[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" the +3 on the helm is extremely important. I suggest you do this: Try to get a +3 helm +16minion dmg +16hypothermia minions deal %dmg mod as soon as possible, put Carrion+Vaal Skelletons+Increased Critial DMG+Multistrike (buy the gems lvl21+20quality if possible) Get a Skin of the Lords for the +2 gems, and put your Spectres & Zombies there. I only use Primal Crushclaws mapping feels great, my AG/Zombies/Spectres/Carrions just insta kill everything I just run around and sometimes press Anomalous Convocation if I go too far. I use Melee Physical for more dmg, if you do super juiced maps switch to Melee Splash. The Nearby enemies take %ele dmg, or have -6% to cold res is a helm you'd want to put on the AG. I recommend doing the Inpulsa build from the guide if you have Anomalous AG. Also if you're struggling for exalts here's a super easy strategy, get your Atlas passives for farming maven/bosses/conquerors (top part of the tree) And literally just run red maps without being alchd. get the Essence/harbriger kill then the boss it will drop some Shaper/Elder/Conqueror/Synth maps, kill maven, kill elderslayers/twisted/formed and sell the maven invites for 4ex (5 invites). Fairly quick to get 5-20ex per day from selling all those things per day, so you can buy your helm/wand/shield upgrades. AG Gloves with Elemental Weakness, and Skin of the Lords with Elemental Equilibrium also feel super duper nice when mapping/bossing. |
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" Thank you for your detailed answer and suggestions! :-) I crafted this helm on my own (was my first casting-try, so I'm really satisfied with it for the moment) but I have the upgrade to +3 "on my list". :-) Really good to know is, that I could just switch spectre & Zombies to chest and golems + skellies to helmet. Currently I use a 3b 2r 1g Skin and bought an empowered +3 for it. Could I still use it with my Awakened Cold Penetration or should I switch to your suggested setup? Definitely I'll try to get Primal Crushclaw spectres this evening...yesterday I didn't get anyone to share in 6666 channel. Yes, -9% Cold Resistances in my AGs helemt is currently missing, got it already "on my list" also. :-) Thanks for the tip farming Exalted Orbs. To be honest, I didn't understand everything, because it's the first time I'm close to the "endgame", but I understood the general strategy. EW Gloves for AG were too expensive for the moment, but are also "on my list". Skin of the Lords with EE will follow, after I got the wand... ;-) |
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" The skin of the lords is a personal preference, I have both with EE 3b2r1g but I use the 2r4b one. For me my sockets are: Raise Spectre + Zombie + Minion DMG + Feeding Frenzy + Multistrike + Melee Physical (or melee splash for mapping giga juiced maps, i use melee physical 99% of the time), ask in 6666 or add me in-game i'll share The wand you basically just want the +2 to gems and space to craft Auto Cast. I used literally a +2 wand (no other mods) and auto cast. Bought a better one the other day just because i had a bunch of money and upgrading the helm was giga expensive. You want to make your own +2 minimum charges shield (it will cost 1.5ex-2ex to craft yourself) or 5-6ex to buy one. I suggest crafting its very easy, basically takes 5min and you can't fuck it up, worst case scenario is +2 minimum charges (which you want) :D, you can also craft shields and sell them for 3-6ex. for small profit I did that when I started You'd want to also buy an Unset Ring influenced by the Redeemer with ilvl83 minimum, i'd go for 85. just buy the cheapest one you can find. When you see Harvest in your map look for the can have Caster Mods. and spam your ring with it, roughly 1 out of 7-ish tries will give you Frostbite on hit, that works with your EE so you can free up a slot from the wand, thats how i run Tempest Shield + BV + Flesh Offering (bone offering if you want more defense) If you're lucky you also get minions deal 21% more dmg on the ring as a mod which is sweet. Add me in-game if you want to chat or tips from one pleb to another I'm playing from MathildeBunny or NakedCowboii you can see my chars in my profile |
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I m a new player and dont understand this cluster jewel system. Also my English not so good :( can someone send me cluster jewel skill tree screenshots please? I am dont know what to do…
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" Thanks again for your great answer! :-) In the meantime I got a Skin width 4b2r and it feels really good with golems/skeletons in helmet and spectres/zombies in chest. I also got Primal Crushclaws which also feels great - thanks for your offer to share! Also for your offer to contact you ingame. Maybe I'll do this in the future if further questions come up... :-) The crafting hints are also great....I'll try it definitively!! |
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Hey guys, is there a tutorial or something on how to craft a +2 Wand with Hatred has increased Aura effect?
I've been struggling trying to buy one since not many people play the build, but I don't know how to craft, I tried youtube-ing but couldn't find anything. If someone knows how to do it can you write a small text tutorial or something similar please :D |
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" heres a tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRW5jr7sONY&t=528s |
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Hello Everyone!
As many of you know I'm the creator of this build and I've been absent throughout the start of this league. Unfortunately I caught covid right before league start and it hit me pretty bad. I was also somewhat burnt and unmotivated to play so I decided to take a break from the game. As the weeks passed I started to feel that I was falling further behind and didn't think it was worth coming back. But that has changed though :) I started playing again this Friday to test the new league out and I'm both glad and proud to see you guys keeping the build alive, despite me being completely absent. It's really interesting to see how many of you have taken the base of the build and started experimenting putting your own twist and preferences on it. By this point, many of you know more about its strengths than even I do! I'm glad being back and despite missing out on the first week, I'm having a blast! Being the creator of the build and knowing all mechanics inside out I went through all content without a problem. I had completely finished my atlas on saturday but my gear was pretty bad. I could do T16 fine but endgame bosses and guardians were out of the question since most of my items were 1c uniques. I decided to farm some currency doing maximum juiced Blights beause towers could carry my sorry ass and amassed ~5 ex in about 15 blighted maps. Then I started upgrading my gear to what I'm using now for a total cost of around 4 ex. (Excluding the helm which I bought yesterday)
This was the helm I used prior which cost 40 chaos:
On that budget (Prior to buying my Bone Helm) I've killed all bosses, including The Feared rare and deathless. I haven't tried the new uber content though (Except for my Blight Ravaged Maps, did them all cause tower carries) cause I know I won't be able to handle it on this budget. I just hit 97 yesterday from farming Strand maps with the new Atlas and doing some delving which was a smooth ride and deathless for most parts. I'm going all out on juicing Metamorphs which has lead to some clumsy deaths though. Now I want to talk a little about some changes I've done to the build at lower levels and what I'm currently using: My current gear:
There's some pretty big changes here, mostly related to the Animate Guardian. Quite frankly, for a big part of the game my Animate Guardian literally had items worth more than I had myself. All my changes are experimental because I wanted to try some new things out and so far I'm playing with Ashes of the Stars and building alot of power around it. Since I'm not running Grace or any Block(Mostly due to budget and I'm using Ashes of the Stars) I decided to boost my survivability by going all in on stacking duration for the Frontline clusterjewel aswell as getting Endurance Charges into the build. So far, it has been working really well and it's also very cheap and easy layers of defense to fit in. Ashes of the Stars: What a FUN addition to the game. When I first saw the jewel I thought it was underwhelming. But after doing some thinking I now find that it's one of our better options all around. It's worse defensively than an Auls but better offensively. It's biggest strength however, is the utility it provides. It lacking Attributes, life or resistances is a pretty big downside aswell. The reason its so strong is primarily because of Alt quality gems. Let me line out the some of the best things it provides: - Anomalous Animate Guardian: 150% increased AoE - Anomalous Convocation: 100% increased minion movementspeed. - Anomalous Raise Spectre(If Crushclaws): 50% increased damage - Phase Run: 25% increased movement speed - Molten Shell: 50% increased duration - Divergent Flesh Offering: 65% total attack speed on Flesh Offering et.c. The 100% movement speed on minions combined with Divergent Flesh Offering makes it feel like your minions are wearing a Headhunter and they're teleporting all around the place which feels super smooth. And the increase to AoE on the AG has made me go all out on an Explodey AG with over 270% increased AoE running double explodey mods. Animate Guardian: I'm running a 21/20 Anomalous Guardian which I managed to corrupt yesterday. On him, I'm stacking as much AoE as possible and using some pretty expensive items. To give him everything I want I decided to try having him in a Hungering Loop. This is both for offensive purposes and defensive ones keeping him alive. This also saves me alot of socket slots which is helpful. My AG is currently linked to Minion Life - Increased AoE - Feeding Frenzy and Elemental Army He has as total of 270% AoE (150% from skillgem, 60% from Fearsome Force, 60% from Support gem giving him absolutely massive explosions. On him, I've equipped: Gravebind(Elemental Weakness), Inpulsa, Legacy of Fury, Kingmaker, Crown of the Tyrant Legacy of Fury provides Scorch(-15% all resist) and another source of Explodey. This is absolutely INSANE and way stronger than a second curse. Mainly because curses get reduced by 66% against bosses. For this reason, I'm currently only playing with 1 Curse which is the EW on my AG which he applies evrywhere with his explosions. I don't have any curse myself, for now. I will get Frostbite or Assassin's Mark in the future though. Since I'm not running any curse it felt kinda reduntant to get Blade Vortex just to apply EE. So I'm currently experimenting running without EE or BV. Instead I have my AG apply Exposure with Elemental Weakness, though it's only 10% and not 25% which is a loss in DPS. Since I don't have to focus on dealing non-cold damage however, it opens me up to run a crown of the Tyrant which is incredible for the build with -10% to all Elemental resistances and added flat cold dmg to minions. Right now, my Animate Guardian is absolutely tearing through maps and majority of my clearspeed. Defensive Layers: Since I lack Defensive Layers due to budget restrictions I've decided to experiment with some cheap options. This has lead me to double down on Molten Shell and incorporate Endurance Charges to make me borderline immune to physical damage. I have over 48k Armour resulting in Molten Shells nearing 10k Absorption. With all the Duration I'm running, my Molten Shells are also almost lasting 13 seconds, during which I'm close to unkillable with the +10% to maximum resistances and 20% extra phys dmg mitigation. Ontop of that, I'm running Enduring Cry as a warcry to provide Endurance Charges boosting their power by 50%. For 1 point I pick up +1 to maximum Endurance Charges giving me 4 charges. Each charge provides 4% phys dmg mitigation which is boosted by 50% to a total of 6%. In total, I get 24% phys dmg mitigation from Endurance charges. Enduring Cry alone is not enough to keep Endurance Charges consistent though so I'm also running a small cluster jewel with Enduring Composure. Enduring Cry linked to Increased Duration (In my boots) allows me to have a 100% uptime of the buff. One annoying thing about Warcries is that they have a casttime though. To solve this, I run Call to Arms on my Skin of the Lords which makes all warcries instant. This allows me to numlock both Molten Shell and Enduring Cry automating them and giving them 100% uptime. Conclusion: So far, I've been having alot of fun with the new league and new tools they've been giving us. I'm also experimenting with the Atlas which is super fun. Considering the time I've played, this is the strongest early days I've ever had. Never have I casually gone in and done The Feared on gear worth 4 ex. I'm looking forward to read through the pages to see what you guys have discovered this past month and to see how we can start experimenting looking forward. Finally, I'll leave you with a video of how my lower budget version of the build plays right now (Exclude the Helm). What I want you to take notice of is the absolute insanity of my double explodey AG and the carnage he leaves in his wake :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHYsxes5Udk&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m ![]() This is my current PoB if anyone is interested. Keep in mind that it's still pretty low budget aside from my Helm, AG and skill gems which I decided to upgrade before my actual gear. https://pastebin.com/PLGZRDCD Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 9 de mar de 2022 03:45:58
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I see that alot of people seem to have been confused about which spectres to use.
This is generally your option: Primal Crushclaws: Best single target dps, melee spectres though. Hyrri's Watch: Best ranged spectres for dps. Much more damage than SOs, however, very slow attack speed which makes proccing Phantasms slower. Noticeable during single target bosses without Phantasms already up. Syndicate Operatives: Worst option for damage by far. However, the smoothest spectres by a long shot. Their projectiles are very fast and cover alot. Their attack speed and animation is also the smoothest which provides the best map clear. However, for these to be powerful you need your gear to be good enough for them to have enough damage clearing effectively. They're also very fast at spawning Phantasms being one of their main strengths. I'm currently playing with 4 Crushclaws. If you have any other questions or need help with anything, feel free to ask. I won't be backtracking in the thread and answer questions from the past but will gladly answer anything coming forward. |
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hey Dead, happy to see you active and refreshed again.
This is the league I've managed to get furthest with the build, doing all content and decent itemization for the fist time ever. (I'm a pleb) This is my pob: copied yours from 3.16 but changed my items/gems https://pastebin.com/jEF74yhe Are you using hungry loop just because of the budget? I'm wondering if I should use one as well for my AG. currently it's in a +3 unset ring with some res and added fire/light dmg. Also should I drop the +1 curse boots for the Scorch ones, and the rare helm with -% cold res, for the Crown of the Tyrant. Or are you using those 2 unique just because of low budget? Currently I have Elemental Weakness on my AG Gloves, and Frostbite on hit on my 2nd ring. If I drop the +1 curse, which of those 2 curses should I drop in order to have the highest amount of dps? Or I shouldn't drop the curse in the first place :D I bought a decent helm for 30ex, but I'll equip it after i sort out my resistances, because I'll need to change my ring situation. When do you think you'll have made an updated POB for 3.17 with the changes you'll do for high budget, like sometime next week, or it's going to take a few weeks before that's ready? Also regarding Helmet Enchants, idk why but when I use 150% increased effect of the Buff granted by your Carrion Golems, i get more DPS than Skelleton DMG 40%, or Carrion Golem 40%, is my PoB screwed up, or is the Carrion Golem buff the best DPS enchant? Última edição por Mezelluf#3242 em 9 de mar de 2022 07:11:31
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