[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
Hello, for optimal dps you suggest to self cast assassins mark, but we are already using frostbite ring, how you can apply two curses withou the whisper of doom?
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Great guide mate! Really you've put a lot of work for it! Chapeau bas!
How to get 3 the same spectres from Amplification Rod? |
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" swap weapon-put spectre gem to wand in second setup in same slot as in Amplification Rod-raise spectres wat you want and swap weapon to main setup. That all, you have spectres wat you want ░███░░█░░███░█░█░░░███░███░░░█▀▀░█░█░█░█░░░█▀▀░
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I really hope that this build will survive 3.19. Really loved it in the past leagues and would give it another try in 3.19.
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I've enjoyed this build and mostly upgraded to the medium budget build, but it's VERY glass cannon. I can't really get past level 91 because I die so much, with almost 20-30ex worth of gear. 3.6k health due to all the uniques, and I don't even have an Ashes amulet. End of the league, so kinda hard to get proper gear.
Dex + Strength + resist cap is pretty difficult with all the other requirements, but it is stated as a min/max build. Also the medium budget build shown doesn't meet dex requirements. Only have dex on the boots at +51, meanwhile you need around 105. Última edição por Matermine#2663 em 2 de ago de 2022 17:00:58
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" Nope :-( Última edição por Knuddelbearli#6960 em 3 de ago de 2022 12:30:25
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Read the manifesto yesterday and I'm kinda in shock.
Alot of people say we should wait for the patch notes but I don't know if anything can actually redeem what GGG is doing at this point. It's actually insanity how hard ALL minion builds are getting hit across the board with the changes they are proposing. Makes me think the one who's balancing and looking at the numbers is the same person who released Absolution in the state it was in during 3.15. If you don't remember, Absolution needed to be buffed by 430% which is completely asinine. So what are the biggest gripes with this patch for ANY minion player? HUGE nerfs to minion survivability. They're removing ~30% hp baseline from all minions if I read it correct. They're also removing Unnatural Strength which is a ~20% reduced HP baseline on all minions. That means minions in Helms are losing 3 levels total(Lose Unnatural Strength and 1 level from local mod that now is global). Minions in chests will have the same levels once you get an endgame helm. Golems are losing 20%(50% with Ashes) increased life from the gem itself and all minions also lose 15% increased life from Indom Army. I honestly don't think GGG playtests their own game. Minion survivability was already a pretty big problem last league imo. I had to get my Zombies up to ~40k health to stop dying randomly, and it obviously wasn't enough for juiced up Uber bosses with Height of Hubris specced on the atlas. As it's looking right now, expect going into red maps with Golems that have ~15k health and 12k zombies. It will literally be unplayable. But maybe GGG are nerfing Archnemesis modifiers alot in the patchnotes? Who knows? If we foregoe the minion survivability nerfs, which I suspect will kill almost all minion builds, the global damage nerfs are complete insanity aswell. Power and Frenzy charges are just being made reduntant, completely useless. There's ZERO reason to use them. If you invest into getting 3 Frenzy charges for your minions that's 12% attack speed. You can get 25% minion attack speed as a suffix on a wand. So almost all minion builds are losing 600% crit chance, 45% attack speed and 12% MORE damage assuming no one runs charges any longer. And people are huffing massive amounts of copium actually believing 2 Bone rings will be able to compensate for that, statwise? No chance in hell. Absolutely zero. Not only are we losing 2 socket slots from Unset Rings running Bone Rings, but the mods you'll get will never be able to compensate for the nerfs/deletion of minion charges. Is a minion shield any type of silver lining? Maybe? Necro Aegis will now be completely dead, a absolutely worthless non-useable keystone. I even started experimenting with running double convoking this league cause of how hard it's to craft a proper endgame shield anyway. So assuming we can get the same minion stats on this shield as on a convoking wand, it'll basically be zero difference dmgwise. The positive thing I can see coming from this shield is that you'll be able to get a Shaper base boneshield for 5% life on block. Ontop of that you can maybe, somehow craft a bunch of minion mods on it. So what are the plans for 3.19? Not sure, but as it's looking right now I can't update the build guide. Honestly, I don't think any minion build creator should attempt to update and ship their build guides for 3.19. This expansion should be an experimental league where minion creators try to come together to figure out the minion meta from scratch. We will have to completely rethink how to build minion builds cause if we go into the league with our current mindset, our minions will permanently get curbstomped due to nerfs to minion survival and all current meta minion builds have had their damage nerfed by ~50%. If you absolutely want to play minions for 3.19, maybe SRS and Arakalli Spider builds will be good? Not sure. Maw of Mischief and Popcorn builds might be good cause those builds blow up their minions anyway so survivability isn't an issue. But personally, I won't be updating the buildguide for 3.19 cause honestly, I have no idea what I'll be doing in 3.19 either. I'll try to salvage what's left and maybe it'll result in something playable when I leaguestart. But honestly, I think it's looking grim. Balancing DPS and your own survivability was already a very thin line to walk. But being forced to get a bagillion minion survivability nodes and affixes on gear to make your minions stay alive just seems impossible currently. Anyways, I'll wait for the patchnotes to make any final verdicts. But as it's looking right now, minions seem unplayable in my eyes, atleast the current style of minions we're playing. Maybe previously non-meta(unviable imo) minions will be the best? TL;DR Run far away from minions, don't league start them. If you liked skelly mages, league start Totems instead, it's the same thing basically. Make sure you're not griefing your league start. Then come back after a week or two to check up on minions if they are playable and then reroll if some content creator has managed to create a strong minion build from this hot garbage. If you absolutely need to play minions: SRS, Spiders, Maw of Mischief might be strong/playable. |
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" Were you following the correct updated buildguide for 3.18? Since you're not running a Frontline you're going to feel extremely squishy. Frontline really carries the defenses early on and should allow you to level to ~95ish without problems, even with some unfortunate deaths where you don't keep track of your Molten Shell timers. During 3.18 however, I started experimenting ditching the Charge shield and Necro Aegis playstyle and started running x1 of each gorilla for charges instead. This allowed me to run a defensive life on block shield(Check the low budget tanky version) to level up to 100 pretty much deathless. It also allowed me to run double convoking wands for damage instead. So check out that PoB if you want to sort your tankiness. Should look something like this when actually playing(Low budget): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcxqChpeWTo&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m |
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" I agree with you on so many points and it sucks that you feel that you won't update the guide for 3.19. If GGG does not provide us with a good alternative to necro for minions then I will vote with my wallet and skip supporter packs until they do so. I've really enjoyed your build these past leagues and I want to say thank you for your guide. |
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look like sad time for minions
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