[3.20]⚡ZaPwner's Crackling Lance Occultist⚡48M Pinacle Boss DPS
" Thanks for the catch. I messed around with the skills in PoB , and I removed Tempest Shield and placed Vaal Clarity. I updated the pob. Placed in the Wand slot since I have no more slots left. |
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" For 2: Probably the Items. When you switch to LVL 93 tree, also take "Late Game" from the items. This would make only a 3M delta :). That 3M is made from different nodes / cluster jewel setup (Remember you have crown of the inward eye, you get dmg boost from mana nodes both from tranquility and arcane cloak) and from different qualities of the gems. EG of DPS Boosting node: Arcane sanctuary + Spell Damage per 1% intel. For 1: For the squishiness, you only have 5k ES, I have 10k on my PoB. One thing a fellow exiled pointed out is that in my PoB there was a mistake, I had "Temporal rift" for some reason in my setup. That's a mistake, it should be Vaal Clarity and you should aim to get a cluster jewel with 10% of mana as extra ES. Also you are skipping life nodes. Ivory tower gives a significant ES boost if you go for life nodes (due to my life reservation in my PoB, I get 25*30 = +750 base ES just from life reserving). You will still be squishy (low armor) but you won't be 1 shot. Última edição por ZaPwner#1294 em 28 de nov de 2021 03:34:27
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I have a question becouse i see, that you using wave of conviction, vaal clarity and elemental weakness on wand but also on site where you show the gems you have like two sets for wand. one with wave ets. and second with rightous fire, golem and culling strike. do you swapping wands on bosses or gems ?
Second question is for dread banner. In PoB i can see that you have dread banner for more life reservation but here on site, you have that you using discharge, which is cool becouse in defense when you are surrounded by enemies. Could you also look at my PoB? i know that i have to level up and buy that watcher's eye but you have any advices for making this build, make more damage? i feel like it's not making enough damage, and i i cannot cast dread banner to reserve more life. is it a problem with tree ? Thanks a lot And i really love the idea of crackling lance on witch. I'm having a very good time playing this build :D My PoB : https://pastebin.com/GCvXBCy9 Edit : And i have both conductivity and elemental weakness on my rings. do i need to still have one of them on my wand to cast or i can change them for something else. Última edição por Misiek121#1192 em 29 de nov de 2021 13:37:55
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" Hello, First of all thanks for the kind words, I am very pleased to hear you are enjoying the build. I will reply quickly for now, I will come back with more feedback later when I have time to actually look at the PoB. The rings curses are LESS efficient than the cast ones. So Ideally you will want to have a ring curse to be used for trash mobs (since they go POP if they're cursed) and the 2nd more serious curse to be used on big bosses (EG: I curse trash mobs with elemental weakness, but on Sirus I'm also using the big-bad-leveled-juiced Conductivity for the needed extra DPS). Curse mechanics don't work as nice as we would like, and it's always the "latest curse" applied. Meaning that if I curse Sirus manually with a level 21 Conductivity, if I will then hit him having a ring Conductivity-on-hit (which is level 1 but with increased effect from my understanding) he will be cursed with the low level Conductivity instead of the awesome high dps one, because the ring curse was the last Conductivity applied (In party is even worse, but I won't detail the mechanic here). Hence, I decided to have the "Trash Mob" curse on an item (in my build it was the gloves) while keeping the more-powerful curse on some form of cast (since you only really require it in serious battles). As far as gem setup goes: The guide isn't fully updated, I really didn't had the time to put into it. A lot of the gems are obsolete from the initial (like Tempest shield), same for some cluster jewels. I will update them eventually. I placed golems there because the current pob was focused on maximizing DPS (because the problem will be fighting bosses, not trash mobs) and since they also screwed up the thread of hope setup, the double golem seems like a good and simple way to boost dps. You can choose to go with discharge setup in clearing and with double golems vs bosses (I know I was doing that, but with 1 golem), however the discharge I used was a 4 link discharge, and here you will only have a 2 link discharge because you will be using Dread Banner+ Arrogance for life reservation. Alternatively you can keep the 4L discharge, and change the gem setup by giving up something you feel less useful. Feel free to experiment, at the end the guide is a guide not a rule book. For the dread banner to be able to cast: you need level 19 arrogance (it lowers the life reservation with each level, and you get to 99% reservation only when arrogance is level 19. Before level 19 you will end up with over 100% reservation). So you need levels on the gem not on yourself for the life reservation. For the damage....well... min-max, get better items etc. Will look over your pob when I can. |
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I was wondering where do I get life leech for Ghost reaver?
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That build will be Delirium Everywhere viable?
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Been debating giving this a try, as it looks a bit confusing on certain bits, but I'll try it. Always wanted a Crackling Lance build to give the skill a proper chance.
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So is this build squishy like people are saying?
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" Yes and no. Yes = you are not a facetank. you will be walked over by mobs in certain conditions (eg: ele resist + mob health + enfeeble). The idea is that if mobs get close to you, you are f*ed (you can take at most 2 hits). No = you are going to kill things from far away, quite fast. so if you clear stuff you will be fine. the build requires positioning and anticipation. once you have that you will go through maps like they're nothing. Overall this "squishy" build is more safe than an ice coc cyclone assassin which is sort-of-meta, but it's not consider squishy because of the speed he's killing/freezing stuff. So you're not a face tank, but with some skill and effort you can get to 98 without Chayula rotas. |
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" Please do, since it's one of the few viable crackling lance builds, and it's also fast and fun. It's confusing because the build itself wasn't updated for 3.16 (it's my fault, didn't got the time for it). Right now I think this build is still a very viable build, with very fast clear but with some hard walls when it comes to end game content (not bosses, super-juiced-high tier-level 10 scourged-delirium maps). At the end of the day this builds falls off quite badly if you can't kill mobs in 3-4 lances. |
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