does however include projectiles with conversion (Things that deal say 75% converted fire dmg). You won't be able to evade spells since evasion doesn't work against spells. The only defensive layers against spells that exist are Spell Supression and Spell Block afaik.
Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 11 de nov de 2021 08:37:11
Do you think this "damage against shocked" is enough to proc EE from my chest? Skitterbots should always shock
I tried to check at chimera but i'm unsure because he died to quick that perhaps i did not hit him with blade vortex at all.
Also i read post few pages ago saying that assassin mark is better, in guide it was frostbite. So I wonder which gives more dps at bosses assuming u got kingmaker anime guardian
Not sure.
Technically, if your skitterbots are ontop of you it should work.
Try it against some tanky boss.
Watch your dps with no BF debuffs on target.
Then walk into the boss with BF and see if his HP drops faster.
What do you think about using Megalomaniac in the build ? Death of our Medium Clusters has brought idea of such replacement to my mind. Something like this may (I think so, haven't tested tbh) even set our Amulet Slot free.
Not sure. If I would like a Megalomaniac I would want one with Vicious Bite, Renewal and some other dps mod I think.
I think Megalomaniac sucks. You lose one socket which is massive and don't really gain much.
Going all the aura reservation stuff is interesting but I think it requires too much investment. You lose an entire cluster, a socket slot and you have to somehow fit Enlighten into the build and what do you gain? Basically +2 to Golems.
Hi dead,
A question related to minion block chance.
wondering does minion have base block chance ? because if Decay ward + Fortress it should be 30 + 12 and block chance from shield (let's say 25%) so it's 67 here, does minion have base block chance? so the total would cap the max block chance ?
They don't have any base block unfortunately.
With a fortress Covenant we take them to 64% attack block and 42% spell block which should be enough to consistently have brittle up on bosses.
We can block cap them with Bone Offering.
I've found that I need to run Bone Offering in very hard content like lvl 30 simulacrums because minions die otherwise.
Have you managed to create a key for the missing intermediate one yet please mate?
Also, are these reflected on the first page?
thanks so much for taking the rest of us on this awesome journey :)
note to self POB pg 258
Yeah, here they are:
Intermediate PoBs:
- SOs full dps: https://pastebin.com/021FkPpy
- SOs block with Glancing Blows: https://pastebin.com/SnUfQrDr
- Crabs full dps: https://pastebin.com/6gThVjdK
Hey guys, linking my current gear above. My animate guardian is using kingmaker, leer's cast and the elemental weakness gloves with 48 effectiveness.
My boss dps at the moment doesnt feel incredibly high as I was struggling to do mavens invitation: the formed. Died either once or twice there, dont remember exactly. For spectres I am currently using 1 frenzy charge monkey + 3 crabs. It IS currently possible to do some of the endgame bosses but it's kind of a struggle sometimes. One thing I do regret a bit now is that my chest gives +1 dex but not +str. The idea was to make a chest where you can swap easily between SO's and Crushclaws, but even that I can't really do at the moment since my white sockets are in the wrong slots. Is there anything else obviously wrong with my build at the moment? I am happy to hear any and all suggestions! Thank you all very much.
POB: https://pastebin.com/4x2atNbF
Your chest looks kinda awkward. It is basically a +2 chest with a bit of resistances, hence it's worse than Skin of the Lords, despite being much more expensive. Your wand is amazing, however you don't use the trigger craft at all. You use Magna Eclipsis and, for some reason, don't put your auras there. Your Abyss Jewel has no taunt mod, which is a huge drawback to your survivability. I would also highly recommend you to use Inpulsa's + Gravebind setup on your AG - you may struggle with clearing due to the Spectre setup, explosions will solve this problem. You also absolutely have to either use -9% cold res or 6% inc ele dmg helmet on your AG - the DPS boost will be significant.
Personally, I do not consider Magna Eclipsis a good take this league. Our survivability has skyrocketed since 3.15, NA was replaced and we can take it spending 1 point only. Hence, I can see no sense in not using it.
Thanks for the tips. What is gravebind used for exactly, to trigger frenzy on Victarios? is it better than the elemental weakness debuff? You are right about the fact that I am not utilizing the trigger on my wand. I need to find some way to reallocate my skill gems somehow. Not 100% sure yet how to be honest. About the helmet, can you link some sort of example helmet that would be ultimate top tier? I don't think i've ever seen a helmet before with the mods you mentioned. And lastly, you mentioned "NA is replaced", but what is NA exactly? Thanks!
Última edição por toppestofkeks_#1882 em 11 de nov de 2021 09:33:12
1) EE is the best keystone you can get on your skin of the lords. If you don't have it, you need to get exposure from another source (i.e. lvl 5 awakened cold penetration, elemental army or frostbomb), but you'll be missing -15 resistance still.
2) It's mostly how it feels to you. If you die too often for your taste, use grace - if not, use haste
3) I think the only thing you can really do with harvest right now is spam reforge crit for vicious bite and hope for additional good mods
4) You can only spawn spectres that are part of the current map's mob pool + your current spectres. This means that once your crushclaws die, you'll need to grind harvest until they show up again and you'll be quick enough to raise them before they despawn. Alternatively you can ask nicely in /6666 chat :)
Deadandlivin escreveu:
1. EE isn't core, but it's a luxury for higher investment and will provide the best dps. We can still get Exposure in the build with Awakened Cold Pen or Elemental Army.
2. Grace is the best if you want to be tankier.
Haste is the best if you want to be fast or burst things down.
Currently I'm running Haste for things like Bossing, Heist and non juiced maps where I won't die.
But when I start doing higher difficulty maps or Deep Delve (500+) I'm using Grace. Both for us and our minions.
3. Spam reforge crit or reforge life on Large clusters to try making them.
Reforge crit has 100% chance to get Vicious Bite, just need the prefixes after which can be a pain. It's simply RNG. Don't depend on it, you're better of buying them complete and maybe have a large in your backpack to throw crafts on.
4. You need to make a spectre bank this patch.
For some reason, GGG decided that if you lose your spectres for some reason, you can't get them back yourself. You must have a spectre bank for this.
Thanks for the very comprehensive answers :)
Could you tell me a guide / wiki / other where to understand this thing about the bank of specters?