[3.16] 🔥 Sanavi's Armageddon Brand | Elementalist 🔥 SSF/HC Starter Viable ✔️
" Thanks! I think this is very viable - I'm going to test it out. The only issue it won't prevent is stunning from bosses, though. " I'm currently playing around with it to see how the clear feels, but the Brand Mastery that gives us Holy Conquest seems fine at the moment for clear. " I was actually running Purity of Elements for a little bit, but I switched to Determination. The extra 40% physical reduction feels really good. I'll have to look into elemental ailment immunity with this build, but it's probably going to come from crafts. Última edição por SanaviEronaile#4603 em 25 de out de 2021 09:56:32
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what if we use purity of elements instead of malevolence? Yes in "starter" we loose 100k DPS and in "endgame" gear we loose 300k DPS at 90LV , BUT we havce stun and all ailments immun. Guess worth it? what do u think? P.S. if we get AUL we can bring back malevolance and bring back 300k DPS :) |
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Going to try getting 100% avoid elemental ailments from chest + boots, crystal skin annoint (also +1 max res) and a conquerors longevity for 100% :)
Is losing Dirty Techniques for gaining Anger a good trade DPS wise? Edit: currently running Anger/Vitality/Determination Última edição por ReaperOwnz#5536 em 25 de out de 2021 19:41:48
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hey man. built this out to 82. will continue to progress, here are a few thoughts:
flame surge seems moot, almost like playing ed cont with fire, but without the sustain to get blight off. tbh, i'd toss it for a juice'd herald of fire for gnarly clears...but that's expensive and would require a circle of anguish (?), a helmet enchant, and the herald passives to reduce mana consumption. Could still be worth. idk. navigating to it + unwavering stance is...oof. Maybe low life the herald.... The stunnable build gets wrecked in nightmares and unwavering stance keystone really is the only answer...which makes me think low life would be best suited for this build, eventually. However, LL is expensive and not feasible at the current start of the league. Unless, we build into stats that make us avoid stuns...which is a waste and difficult to manage due to the need to scale damage, life, and resistances. Resistances on items would have to be t1 and toss up another t1 suffix (highly valuable) to this stat on at least 3 items....seems not worth, idk. I swapped to your updated buildout for the brand. Cruelty smacks. I replaced combust with swiftbrand. without ignite prolif, we need a faster trigger and that was it, because you don't scale cast speed in this build. Not an issue, but the damage has to compensate more...the pause for damage was getting me killed. For ascendancy, i took elemental bastion over shock. 15% more dmg...versus living and future dmg mitigation (% phys dmg taken as X element) seemed a lot more worth it. Also, reflect immune. At first, i had a cwdt wave of conv setup...seemed great for speed clearing...but this league...one hit and you're likely to die. So, i had to swap it out for manual cast. Also, i setup a second wind support setup for flame dash, brand recall, arcane surge. It was effective at saving mana on the old build. Lastly, i can't get elemental overload to proc at all. I see it up 0% of the time.....Seems odds. Might kink it. |
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" Hey! Thanks for the feedback, I'm currently tweaking the build myself now that I'm putting it into practice. For stun, I've gone with the Lab Enchant on boots for 80% avoidance if you've killed recently - I'm using this in conjunction with Soul of the Brine King. Together, I almost never get stunned now. I also have freeze immunity from Brine. I also went w/ Bastion over Shaper of Storms. The survivability is too good. I've currently dropped Malevolence in favor of Determination. You get 40% phys reduction when it's maxed, and the tackiness is insane. I'm debating whether I will run Malevolence or Purity of Elements once I get an Aul's to negate Anger's reservation. I'll prob test damage to decide. I've dropped Immolate for Ignite Prolif for the clear. Lastly, Flame Surge has helped me nuke bosses so I'm not sure why you're having a different experience. :/ The build has succeeded as a league starter (currently in T11/T12 maps), which was my intent. Now it'll be fun to see if I can scale it for Endgame. |
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I've used this guide as a basis for the character I'm playing atm. Its not all different from it but I made some changes in my own comfort.
For the ignite prolif problem I did not grab the gem and I dont have the holy conquest mastery aswell. I grabbed Fan thr Flames node on one of the medium cluster nodes dropping wasting affliction so it really does the job for clear. Last night before I saw your updates I also grabbed the boot enchant and swapped backed to Bastion of Elements aswell and the tankiness is just perfect for me. And slso in addition to them I think Enduring Composure should really be an option to boost the tankiness. I think its more viable than grabbing an aura. I'm also using a Kaom's Heart atm cuz extra HP is too good for me cuz my dps seems good enough. It takes a little time in conquerors but not like 5 mins. Red map bosses, rares and such does not seem to be causing any problem even though I'm using 4l flame surge. But I might update the chest later on for a 6l. I think with martyr and another cluster and adding a hunter flame dot mod my dps will be enough for sirus. I will post my pob later if you want to check it out and give some feedback and ideas you might do aswell. Currently Im having a blast tho just hit 91 and full tree will be completed at 94-95 and I think I wont have any problems reaching that in like 1 maybe 2 days. :) Great guide and basis for people who wants to try out Arma Brand tho thanks for everything. I wouldnt play the build if I havent checked this guide out and didnt see the good tree. Sry for any hardships at reading if there is any. Ty:) |
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Also I want to add that maybe a pseudo 5-6 link helm for Flame Surge might be an option if you want that beefy HP from Kaom's.(probably what I would do) Also after some idea exchanges I might do an endgame pob for myself and share it here. thanks again for reading and also the guide.
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so far, the build is coming alot fairly nicely. If I get corruption count to > 120 or so, stuff gets rippy, and have to just tell myself to stop at 150(and then don't, and proceed to get off-screened). Damage is ok so far, but i have alot i can tack on with jewelry as i get more currency. (have the large cluster and one of the 2 medium clusters already ready as well for when get the rest of the cluster spots). really enjoying the tankiness though. Survives most things well, and I'm closing in on red maps now. I'm going armour based instead of ES based equipment though. the mitigation is just too powerful.
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" EO is now shown on the skill bar, on the bottom edge of the skill square. Like this: ![]() Última edição por RawDamage#1722 em 26 de out de 2021 06:17:30
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" Please do share your PoB, there have been a lot of good ideas here! My next step is working on cluster jewels and 6L weapon. I think a psuedo 6L Flame Surge in helm is not a bad move if you want to go Kaom's, too. I do think running Determination is too good for the 40% phys reduction now. It really feels good to run with. " Glad to hear the build is working out for you. Yeah, a lot of our damage mid-to-late game is going to come from scaling really well-crafted gear. |
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