👻3.20👻 Kay's Summoner💥SRS Bomber💀Poison SRS💀Melee SRS🕷️Spiders💀Skeleton Mages
Well "now" you can get +2 to all minions on the helmet and douple corrupt a body armor with +2 to socketed minions and +2 to socketed duration gems.
For a nice +6 to skeles on that bodyarmor. Or you could even douple corrupt that super helmet with those same implicits. "An it harm none, do what you will"
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" Skelly mages are getting a: - 20% dmg nerf from blanket nerf to all minions - 25% dmg nerf to skelly mages directly - 20% dmg nerf from Unnatural Strength nerf (Nullified if you used skellys 6-linked in chest and not a +3 15 ex minion helm) - 10% dmg nerf due to nerf to 7-link minion helms as levels got reduced from 3 to 2. - ~50% dmg nerf with the removal of Frenzy and Power Charges (Assuming 2 of each charge cause Mages are temporary minions and most likely won't have 3/3 charges) If you had a modestly geared Skelly mage build with 7-link helm, +2 wand, Ashes et.c. you most likely had ~25 million dps. If we apply all these nerfs to this ~100 ex build the results would be: 25 * 0.8 * 0.75 * 0.8 * 0.9 * 0.5 = 5.4 million dps. So you would've gone from ~25 million dps down to 5.4 million. 5.4/25 = 0.216 -> 1 - 0.216 = 0.784 -> 78.4% This means Mage builds using x2 Power/Frenzy monkeys and a +3 minion helm would've lost 78.4% of their damage comparing these two leagues. I didn't calculate the change on Brittle from 5% base crit to 2% base crit either, so the dps nerf would've been even larger for many mage builds utilizing Brittle eldritch mods on their boots. Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 8 de ago de 2022 05:28:32
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" After I played around some Animate Weapon starters in pob, I found some interesting stuff. Scenario: - up to lvl 72. - naked (besides +50% increased minion damage crafted with essence of fear, and triad grip for lightning (and chaos to get a clear understanding on how much necro would be better on a higher investment)). - auras/curses/support skills matched properly. - Merc lab (6 points). Approach: Raw numbers compared, qol not counted. Result: Physical/impale: guardian is stronger. Physical/poison: necromancer is stronger. Lightning conversion: guardian is stronger. At this point I have to say 2 things: 1. Both elementalist and ascendant in this scenario are weaker than either guardian or necromancer. 2. If necromancer get intimidate somewhere, and forbidden jewels to access elementalist/occultist nodes, she becomes: a) barely stronger at physical/impale, b) stronger than guardian at elemental convertion, and c) absolutely crushes guardian at physical/poison or full chaos convertion. Note: take those results with a grain of salt, since it's almost naked simulation. Finished builds can show drastic difference. In damage, tankiness or qol. Conclusion: 1. Physical/poison necro is the strongest AW starter in SSF scenario out of 6. In mid budget range, it's also the strongest. 2. Lightning guardian is the second strongest out of 6, if not counting triad grip. In mid budget range, necro is stronger. 3. Physical/impale, although it doesn't shine compared to ^^ above, it's probably the easiest to build, most comfortable to play, and the cheapest in mid-budget range. Either necro or guardian will do. Outside of physical/poison, day 1 guardian is indeed better. Esp bc of Radiant Crusade qol, exactly like you said. Later, most summoner builds would be stronger on necromancer tho. It's not like there are many exceptions from that. |
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" Got any PoBs I could tinker with? :) |
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" Sure: https://pastebin.com/JYibhbmH Can choose passive tree and skill gems. ![]() ![]() Don't ask why I took those minion defence nodes. Ancient Skull AW is a bit painful w/o them. Also, be sure to check Unholy Might for minions as necro, and Intimidate as guardian. Triad grips added, can choose them in items. Finally, in physical/impale i'm using Brutality for Guardian and Ruthless for Necro. Have to switch them manually too. Edit: Forgot to mention, in 3.19 poison damage would be doubled. Please be sure to count it properly, I used calculator on phone instead of adding it in pob xD Última edição por monik390#5560 em 8 de ago de 2022 07:32:32
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" Interesting. Yeah, Guardian seems to be the best strictly for League start due to how hard dmg gets carried by Intimidate. Once you get into the midgame and you can start investing into Awakened Melee Phys for ~40 chaos to get intimidate Necro becomes stronger though. Pretty sure the correct play is to use Plaguebringer if you're to play Necro during league start. Unfortunately however, you can't really respecc from Guardian to Necro. If you pick Guardian you're stuck with it. It doesn't really take much for Necro to surpass Guardian in power so I'm still not convinced league starting with Guardian is the correct play. In the end it depends on how your fast you're able to gear and get into the endgame. If you're a very slow player that will struggle to get things like Awakened Melee phys to level5 or your build has trouble getting attackspeed into the build, then Guardian probably is the correct play. If you're already are an experienced player, then starting Witch is probably the smartest way to go. Honestly though, the differences in throughput, especially dmg is so small between both ascendencies that they're not that meaningful. Personally, I think the most important thing for a summoner leaguestarter is the 30% all res from Commander in Darkness is monumental to keep your minions alive. Most minions only have a base resist of 40% and you want to get it up to 75%(83% with mastery) ASAP or you're gonna have to constantly resummon them. Might not be an issue for builds with active minions like AW though since you're constantly resummoning them anyway. |
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" " The only guardian approach I know which would be stronger then necro in 3.19, is the Doryani's Prototype 1 minion anything (no intimidate for necro). And that's IF necromancer gets Commander of Darkness. If not - hell no lmao. There is a thing - Guardian isn't pure minion ascendancy, like necromancer. It's a hybrid/support. So, logically, it can't compare to necro for sure in terms of endgame damage. But the thing is, 2 labs are just too valuable for minions on guardian. I'm not sure if you have ever built a super tanky guardian, but in this field (tankyness), it has more potential than necro. So the point of guardian - comfortable gameplay. Some tank, some damage ez. While necromancer is still mimaxing gorilla in the room. There is no point going guardian for your minion army and perfect play. But there is a point for guardian dor prot AW, bc it can take 1 more hit =) I'm not trying to convince you about guardian being superior to necro, bc, obviously it isn't true. I just want to tell, that taste and demands are different. Some players would enjoy guardian more. |
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" I listed everything that got nerfed that I could think of, even minor, and they grasped onto that 50% gem nerf like that was the only thing outside of the blanket 25%. Thanks for spelling it all out for them. I personally did not use skeletons in helm, I had a +3 Fleshcrafter that I double corrupted, so I did forget about the Unnatural Strength. Última edição por Tainted_Turkey#7678 em 8 de ago de 2022 13:44:22
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" I guess it really depends on someone's goal for the game. Uber content Pinnacle bosses Mapping checking out new league mechanic SSF just play casually etc. Maybe a combination of some of those too! I think for some people, Guardian will make sense to use for the league (more casual or SSF) because it will feel good without good gear. Necro will scale better, though. Also depends on what you want to play too! eg. Melee SRS in SSF might feel better with Guardian. Bomber SRS definitely better with Necro. Occultist for spiders. Ele for golems. AW... I think both are OK (minions clear better with Guardian, but longer duration with Necro). Soulwrest necro. Not sure if skeles are worth using in 3.19. Spectres are gone. HoP/DB probably guardian? 🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰 🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶 Última edição por kayella#0845 em 9 de ago de 2022 11:47:38
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i'm just glad i got my helmet finished except to harvest roll the mods to max them. took 43 uber lab runs to finally get the enchant
![]() so, if i'm not mistaken, 3.19 will make it double legacy. while not perfect, it's the best craft i have done yet. i just wish it rolled something different than the 2 res mods but i'm still super happy with the outcome poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
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