[3.15] Eye of Winter ES/LL Self-Cast Occultist
Have you considered using cold cluster jewels with Blankened-Snow, Prismatic Heart etc? I'm trying to craft a cluster with Seal Mender but with no tags its pretty hard to target craft it so i ended up spamming caster rerolls but no luck. If you have a method for crafting it please let me know :D
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" If you'd rather use a Cold Cluster instead of the Seal Mender cluster, the build will still work. However, it will be quite a big drop in damage as Unleash is what really, pardon the pun, 'Unleashes' the incredible damage that this build does. I have had many questions about the large cluster, and I'll try to reiterate my stance on it again. Seal Mender is the A+/#1 thing you NEED to have on that cluster jewel. The other 2 passives are nearly all interchangable to a certain degree. Only 'Ancestral Inspiration' and 'Arcane Adept' do nothing for the build. So having any combination of 2 other passives are basically within a few percentage points of the same damage so long as you have Seal Mender. While sure, I use 'Sap Psyche' and 'Practiced Caster', there is another combo I am personally VERY interested in trying out that might be even better than my combo. 'Burden Projection' with 'Thaumophage' looks very awesome. Knockback AND hinder seems like a very strong combo for not only pushing them back, and slowing them up for them to have to travel longer to get back to you...but the knockback alone means that there will be situations when you just knock a boss back and they 'travel' with your EoW and take a lot more natural damage. EDIT: I just went on Craft of Exile to satisfy my curiosity. Blanketed Snow is the 'big' juicy node on a Cold Cluster. It has a 95 weight to roll on the jewel. However, there are many options on a Cold Cluster that are rather bad for this build. Seal Mender has a 94 weight to roll on a Spell Damage Cluster, but there are many secondary options that work for the build. If you say that Seal Mender and Blanketed Snow are the 'must haves'...it's cheaper to roll the Spell Damage Cluster overall. IGN: Arkon_Monk https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 Última edição por arkon9944#7814 em 14 de ago de 2021 18:26:53
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Hey there. What's the reason behind not using rare Hubris Circlet with +1 Power Charge and +1 Unleash Seal combined with Tranquility annoint on amulet?
For instance, item like this (ignore the enchant): Using your PoB, you lose about 3-4% dmg, 50 ES and 4% Movement Speed for one additional Unleash Seal and possibly useful helmet suffixes. This one additional seal looks extremely valuable, especially when using tons of increased Seal gain frequency on Seal Mender(s) and Doedre's gloves. |
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" You certainly could use a helm like that. It should work out to be a lot bigger loss than 50 ES though, since Inward Eye gives 21% global ES. Plus losing Nimbleness annoint means losing that and the big bunch of ES for an extra seal. Could be worth it, might not. To be honest the things I've been doing for my build for the last handful of days has been survival upgrades over dps upgrades since I already blow everything up. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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" I actually built a helmet like that in PoB. Even changing the annoit it's roughly the same DPS as using my current set up but you lose roughly 550 ES. So yeah...Inward Eye Power Charge corrupt is probably the best way to go, unless you can get one with Power charge AND an EoW enchant lol IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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Hi there. I rly like the Build but its a lil bit squishy. Is there an option to make it a lil bit tanky and dont lose that much dps?
im at 700-800k pob dps and have 6.6k es ... |
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" While I do agree with your previous answer (related to focusing on defences atm), this one is simply wrong. First, you GAIN damage. You lose 3-4% damage on a single shard hit, that's true, but you cast skill 5 times instantly (instead of 4). Simple calculations while using your PoB. Let's assume that a single Eye of Winter cast spawns only one shard for the sake of simplicity: 1) Your setup with Crown of The Inward Eye: First Eye of Winter cast deals 264891,1 damage then three additional seals for 217210,7. Total of 916523,2 damage. 2) Setup with rare helmet +1 Power Charge, +1 Seal for Unleash and Tranquility annoint on amulet: First Eye of Winter cast deals 254722,7 damage then four additional seals for 208872,6. Total of 1 090 213,1 damage. Damage difference is about 19% more for setup 2), while counting only a single shard from Eye of Winter. Out of total 5 casts, we get more projectiles so with right position of Hydrosphere it might be even more than 19% more damage. Second, I have simply no idea how you managed to lose 550 ES on those 2 changes. Maybe you forgot to put quality on newly forged Presence of Chayula, or else I don't know. ES difference pretty abysmal, like 31 ES in your current PoB. PoB screen with those changes: https://i.imgur.com/GL5BuF9.png Your PoB with helmet and annoint change: https://pastebin.com/6sgg65sV |
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" I mean, your math is missing something VERY huge. The 5th seal of Unleashed only matters if you cast once every 1.65 seconds. If you cast a 2nd spell anywhere prior to that, the extra seal on the helmet is never part of your damage. In 99.9999% of cases, you'll only take advantage of that 5th seal on the initial cast of the spell, and never again during the entire fight. If you are only casting every 1.65 seconds, you're doing something wrong. That's why it's not some big super duper upgrade. While sure, we have the luxury of moving around and casting with Unleash, adding a 5th seal extends how long it takes for it to actually function. For 'quick math' sake to show you what I mean...let's assume EoW deals 100 damage, which means the unleashes deal about 80 damage. You would be: 100 + (80x5) = 500 every 1.65 seconds for maximum value. I would be: 100 + (80x4) = 420, followed by roughly 3 more casts of 100 damage and 5 more seals during the time period of 1.65 seconds...which is another 700 damage for a grand total of 1120 damage...more than double the attempt to take full advantage of the extra seal on the helmet. If you spam cast, with the loss of nimbleness: You would be 100 + (80x5) = 500 initial cast, 2 more casts of EoW within 1.65 seconds for 200 damage, and 5 seals for 600 damage. A grand total 1100 damage. Now remember, this is only counting 1.65 seconds. The gap gets wider as the fight extends longer as the raw DPS of Nimbleness is higher than having a 5th seal you never recoup. You also have to remember that technically my EoW would do a bit more than 100/80 damage since Nimbleness has Crit Multi on it, forget about just cast speed. People have the horrible habits of just looking at numbers on PoB and being like "look look, an upgrade!" It's not. If you're only casting at 1.65 seconds, you're losing a LOT more damage than making sure you always cast with a 5th seal. As for the helmet ES...it's simple math my good sir. Your helmet has 150 ES. Inward eye has 130 ES PLUS 21% GLOBAL ES. I believe you might need to do your calculations a bit better...here are the factual numbers: Inward Eye: https://i.gyazo.com/880c5b24fc188c9787ae33251b23ac02.png 150 ES Helmet: https://i.gyazo.com/e333e422f48cefd8ad8298d8feee7b0e.png So in the end of the day. It's less ES to use your helmet and besides the initial cast of a 5 stacked Unleash, using the unleash helmet is LESS DPS than using an Inward Eye unless you only cast every 1.65 seconds...for whatever unknown reason. EDIT: It seems you are confusing the usefulness of an extra seal compared to seal recharge time. Recharge time is invaluable to this build. Having an extra seal is a very minor thing as it only really ever helps with the first cast, and then never again. This even rings true for the passives up top of the tree 'Thunderous Salvo'. The first two little nodes are FAR better than the final one for the extra seal in most cases. With all this being said, it's not like your helmet is a 'bad' thing. It's just overall a loss of ES, a loss of DPS, and a loss of QoL from being more 'zoomy' with cast speed and movement speed from Nimbleness for clearing maps. If you want to see the 'effectiveness' of an additional seal, just spec and unspec Thunderous Salvo in PoB. It's a seal and 30% crit chance and it's only a very marginal DPS loss. IGN: Arkon_Monk https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 Última edição por arkon9944#7814 em 15 de ago de 2021 15:16:10
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So I even went to delve further into this whole helmet situation.
I went on trade to see what would be like the most GG helmet out there. This was the result: ![]() So the enchant has no way of actually calculating DPS, but of course it would be a DPS increase. With Crown of the Inward Eye, here are the two most important stats: ![]() ![]() With the new helmet, here are the same two stats, the amulet took off Nimbleness for Tranquility: ![]() ![]() So as you can see, it's a marginal DPS gain which includes a helmet with a Seal, Crit Multi, Cold Penetration, and Power Charge. Granted it'll be a slightly more DPS gain because of the enchant as well. But it is a few hundred ES lower. That helmet is listed at 17 EX, while a Power Charge Inward Eye is about 7 EX. The DPS gained by the helmet would only shave off fractions of a second on boss damage while the ES from Inward Eye will always help you survive. Is it worth it? Maybe? But in an overall sense of 'time saved playing the game'...nimbleness will shave off more time clearing maps than the fractions of a second that the helmet will shave off killing a boss. EDIT: To be quite honest after doing this test...I think maybe finding a helmet with all the 'other' stats besides the extra seal could be worth it. You could push the ES to over 200, closing the gap on the ES loss while still getting a DPS boost and the random resists a helmet could have. IGN: Arkon_Monk https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 Última edição por arkon9944#7814 em 15 de ago de 2021 16:05:50
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Regarding the ES loss - this is coped with lots of int on the Hubris.
You also gain two more suffixes. But getting all the right stats on the item makes it even harder... |
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