Stress-Free PoE! BONE ZOMBIES: No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End! 3.14
"Tsuran, that's a really wonderful message. Thank you. I'm happy that my style of PoE play suits you so well. I'm so glad you're having a good time and progressing well and even getting some nice lab rolls! I really appreciate the time you took to be so thoughtful and encouraging. Thank you! I've passed on your praise to Justin as well regarding the podcast. "Sorry you didn't like the build Holtron. Good luck with your new build! I really don't know why your zombies would have died so much. I was fighting an A8 Sirus two nights ago with this build with gear and gems worse than yours and my zombies were fine. I have the video on YouTube if you wanted to compare playstyles. But when I looked at your setup, I couldn't find anything wrong. The zombies just never die with this the fact that I can't find the missing link for you (and tell you why your zombies are dying) falls on me. Sorry about that. Good luck in 3.14 and 15! (BTW: I'm a big fan of "welp" instead of "well". It made me smile despite the frustration in your post.) "Some boss mechanics take a lot of getting used to and practice. And sometimes it'll be different depending on the build you're playing. Other bosses are designed with some one-shot mechanics that 99% of builds should avoid getting hit by. Other boss mechanics are just dumb and don't cater to 75%+ of the mitigation and recovery options available to players (which turns them into "rage-quitting-WTF-Just-Happened" moments. Sorry for the frustration. I feel you. Sometimes I'll reach content I've never seen before, a new boss or something. Get whipped out, and then have no clue when I'll see the content again. Hopefully everyone is well and doing ok. I sat down to play this build the other night and goodness I had fun. Some maps and heists. So good. See you all in a few days! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Is this build also viable for hc ssf?
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"Hey Seclude! I plan all my builds around SSF, but not HC. The build itself is really good all-around but it's damage mitigation isn't constant; it's chance-based and has a coolddown. So if you're going HC, I suggest making the minor tweaks to make the build as comfortable as possible to you natural playstyle (like an unset ring with whatever movement skill you prefer). Good luck if you try it! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" You are right, some of the mechanics are pretty weird. I used to watch a streamer who played hardcore, but he got annoyed but the 1shot mechanics and stopped playing poe once for good. I just realized that uber atziri seems to be very hard for every build in the game, so it's for sure not due to this build, looks like she is hard for everyone. I tried Sirus on level 0 yesterday lol, but somehow couldn't do it. The damage seemed to be ok, was slow but I was doing damage. The only issue I had was that I was dying a lot, even with 6,1k life, 800 ES, full res and 35% phys. dmg reduction, and I am level 91 ^^. So I couldn't do him. Anyway maps till t16 are fine and works as long as I do not make them all yellow, I keep doing them in blue. Última edição por Afura_33#9121 em 20 de mai de 2021 10:24:39
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"I hear you Afura_33. The Sirus fight is almost all one-shots. The community is really divided on that fight. To the point were GGG mentioned that they weren't sure they were going to keep Sirus in the game (it was mentioned by them when Maven was being introduced). It's a fight that needs to be learned and mastered. It annoying. I'm one of the people that really don't like the design of the fight. There really isn't even a way to practice it along the way like the Shaper/Elder paths. Anyway. Sorry it didn't go well. Don't be nervous to Alch or even Vaal your maps. The build can handle it. You'll get rewarded over time for sure. Thanks for the honest post. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I've been having a ton of success with this build although I made a few changes myself that I'll explain, most were just personal quality of life issues, but overall it's still Wrecker's idea behind it.
If anyone checks my character history, I'm don't really have a whole lot of experience with the end-game so this is the best I've ever done with a character. I wanted to go over the changes/direction I took and when/why I made them and how it's worked out: 1. While leveling through the acts I noticed the minions were virtually invulnerable so I started only worrying about my own health. I was Shield Dashing on right click and that was the only thing I pressed save for health potions. 2. I really wanted Flame Dash, and and since #1 was true for me I decided to just cast the Chaos Golem myself, removing Cast When Damage Taken and putting in Flame Dash. I play on PC and this is my side mouse button. I use it when I wanted to travel across gaps or instant-move to avoid a boss mechanic. 3. I noticed the passive Enduring Bond required us to have used a Minion Skill recently (4 seconds) and would boost the minion damage. But I wasn't really ever casting Minion Skills until I got Bone Armour from the passive Bone Barrier after my 2nd labyrinth. * It's instant-cast, so it won't affect you moving around. * It lasts 3 seconds (or until it depletes). * It's cooldown is 3 seconds. I replaced my left-click move skill with this. I mostly hold down left click at all times while moving around, right-clicking or using the thumb button when I want to use a movement skill. This meant I could always keep it up, and since it is cast every 3 seconds, I've always "cast a minion skill recently". 4. I was playing around with Path of Building and decided I could replace Culling Strike on the Spectres and put Impale Support to just add some overall damage. The Kitava Heralds are great and easy to get and I used them for a loooong time. 5. I replaced Chaos Golem with Carrion Golem for more damage for everyone. 6. By the end of the acts, I was really hating Shield Dash. Sometimes I swung in place, sometime I moved, sometimes I moved but not as far as I expected. I really liked Vulnerability though and hextouch needed something to hit to cast. I didn't want to be casting it itself all the time either so I opted for Spell Totem Support. It actually worked out to keeping up vulnerability more often on more enemies so a win in my book. This had the side effect of making Ultimatum Trials way better for me because I could Shield Dash around the circle, hitting an enemy with it every once in a while to keep up Fortify and once in awhile press a button on my keyboard to throw down a totem. 7. Zombies were still doing really well in early maps and so I played around with Path of Building and ended up deciding on Multistrike instead of their own Fortify. I was just wearing a Tabula Rasa (I play with others, but I'm not kidding when I say i got one from a trial the day after I bought one from another player) and resists/life rares everywhere else. At this point the game is the least stressful it has ever been for me. The build requires so little to do so well that I started to have an abundance of chaos from trials and would start trading for gear and crafting. I probably spent about 15 chaos all told, which included a +2 skills Bone Helmet. I searched the trade site for Bone Helmet with +2 minions and at least 1 empty suffix and around 50 resists. I used the empty socket to craft +1 to maximum number of Zombies, +1 to max number of Skeletons. I'm still using that helmet and an upgrade from it would cost a ton to me. I also got a Convoking Wand from maps in Lex Ejoris that I used a scour orb on and then used an Essence to get 60% increased Minion Damage, and then crafted +Minion Attack Speed onto the free suffix. 8. I looked around at other Raised Spectre options and found out Syndicate Operatives are awesome, but only found in Intervention Encounters (when the syndicate members portal in and attack you) and spawn for like a second and you have to be real fast to get one. So I ran early maps for awhile and anytime it happened i would rapidly be casting Raise Spectre hoping to get one to try it. I finally did and I'm happy to report that it hasn't made that much of a difference. But I have them now so I'm using them, darn it. I swapped Impale Support for Greater Multiple Projectiles. Lot of guides online say to use Spell Echo with these, but this league made their skills attacks instead of spells. Their range is silly silly far though, which is really cool to have them kill things off screen. I think I'm going to keep Culling Strike in my inventory though, and just switch to it if I'm fighting a particularly tough boss/single target. 9. I had picked up probably my fifth Profane Proxy unique, socketed ring and decided to do something with it. This ended up moving a few gems around. * I removed spell totem from vulnerability, freeing up a gem slot for skitter bots. * I put the Profane Proxy in the left ring-slot so that I'd keep my "shock" status ailment on enemies. * I moved Vulnerability to the ring socket for the other bot to cast. That little guy keeps it up on everyone all the time and it can't die or need recasting! 10. I replace the spectre setup's Minion Life Support with Minion Damage Support. 11. A lot of my gems hit level 20, and I had been leveling 5 raised zombies on my back, along with an Empower Support (level 1 uncorrupted was only 5 chaos around league start). so I did the Vendor Craft of a few of my setup at a time + a gemcutter prism to make them level 1 and 20% quality, it only took them until level 10 or so when they were close to the original values. I didn't bother with gems that had quality that didn't matter. and I only did a few at a time so that I could just jump into an early map or delve and level them all quickly to around there. 12. This is where I really start moving stuff around so I'll just mention where and what gems I have: 6-Link Body: Raise Zombie - Brutality - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage - Meat Shield - Minion Damage 4-Link Head: Raise Spectre (Syndicate Operatives) - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Minion Damage - Lifetap 4-Link Gloves: Summon Skitterbots - Pride - Dread Banner - Generosity 4-Link Boots: Summon Carrion Golem - Feeding Frenzy - Maim - Empower (lvl 3 until I got brave and lucky with a vaal orb last night) 3-Link Shield: Flame Dash, Fortify - Shield Charge 3-Link Weapon, crafted with the Jun recipe "Trigger Socketed Spell when you use a skill, 8 second cooldown." instead of Attack Speed. order is important: Desecrate - Bone Offering - Vaal Summon Skeletons. 1-link Profane Proxy: Vulnerability Amulet: Annointed with Sepia - Verdant - Teal to give Decay Ward, which is +10% minion block attack/spell and 2% life recovery when they block. The way the trigger craft works is that the 8 seconds is the cooldown on the individual skills, not the triggering itself, so I keep moving around doing whatever, and every 8 seconds they all get triggered when my movement casts Bone Barrier or when I Flame Dash or Shield Charge (which is like, constantly). This keeps up the Offering effect basically the entire time. It's also Summoning Skeletons because I didn't know what to do with the third slot and had a Vaal Summon Skeletons in my stash. I press the button for the Vaal portion during bosses or ultimatums to get some extra damage and/or unlock the achievement for having over 60 minions. I threw on Dread Banner to make use of a free slot, i don't cast it, i just leave it on my back the entire time to give everyone some Impale chances. This reserves so much mana that if a skeleton dies you have to disable an aura to summon another lol. They don't die though unless I hit a reflect physical damage map by accident. I eventually bought an Awakened Minion Damage Support Level 1 as well. How is it doing? Last night I played Sirus by accident because it said travel to Siru's domain or whatnot and I was like "Will this be like all the other conquorors and I can modify the map? and hover over it and see mods?" but no it just made the portals :| It was real late and I was real tired and haven't looked up videos on the fight or knew what to expect and decided to try it anyways. I died and failed, but I got him to like <10% health. Yeah, that means I should have had Culling Strike on the spectres instead of Greater Multiple Projectiles and could have won. Also, I was on Awakener Level 4 so I probably could have beat him by just unsocketing everything and he wouldn't have had a 12% health bonus. You know who didn't die for me? Zombies, Syndicate Operatives, Carrion Golem. I didn't even need recasting any after it all lol. Path of Building is showing my total DPS of 9 zombies, now 4 Spectres, 1 Carrion Golem is 1,514,752 right now, which doesn't include using skeletons or the vaal skeletons. Each zombie is showing as having an effective health pool of 144,557 health for physical, 345,989 for elemental, and 187,213 for chaos. My minions don't die and I'm running rare'd/fragment/sometimes corrupted T16 maps avoiding elemental reductions (for me, not so much them) and reflect physical. With better jewels, gear from trades I'm sure it could improve still. So yeah, thanks Wrecker! |
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"Awesome post Floydasaurus! You've had some great RNG for sure but you've really made the build your own and all your success can be credited to you. Awesome job! You've done really well. It was edifying for me to read through the changes you made, and why, along with which parts of the game you made the changes. Also, I'm glad you're reaching further into endgame (I hate the Sirus fight no matter the "A" level.) I'm glad the minions are handling the content no problem and that you've found a way to make the playstyle suit you. Awesome job and thanks for the great feedback! (Oh right! One thing to mention, though I'm sure you've noticed it. Guard skills only start their cooldown once the skill expires. So the 3-second cooldown of Bone Armour won't start until Bone Armour has expired. Obviously, that doesn't change anything as I play with Bone Armour as my main skill too, but just pointing it out.) Hopefully everyone still playing 3.14 is having a great time. I've been working on a tankier build that may be a new build or an RF replacement. It's been fun to test out! Have yourselves a great week! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hey wrecker! I have a minion build from when I first started playing this game blind. It is very squishy however so I've been looking to fix that and this build looks like the perfect answer! I do have a question though: Is it ok to allocate the points for the Grave Intentions group somewhere else if I'm using a legacy Vis Mortis chestpiece? Thanks alot!
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"Hey Oldrozo! Cool! If you're respec'ing, make sure you pay extra attention to the build's details. It's easy to miss things via respec as opposed to while levelling. So, Brutality Support makes our build physical damage only. So if you want to use Vis Mortis, you'd not only have to change that support out, but also all of our auras and curses and such. So it's a big change. Make sure you're happy with the progress of it. But always be willing to try stuff out :). Just make sure you have the gear/setup to be able to switch back if you don't like the elemental version of this build. Thanks for the kind words in your post :). I hope it goes well for you! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Hey, thanks for the quick reply! I meant in my previous post I was using the old version of Vis Mortis(the one I currently have is linked below), the one that gives minions Unholy Might for 10 seconds on kill(I don't want to deviate from your guide too much XD). I don't know if Grave Intentions is still needed, figured that since I can guarantee Unholy Might I could spare the 4 points for other stuff. Última edição por Oldrozo#3476 em 26 de mai de 2021 13:35:17
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