👻3.20👻 Kay's Summoner💥SRS Bomber💀Poison SRS💀Melee SRS🕷️Spiders💀Skeleton Mages
Thanks for the effort you put into your guides Kay!
Just wondering what the current thoughts are on the state of Spectre/Carrion Summoner in 3.15 compared to previous leagues. I haven't played Summoner for 2-3 leagues now and was considering picking one up to try for the end of this league or next. I imagine personal survivability took a hit like all other builds. But how is the survivability of spectres? Last time I played they were a little on the weak side until you get a lot of +levels on them from gear. Thanks! Última edição por Oniji#5988 em 15 de set de 2021 07:16:28
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" Get a shield with "recover % of life when you block". it helps alot. get more life across the board without sacing resist, stats that you need. Mistress of sacrifice is huge combined with the affix above. I have no problem surviving. only time I die is when I fk up. You can buy a mediocre shield with above mod or craft a good one yourself. I can give you a step by step if you wana craft one. |
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" I think I found a few up on trade for about 2ex each which I can farm out easily. What are your thoughts on steelskin instead of vaal haste for more survivability? And swapping some points around to pick up Glancing Blows? Última edição por mrread55#4839 em 15 de set de 2021 17:53:51
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" How does mistress of sacrifice interact with that affix? Is the life recovery over a certain time boosted by mistress? |
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" I could be wrong. But with bone offering affecting you with mistress, so it would increase your block chance and to recover life from blocking. Última edição por avalonmabi#4157 em 16 de set de 2021 10:56:10
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I have few questions about the SO spectres build. =) I'm playing this build since 1 month, i'm very fine with. 1. How to improve ? My POB : https://pastebin.com/iQs74G9h I think Awakened GMP could be fine but i'm asking if its fine for bossing or just for map clear ? I think i could swap my ring for another Unset Ring with +#% Minnion damage Prefix ring and put adjusted level Precision on it. 2. How Frostbite curse on it works and is it worth it ? My spectres do all the damage converted to cold, so why i need this curse ? How i can proc it ? Only with my brand ? 3. My AG weared some Crusader sirius gloves with Life+chaos res+Elemental weakness implicit. Can i stack both curses (mine and AG) or i should put an 'Additional curse" item ? 4. Last one; Whats the difference with an Energy shield version of my build ? Only defensive gain cuz i can get more es than life ? What a should gain for this 30+ex conversion ? Thanks a lot for people will be reply to my question and take time for me =) PS: I'm French, Sorry for my English. French Translation :
Salut a tous, J'aurais quelques questions a propos de ce build qui me fait adorer cette league et que je joues depuis un mois =) J'y passe toutes mes currencies et ca paye (environ 170ex a l'état actuel). 1. Comment puis-je l'améliorer ? Mon POB : https://pastebin.com/iQs74G9h Je pense a la gemme awakened GMP mais je me demande si j'aurais un reel upgrade ou je vais simplement gagner en clearspeed avec le projectile supplémentaire ? Je pense aussi a me recraft un unset ring avec le prefix minion damage et y mettre précision... 2. Comment Frostbite curse on it fonctionne et est-ce rentable niveau DPS ? Etant donné que le DPS est fait par les spectres, je ne vois pas comment elle peut être appliquée si ce n'est qu'avec la brand, c'est vraiment utile ou je peut la virer ? 3. J'ai mis des gants avec la curse elemental weakness en corruption sur mon animate guardian. Peut-elle être appliquée sans 'Additional curse" item ou les deux curses se font compétition ? 4. La dernière; si je passe en version Energy shield comme je peut voir sur POE ninja, je dois m'attendre a gagner quoi ? Plus de "lifepool" car on peut avoir plus d'ES que de life ou vais-je gagner en DPS ? Le cout de l'opération est élevé et je me demande si c'est vraiment rentable. Merci a tous pour le temps que vous prendrez a m'aider ! Shùz - FR - 32y
Playing since mid delirium league |
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Love the build. Fastest mapper I've played most bosses/guardians melt. I'm 95 and have put about 20-30 exalt in this build but I cannot kill Sirius. I get one shot very easily. Here is pastebin https://pastebin.com/ySSeBjAH. I know the fight very well have a cyclone build on standard I can waste him with. What do I need to improve to beat Sirius? Do I need different minions than Syndicate operatives? They seem to die at the end pretty quick. Nothing else in game seems to kill them. I have the corrupted blood on one of my jewels. Thanks for build been alot of fun this league! |
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" Nothing wrong with your build. Play the necro like you would your cyclone character. Trying to stay at range with Sirus is a good way to get killed. Since you are doing cold damage you'll have plenty of time to weave through him so he basically never hits you. Última edição por HamsterTrainer#0573 em 16 de set de 2021 19:59:48
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Hi guys. I got this build atm:
https://pastebin.com/Fk7gm99Q Would it be possible for me to buy an expensive elder/shaper helm with minion dmg/hypothermia etc. and then have spectres with tons of dmg as well as keeping the skeletons (but I'd have to sacrifice an aura) I feel like that would have much more damage but I dont know exactly how to do it, what to link, or if its even more damage since the helm is expensive I dont wanna waste money. My goal would basically be sacrifice the chieftain/host spectres and the charges they provide (less skeleton damage), but get spectres (like auto-scout) who would also deal lots of damage since the current spectres I got dont really do any dmg they just provide charges. |
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damn i wanted to post on page 4000 but now this started on a New page. Kay you make a good work for the game itself and for the community.....and Japan is proud of you, too 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍❤
Última edição por Karmoth666#3849 em 17 de set de 2021 12:49:25
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