👻3.20👻 Kay's Summoner💥SRS Bomber💀Poison SRS💀Melee SRS🕷️Spiders💀Skeleton Mages
"Yes, they are both guard skills. |
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" Any high investment summoner could easily reach 300 stacks of scourge stacks. There's plenty of summoner builds with better clear speed than Spiders. Predominantly Spectre builds. Their problem is that they lack in single target. Your PoB only seems to have ~10 million dps though, granted with melee splash and without an Animate Guardian. But that's also low single target for a build using a 200 ex shield. Btw, 300 scourge stacks aren't based on your clear speed. It's based on pack size and how often you press the scourge button. Everytime you press the scourge button you spawn additional monsters so in the scourge zone, the trick to getting 300 stacks is to just spam the scourge button as many times as possible, like you do. Getting 300 stacks doesn't mean you have exceptional clearspeed or anything like that. Most builds can get 300 stacks in tower if they just go in and out of scourge often enough. Reason why most ppl don't get max stacks is because they stay in the scourge zone until the bar is empty to increase the speed of their maps. They don't pre-emptively leave it several times before the bar is empty. This means they go inside fewer times and in turn spawn less mobs but they decrease the amount of time they're inside a map so it's a tradeoff. Dont disillision yourself that the reason you'e able to get 300 stack of scourge buffs is because your celarspeed is so good that you artificially spawn more monsters or something like that. It's not how it works. Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 31 de dez de 2021 06:20:31
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" The shield is not mandatory, here's a video where I used Magna Eclipsis instead: > https://youtu.be/KJIpzgGYrRQ The results are pretty much the same. You only get extra mobs from scourge only for first 10 times when transforming the map. The issue with spectres is that you can only have 4 of them, and usually you leave many mobs behind. If you stop to kill all mobs, you cannot clear the whole scourge, unless you use Einhar/Alva missions, Beyond, scarabs, prophecies, or other mechanics to fill the scourge bar more times during the map. Do you have a video where a spectres build can reach 300 scourge stacks in T14+ maps without master missions and without beyond? Última edição por 6_din_49#4066 em 1 de jan de 2022 12:14:17
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" Whether the shield is mandatory or not is not relevant. The criticism was that your dps seems awfully low for a build using a 200ex + item. The problem with pure spectre builds is that they also suffer from having very low single target right now since they're undertuned. But for clearing purposes where monsters literally get oneshot by builds with 1 million dps, their dps is more than enough. A sproperly bult spectre build with say, 100 ex investment could easily reach ~30 million dps and be tanky. More than enough dps to kill most content in the game and it would absolutely roflstomp red maps. However, for 100 ex I'd expect a build to do more in the ballpark of 70-100 million dps. Don't get me wrong, your build probably is very good for what it's doing. But there are, would I say, "better" built spider builds out there more equipped to farm things like full simulacrums et.c. You seem to understand how the Scourge mechanic works right? Then I don't see why you harp so much on the fact that you managed to get 300 stacks without beyond/master missions/scarabs et.c. As mentioned earlier, the amount of scourge stacks you get is based on the amount of Scourge monsters you get in your map. You're not getting 300+ stacks because your build is clearing things so fast that you artificially start creating more monsters in your map or something. The quantity of scourge monsters is SET when you enter the map. The only other way to spawn more monsters is to go in and out frequently since going in spawns additional monsters around you. I personally never cared for focus farming scourge because it's unprofitable and a huge time sink. I obviously went inside to clear all monsters since I blow up the entire screen instantly, but I never minmax my scourge stacks by going in and out. When I did tower maps I usually clear ALL scourge monsters in ~3 shifts. I'm usually done with all Scourge monsters after 50% of the regular map is cleared. This was the most time efficient way of killing all monsters but only allowed me to get ~250 stacks because I was out of monsters after it. I saw some videos on how to always get 300 stacks which was the whole shift in and out thing and I tried it. Got 300 stacks in a tropical Islands map after clearing 70% of the map so it definitely works. Just wasn't worth it since it added ~2 minutes to my map. What's the point of what I said? As I mentioned earlier, getting 300 stacks has more to do with knowing how to spawn additional monsters. Not whether your build amazing at clearing or not. Spider builds has 2 things going for them which make their clearspeed decent: 1. They're very aggressive and have fast movement speed. 2. Profane Bloom with Occultists. This obviously allows for okay clearspeed, but it's still incompareable to a well built spectre build. A decked out Spectre build running Awakened GMP, Awakened Chan and Awakened Fork on a minion like Frost Auto Scout or Hyrri's Watch would just clear the entire screen in half a second. It literally clears as fast as bow builds. It doesn't matter that you only have 4(5) spectres. Give them enough projectile support things and a single projectile attack from a spectre will result in 50+ dead monsters all across the screen. I don't have any scourge videos unfortunately because that content is bad for currency making unless magic finding in towers. But I'm sure I could transition my build into a Spectre build instead and easily get 300 stacks if my monster count in the map is enough. |
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" Alright, so there isn't any videos specifically about spectres getting 300 scourge stacks out there. Mainly because no one plays spectres since they suck. The other reason is because no one cares about getting 300 scourge stacks, it's nothing impressive. What people care about is doing Uber content or corrupted The Feared invitations et.c. So I guess I had to make a movie just to show you that even spectres, the worst minion right now easily is capable of getting 300 scourge stacks. So as requested, I simply bought a 130%+ quant Tower map cause you need pack size for enough monsters to spawn. No master missions, no scarabs and no beyond either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsdtO6zh-HI Now I don't really know why you put so much empthasis on being able to reach 300 scourge stacks. It has nothing to do with clearspeed. All it has to do with is pack size on your maps. The discussion was on which minion had the best clearspeed, and you jumped to the conclusion that Spiders somehow are the best clearspeed minions in the game. Why would getting 300 stacks be any form of testament to a builds clearspeed when clearspeed is all about how fast you're able to finish a map or wipe out monsters. So lets revisit clearspeed again and I'll show some examples of Spectres clearing maps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTekvJGA4wY&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gKCVHeOrNk&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m Do you really believe that your spiders clears a map faster than those spectres I showcased? Want to know what's funny? This wasn't even a spectre build. It's a Carrion Golem build where I simply put Spectres in my main links. I'm pretty sure that someone who wants to build a dedicated pure spectre build could make far more powerful spectres than mine. EDIT: Figured I'd give your 300 scourge challenge a try playing Carrion Golems instead of ranged spectres. Comparing my and your minion build against eachother, both being melee too I'd say my Carrion Golems clear faster than your Spiders. Is it because Carrions have better clear than spiders? Certainly not. Spiders are faster, more aggressive and have Profane Bloom so naturally they should be better. But my build has more movement speed so I can cover more ground faster than you so I will naturally clear zones faster. No master mission, no beyond, no scarabs and no league mechanics(Except for an Essence). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpXIozAfFno&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m Hitting 300 stacks in tower is extremely easy when you just abuse the shift mechanic and go in and out. Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 2 de jan de 2022 12:45:58
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Hello everyone! Am playing the carrion golem build on league and it's awesome!
This is my current setup https://pastebin.com/heUac1z8 What can I upgrade from here or which gear should I upgrade? Thanks! |
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" Your build seems to have zero defensive layers outside of your HP and basic resistance cap. Do you feel squishy? If you're looking to increase your dps you should be starting to scale your crit. This means running Assassin's Mark instead of Poacher's Mark. You also want to change your large clusters into ones with Renewal, Rotten Claws and Vicious Bite. You want to be running Death Attunement for x4 Spectres so you can run x2 Carnage and x2 Host chieftain so your Golems get maximum charges. Obviously you want to be running a Kingmaker on your AG. Also, swap Impale Support for Critical Strike Damage support. You will lose the 100% impale chance but gain alot of damage. Doing these changes increases your dps from 16 million to 36 million so more than double and it's not very expensive changes. Just changing your tree a little and getting new clusters. https://pastebin.com/TtgvaqSa If you're looking to get the next "big" upgrade. Getting a Uul Netholds Vow amulet would provide you with alot of extra dps. |
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" Yes hahaha. I do feel a bit squishy. I'm following Kay's guide so far. Will take a look at your recommendations! Thanks! |
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currently running skelemage build and not sure what to upgrade next if anything needs it.
if someone could have a look and make some recommendations it would be greatly appreciated. https://poeplanner.com/b/JqA poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
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"Thanks for taking the time to make these videos! I guess you're right, spectres are still top tier minions for clear speed, but there are way less people playing them. |
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