[3.17]⚡Velyna's Storm Brand Occultist⚡ 5M+ DPS Leaguestart | Hidden and Feared Viable
Is there a reason we go and take Brand Equity instead of the mastery for 2 additional brands? Can save a few points by not going for that node.
So far I like the build even if it is a bit squishy. How was I supposed to know it was that stone that held the dragons at bay... I mean it just stood there looking dull anyway
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" Your profile is set to private but if you have followed the guide then this build is anything but squishy. I can only assume that you have either not yet transitioned to LL yet, have missed something essential such as having no leech or not yet quality your rings so are not freezing everything. Or else are not playing the right style and are running into packs before casting rather than casting and then moving. Basically as long as cast before moving then everything bar end game bosses will be frozen. You barely take any damage and the damage you do take in leeched straight back. The build does take some investment to smash through Maven or A9 Sirius in seconds but I reckon on 2 -3 ex budget you can easily do well rolled T16 maps and with a bit of skill take down A8. I mean even a +2 AOE 6l Shavs is only 4ex which doesnt take long to farm at all. Map mods I avoid completely are - ele reflect (insta death), no leech (not instant but still certain death). Map mods that are not fun but still doable are no mov speed below base (if you have enough dps or low level map its fine but ignore otherwise), avoid ele ailments and no regen - though no regen is doable with an enduring mana flask. Última edição por Dorfy#2230 em 28 de nov de 2021 07:42:54
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" There is 47% brand duration gained by taking brand equity (and the nodes leading to it) which is pretty huge - especially if you use anomalous Swift Brand. |
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Having tons of fun with the build so far, just hitting maps now and not sure if I have everything set up right. Feel slightly squishy and not sure if thats because im used to just playing attack builds.
Would someone mind taking a look at my POB and giving me an idea of where to improve and maybe what my next item upgrades should be, thanks a ton! https://pastebin.com/H1MaTsru |
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So I've only just noticed a few posts talking about quality on rings. Looked at the POB and there are elemental modifiers on the Brotherhood rings. Someone be kind enough to explain how I go about the proceess of putting quality on rings and what I need? I'm assuming its catalysts. If so which ones and what am I looking to quality (stat wise), on the rings I'd rather ask you guys than just go in blind and potentially screw up :D
Edit: Curiosity got the better of me and I just put an elemental damage cat on one to see and I just answered my own question. Lol Última edição por D_v_8#6627 em 28 de nov de 2021 19:21:12
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" I think your gear is roughly OK for your level but yes it is a bit squishy (at least I found it so anyway) until you hit 86 or so and transition to Low Life. At that point your dps rises a lot due to the fact that everything is being frozen and you are leeching crazy amounts + if you invest enough time and currency everything dies in a millisecond anyway! For now though I would firstly look for some more cold res to cap that out - probably on boots as there is lots of scope there to get more. You will eventually need the second call of brotherhood ring but in the interim look for an amulet or ring with Lightning Damage leech - you should be able to get a reasonable one at this point in the league for a few C. That will help a lot with sustain and will die a lot less. Mainly though just keep leveling and save some currency to make the LL transition. You will needs the rings (with ele damage catalysts on), 6l Shavs, shield and amulet as a minimum before you make the move - also make sure you have enough regrets before you start - not sure how many but quite a lot - maybe 40 or 60. |
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Hi, guys. So I've built upon suggestions here and I've been essence
farming/selling and managed to generate a good amount of currency that has been invested into the build. The DPS is under 1 mill according to my POB. Saying that damage seems good. On the other hand survivability isn't great. I can do T15, T16 but jeez its ropey. I'm getting one shotted a lot even on T14. I'm in need of a bit more guidance as I feel I've hit a brick wall. I know I need more levels, some bits of gear aren't great and most important, my large cluster isn't ideal. I haven't got 17 ex for it. Any suggestions as to how I can push on? Thank you, I'm tired of dying lol https://pastebin.com/NJ2yhCaQ |
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" So I cant see much wrong - but there are certainly plenty of upgrades to be had. Surprised you are dying so much though as I reckon you have much better gear than me at the same level and unless I did suicidal content then I found it pretty safe without needing to worry about dying. Still my Shaper POB is close to 5 million dps now (with flasks up, charges up and boss on consecrated ground anyway) so there is plenty more dps to be had if you can farm the currency for it. So in no particular order: ***EDIT - just noticed that you have not run final Lab! Do that now and get malediction. Otherwise your assassins mark triger will be overwriting youe ele weakness get a small cluster with enduring composure - 3 endurance charges make a big difference to general tankiness and also affects immortal call which makes even more difference to survivability. This is probably the quickest win to keep alive more. Get enlighten 4 and free up a passive by dropping the Discipline reservation node. Drop Zealots oath and save another point you can use for jewels or dps elsewhere. It adds almost no regen anyway so you wont miss it - I dropped it as soon as I noticed how little it added. Some medium jewels (when you have the points to use them) add a lot of DPS. Get aspect of spider on boots or belt - the beast is cheap (10-15c last I looked) and oyu just need open suffix (and spare mana reservation) You are using wise Oak flask but have lightning resist the highest so this will be adding negligible dps. It will add some survivability for you taking cold damage though so its not a complete bust. If you can afford some hands of crusader with spell crit and ele weakness then get them (ideally with cast speed as well but it then gets pretty costly). The base spell crit makes a massive difference. My crit chance is max for example without any P charges compared to your 72% chance with charges up. After that a better wand would be good a +2 gems (all spell and lighting spell) with good cast speed will add a large amount of dps. When I upgraded mine it added about 700k to my previous PoB. imo Profane wand is best base but they do get costly. Personally I wouldnt worry too much about getting one with trigger (or space to craft trigger). The 8 sec cooldown kinda spoils it and when it does trigger it aims the wrong way anyway and is wasted. Manual casting WoC or Hydrosphere and assassins Mark is fine as its only needed for bosses anyway and at least you can aim at the correct target! As a matter of preference i prefer Hydrosphere it has less exposure value but it has a duration so you can just plonk it middle of fight area and it continues to apply for 4 or 5 seconds - personal choice really though just go with what you like. Watchers eye could also do with a good upgrade - Velnya posted the best combos but if you can get hatred penetration with anything else semi decent that would help i think. That said I had Wrath crit + hatred cold damage for a while which was fine - not as good as hatred penetrate but still pretty good (and cheap). Bottled faith adds a lot of DPS - but you guessed it - its expensive. After that its just boots and belt left - you can get some more dps on belt (damage with hits against chilled or cold damage or ele damage maybe) but that wont change your life a huge amount. Boots are my weakest part but if you can get tailwind + elusive + onslaught then go for it expect to pay a lot for that though. You can also get a +4 Shavs (AOE and Duration) this adds massive dps boost but is also massively expensive of course. probably aim for this last Apart from that your deaths might just be playstyle - i literally dont spend more more than half a second without casting, so move half second cast in front of you, move half second cast - etc etc etc. That way anything in range is frozen and you are leeching. If you start running away (ie not leeching or freezing) then some projectile or spell will kill you - best off is right through the middle casting all the time. Última edição por Dorfy#2230 em 2 de dez de 2021 15:00:41
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" Amazing info man. Thank you so much for responding. |
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" No probs - one last thing also that I just discovered myself. When or if you top out your crit chance then you might find a different annoint is better. I just swapped my ammy annoint from Doom Cast to Influence (14% increased effect from non-curse aura) and got a good dps increase. It also increased all the other aura effects as well such as more ES, more armour and more mana regen. On DPS alone Shaper PoB now shows as almost 5.6 million Última edição por Dorfy#2230 em 2 de dez de 2021 17:36:06
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