[3.18] 🍄 Sporeguard Incinerate Elementalist 🔥 3-10M Shaper DPS & Tanky 🔥 League Start To Endgame
If I'm reading craftofexile correctly, the leech & unnerve can be obtained as low as the lesser embers correct?
My luck with them has been non existent on this character. **edit** I'm also struggling on not dying. I am usually a minion build player & find it easier to fix my survivability on those kind of builds since I've ran hundreds of them, I'm not sure what I can do to help myself stay upright a bit more. I've seen 80% this level about 5 times. lol. I don't usually care much about leveling much past early 90's, but I kinda feel like a couple more points would be nice. I did hit inc fire damage & fire damage leeched as life on "Sanctity" with my timeless jewel which is nice. It's the animate weapon named char in my profile, yes I respecced because I couldn't be bothered releveling, haha. Última edição por Vervaiin#5898 em 19 de fev de 2022 08:04:06
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" Hey there. Glad you're giving self-cast a try, it's a pretty big change from Summoner so I understand some of the learning-curve pains going on. Here are a few tips: I) Replace Light Eater anointment w/ Blood Siphon for a toughness boost (you already have ES leech on your cluster, LE is redundant) II) You need some cast speed on your rings and amulet (good offense is a good defense, and we need to get over 14 casts per sec in path of building to 'feel good'). Running Ashes of the Stars may very well be a good choice, but I have always used and will continue to use a rare amulet w/ cast speed, life, resists, and potentially +skills (fire and/or all). We already run alot of uniques without resists, etc. so we need the rare for utility IMO. III) TBH if I'm anywhere close to 50% experience bar (i.e. once I'm in my 90's and my gear feels in a good place), I usually will just drop what I'm doing and join either a Beachhead Rotation or join a 5-Way Legion for one or two runs. It's worth the investment. The fact is we can go long periods of time without dying, but occassionally we'll run into a freak physical hit, or terrible mods (like running 40% reduced block + vulnerability), and this can potentially set us back. I would advise be mindful of your map mods, and mindful of your positioning. Sometimes you just have to kite a heavy hitter (or retreat for a moment from a gigantic ball of monsters) if they're overwhelming our defences. Also be careful about diving into packs with this build blindly (especially in IQ 100+ maps) -- I know I do that too much and its just me being impatient. You should be able to hold your ground and just keep charging/releasing if your positioning is on-point. Also if Stone Golem is dying alot and basically being useless, you can swap in another layer of recovery w/ Enduring Cry (fit into your infernal cry setup/links). IV) Yeah you can get all the eldritch mods on a lesser currency, just at a lower level, so seems like your RnG has just been bad. I know I had to spend like 100 to get one of the mods I wanted, other one I spent like 2, you never know :) Hope those thoughts helped. LMK if you'd like anymore clarifications. GLHF Edit: Probably swap out Flammability for Enfeeble in your CWDT setup while mapping. Enfeeble is just a huge defensive layer I wouldn't want to go without in maps. Edit #2: You have a skill point invested in a +30 str node, which isn't bad per se, but you should spec out of Iron Will at some point, and just lower infernal cry to a level where strength requirement isn't an issue (then respec the point into a life mastery node, etc.) Última edição por WarPig17#1988 em 19 de fev de 2022 22:06:33
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Hey, So I asked for help as to where I should upgrade my gear further, currently my gear is largely similar to yours in the POB but again with half the damage, survivability on the other hand is great.
Could you again please tell me where to focus my points at? Thanks in advance Edit: An additional Con is that this build cannot do Phys reflect maps because of WoC. Última edição por Iksskan#7253 em 20 de fev de 2022 14:07:31
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" Hello again. Glad you're sticking with it -- overall your build looks really nice, so kudos. You didn't link a POB so I can only look at your gear/tree from the main site here and give you my best guess analysis: 1) Your Cluster setup is rather 'scuffed'. You need a Large Cluster w/ only 8 'Adds Passive Skills', and your Mediums w/ only 4-5. Your current Large has 11 and your Medium has 6, so you're wasting a few skill points here that are better invested elsewhere in the tree (Fire Walker for example). You're also missing a second Medium Cluster, but it's OK to bypass that till you gain more levels. 2) To do Physical Reflect just remove WoC -- simple fix. 3) You can min/max your Martyr to strive for maximum added min-max fire damage (best is ~ 350-540 added). You can also get the Harvest craft to add elemental damage per quality. 4) So I've discovered recently (because I'm slow) that we can't have the Eldritch Implicits in combination w/ Culling Strike on Gloves (maybe w/ Awakener Orb? IDK yet, I have zero crafting IQ), so CS will not show up in your DPS calculations in POB. But obviously we have it on Armageddon Brand, so just 'virtually' bump your DPS by 10% when looking at #'s. If you still want to run Onslaught gem on bosses, just keep your Cull gem on-hand to swap in during the last phase (where Cull will be relevant), or have a Cull setup on a weapon swap that you can utilize when boss is in cull range. 5) Be sure all the relevant categories are checked off in the 'Configuration' section. Also (when I'm not lazy) I run Vaal Righteous Fire on endgame bosses (replace Cold Snap CWDT), which adds a very large amount of burst for our DPS windows. It's not really needed in maps, so again doesn't show up in our standard POB calculations if forgotten about. 6) Min/max your jewelry a bit w/ Blessed Orbs & Catalysts (Elemental Damage on Belt & Ring, etc.) 7) If you have some currency banked, a Double Mod Watcher's Eye w/ Cast Speed and Extra Dmg on Consecrated Ground is a good boost for about 7-10ex. 8) Gain some levels by doing either t15 Beachheads (very affordable but a bit slow) or 5-Way Legion (fast and a good value, but more expensive up front, usually something like 2ex for 5 runs, and will easily get you a level or 2 at 92). This build functions close to full flight at L97-100. Every extra level w/ new mastery nodes, etc. is pretty powerful for us. 9) The new Forbidden Flesh/Flame is very strong for this build (whether you strive for Liege of Primordial or Shaper of Storms), but will run you 15-20ex, which is definitely outside the 'core' build that is meant to be affordable for the average person getting into maps/bosses. Anyway, that's all I can think of off the top of my head rn. GLHF Última edição por WarPig17#1988 em 20 de fev de 2022 19:19:56
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I have a suggestion for improving the gear, you could craft a helmet like this one I'm using:
To craft it I spammed facted + scorched + glyphic fossils (I created 2 other similar helmets like this, it takes some currency of course, but it's not that hard to do). |
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" Hello & thanks for that suggestion. That's certainly a nice helmet and could potentially boost our dps some as well as free up some gem versatility for the build. With that said, Crown of Inward Eye's Armor, ES, Life, & Transfigs for this build are actually pretty obscene and important (you seem to be running a max block more ES based version fwict?), and arguably just easier to obtain than crafting. A helmet like this is also a fine version, and I used to run it in an older version of the build, and is obtained by just spamming a good Warlord base w/ pristine & scorched fossils in a 2-socket chaotic resonator: |
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" I finally got it :D thanks so much! I have yet another question but this one isn't related with the build, but with atlas, there's a good path of atlas skills you would recommend? |
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" Great, glad to hear it. Yeah just check out my character profile to see my Atlas tree. I've recently gone to Searing Exarch for variety, but recommend speccing into Eater of Worlds til later (SE maps more difficult). Some of my Map nodes (+ tier drops, etc.) might be superfluous by now, but I still stay specced into them cuz I'm lazy, but do what you like with those. GLHF. Última edição por WarPig17#1988 em 20 de fev de 2022 18:24:36
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" I have played a good number of self cast before it's just noticing where to make little tweaks that I struggle more with. I'm kinda bouncing between poe & lost ark atm & to be honest I'm not a fan of the league mechanic so not sure how much further I'll progress but I made some small tweaks to links & changed light eater annoint out, I did manage to get that long awaited level also. I too have gone searing exarch since everyone has gone blue side, but I haven't specced into the increased damage taken notable yet, kinda spooky Thank you for the helpful replies! ^.^ |
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" Hi, sorry you are right indeed. I thought this would be a could idea, because it works in my incinerate build. But in this buid it would be hard to fit in indeed. I like your guide a lot, thanks for helping out. |
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