[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" I'm playing this league very casually right now mostly winging it. I can give a PoB and showcase a mapping video of where I'm at right now. The build I'm running right now have soo far been very smooth. Just got to red maps with 10 deaths total(Mostly to Uber Lab traps LOL) on about 10 chaos worth of gear. Found my first 2 Divines 1 hour ago from beating the lvl4 Sanctum boss which I'm now using to get some upgrades like Green Triads and a 6-link. Was running Grip of the Council, Sidheraths Breath and a 5-link prior to that. Gimme 1 hour and I'll post a PoB of what I've got running. |
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Heres' what I've been running these 2 days.
https://pastebin.com/pZR4J22J And here's a video of how it plays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWgIZAfvmX8&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m Gear to get started carrying all through the campaign up to early red maps:
Just a bunch of 1c items. Get the Amulet in Act1 if possible and your minions will oneshot everything the first 3 acts. Get Bitterdreams when you're high enough level and everything will be oneshot throughout the campaign. For ascendency, get Profane Bloom and the Blasphemy + Frostbite setup from first lab to make the campaign very smooth. When you reach maps, focus on getting a 5-link and capping your resistances and the setup will last up to red maps. When you get to reds you will want to refresh your gear again. |
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Do u feel the minions survive better this league. Last league i quit so after i got tierd of having to keep summon my minions after every rare...
been holding back this league to se if perma minions will work or not. And also why the F did they remove "from dust" jewel..... Última edição por chuxzchuxz#1507 em 11 de dez de 2022 15:01:43
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" So far it's way better. although I haven't gotten to T16 yet so I would hold my breath. I've had to resummon my Zombies 3 times so far this League. Every time was versus a ~T12 Essence Mob with like 5+ Shrieking Essences on it. Other than that I haven't had to resummon anything. I'm considering unspeccing the 15% chance for 4 additional Essences. Only time I feel any sort of struggle is when that node proccs. Then suddenly you get a monster that starts killing your minions, has more HP than pinnacle bosses and you get two of them. As for survival generally, my minions aren't resist capped right now which is a huge issue. I'll probably be getting some Ghastly Eye Jewels to solve that and maybe, Essences will be less of a problem once I get those rippy ones. Overall, getting Minion levels is very hard nowadays though. |
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" Ye that node isnt worth it, u earn more by just doing another map in that time XD What are those vortexes in ur offhand for? some secret tech? i feel u are evolving this build like crazy. Ive played aloot of minion builds but since i started with urs in scorche or ritual cant remember, i cant enjoy another build XD i feel that cold conversion minions are waaaaaay more versitile. This variant proves it even more when u dont even need to focus on one minion just adapt xD are u planning on farming delve for the golem jewels? i just started doing it and your build MELTS delve! so i would recommend it. they dropp at 110+ ive heard in small chests in thos underground areas. coz the price of them are insane. "we made primordial jewels more accesible" - GGG -.- |
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will the build be updated to patch 3.20? There is the possibility to reset all skill tree but first I want to understand if there will be changes since 3.19 Thanks :) |
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" Hahaha the Vortex "tech" ;) I'm just leveling gems in offhands to sell. Vortex and Righteous Fires seem to be the most profitable so leveling them rightnow. Want to finish my Hungry Loop supports first though. In my current gear my dps feel abit low. I'm at like 2.5 million dps which is a slog alot of time. Just finished every map on the atlas and 2/4 voidstones. Exarch and Eater felt kinda slow, got like 3 meatball phases. Not sure how to upgrade the build right now. Thinking about adding x2 Convoking Wands for dmg, maybe a minion shield. I'm gonna give some delving a try, Primordial Mights for 3 Divs is criminal. |
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" I'm currently winging a new version of the build that runs as an Occultist. If you scroll to the top of this page you can see the PoB and a youtube video of my character. Occultist feels way better early on. My plan is to run Occultist to farm currency. In the future I'm planning to swap back to Necromancer though since it just scales better. However, I will only be doing this once I've got my full lategame Aninmate Guardian with Explodey mods set up |
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Figured I'd throw an update of my build is looking this league. Shaping up to be a pretty strong one so far.
Changes I've done after hitting T16 maps to be able to do Invitations and Endgame bosses is replace the bitterdreams with Trigger wands and getting a 6-link Lightning Coil to solve physical damage issues. I'm also trying out Temporal Chains in my Profane Proxy as a layer of Defense. The 30% actionspeed slow combined with my Skitterbots linked to both Unbound Ailment and Bonechill with the Curse Mastery for 15% additional movementspeed Hinder is actually pretty strong when stacked. The huge AoE slows around you actually provide a very strong defensive layer and is especially strong in content like sanctum where nothing ever will hit you again.
For the body, I bought it pre corrupted for 20 chaos and 6-linked it with Tainted Fusings. Losing Aggressive minions is kinda annoying though but works out alright since skeletons are very aggressive by nature. Primordial Might at 4 divines is also pretty laughable. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWA2rN-LpuA&lc=UgydJtEHF2ajIb6kaTx4AaABAg&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m (Video showcase, general mapping and a conqueror + a guardian kill) PoB: https://pastebin.com/RMqKdfAq |
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" Hey Dead, I enjoyed the build quite a lot back in 3.18, based on the video posted the build does seem quite interesting again after the AN changes. I have roughly 27 divines saved up and I'm looking for something to blast T16 Toxic Sewers to farm blight maps to run myself. In the current state do you think the build can do that or are there any item adjustments you would make to do that? |
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