[3.18] Chaos Animate Weapon 😈 - Budget to MageBlood💎 88M DPS Unkillable All-Arounder

ScourgeWen escreveu:
The solution Im trying out to this is a bit weird but I actually run "Summon Phantasm Support" in my 6 link. This summons a phantasm every time something dies and every 10th hit on a rare/boss. Since the weapons hit 10x/s and I have 16 weapons I get at least 16 phantasm/s which heals all minions by 5% each (they "die" when resummoned, at least thats how I think it works) which is 16x5%=80% life/s. I tried this on Wave 30 yesterday and all spectres/AG/golem survived without using Bone Offering.

The phantasm probably make me lose some DPS (hard to tell if they ever get to hit and most things die instantly to this build anyway).

If you dont run the Mending of Flesh jewel I guess you could still run the Aegis + bone offering and be extremely tanky just from that without any mageblood.

Sorry for the WOT. If anyone have any thoughts on the Summon Phantasm solution I would love to hear it, I just thought of it yesterday so I really haven't tested it much.

This is actually such a cool idea I need to test this. I've thought about using Summon Phantasm for damage... but as a defense engine? that's pretty cool

What support gem would you replace? Also, annointing corruption is a literal ton of damage and is up against bosses unlike onslaught. Probably worth losing the 30% movement speed? especially if we are dropping a damage support gem for phantasms?
Been playing around with phantasm support. PoB is busted with it

thinks that increases to the active skill gem increase phantasm damage, (which contradicts GGG statements), and thinks that active skill gem stuff like 105% more minion damage on herald of purity also apply

tested for almost a half hour and didn't see any real noticeable difference between animate weapon and raise zombie. (should of been 40% more damage, noticeable)

however, withering touch support works on phantasm, which it shouldn't, since they don't attack. but because the minion that summoned them can use it, so can they. Fucking odd eh?

Now, multistrike seems to work on PoB, not the attack speed gain, since that's melee only, but the average damage goes up from the repeats. Not sure if this is accurate, hard to test.

also, looks like they get 150% damage effectiveness

So, the two most eligible to drop are multistrike and awakened added chaos (especially after nerf)
You get 28.1% (including the +1 to level from awakened added chaos at 5 (new nerfed numbers), and either 5.2% more damage (assuming going from 18 to 19 weapons) or 5.5% more damage (17 to 18 weapons)

Or multistrike gives 43.3% more damage, which is always more then the new nerfed awakened chaos damage and potentially frees you up to only use a +1 amulet or a +1 to socketed gem chest corruption. Divergent Multistrike bumps the dps increase to 47.2%
Awakened multistrike (lol) bumps it to 59.1%, now outclassing increased critical damage as well.

Accounting for PoB miscalculating both more's on the gem, and active gem levels influencing Summon Phantasm (by using a raise zombie gem (no inherent more's) at level 18 (effective level 21, same as summon phantasm should be) they do 373k dps each x 11 (assuming multistrike works on them for dps gains, and they are actually attacking instead of constantly resummoned) which is 4.1 million (considerable, around 15% of our total dps) or 369k x 11 with Awakened added chaos damage, which 100% will work for 4.06 million dps. They should also be more likely to attack, since they won't be resummoned quite as fast (13 per second on average)
So, assuming your replacing Awakened chaos for summon phantasm support, and the repeat portion of multistrike works for Phantasms, plus that they get to attack. hmm. they probably wouldn't get to use the final repeats before being resummoned. Well, without multistrike they would add around 3.3 million, or 11% total damage.

Loss of 32% damage ish losing 1 weapon and added chaos damage.
Gain of 11% total damage from phantasms, plus a large source of constant healing. If this means dropping mask of the stiched demon we could use a -9% chaos resistance helmet, which would buff damage by about 13%.

Leading to a total loss of 8% damage, and a gain of a ton of regen for spectres and such.
I just tried to swap my aw added chaos damage by summon phantasmal (20/20) and i get only 10 phantasmal.

I don't know how you reached 16 phantasmal?


I tried the version with phase run + unique amulet(I dropped convocation left click) to run determination and spec Divine Shield. With a standard crystal belt, I reach ~35k armor (don't need mage blood). I think I may have 90% phy reduction with the 4 endurance charges up.

I use moltenshell - cwdt, with my stuf it gives ~ 9k shield. I don't really know if divergent immortal call - cwdt is better? I mean with that amount of phys reduction hits that kills me are elemental hits nha?

nb : Thank you so much for the build, the explanations are very clear, and the build is really, really fun to play :) !
I tried the version with phase run + unique amulet(I dropped convocation left click) to run determination and spec Divine Shield. With a standard crystal belt, I reach ~35k armor (don't need mage blood). I think I may have 90% phy reduction with the 4 endurance charges up.

Do you have a PoB?
Yup : https://pastebin.com/5i81qK9A

There is room for improvement, do not hesitate to makes coments on my setup.

NB: I respec late on the league and coudn't find a decent chest piece, I had to craft it on the last days of the league :/
vladimars escreveu:
ScourgeWen escreveu:
The solution Im trying out to this is a bit weird but I actually run "Summon Phantasm Support" in my 6 link. This summons a phantasm every time something dies and every 10th hit on a rare/boss. Since the weapons hit 10x/s and I have 16 weapons I get at least 16 phantasm/s which heals all minions by 5% each (they "die" when resummoned, at least thats how I think it works) which is 16x5%=80% life/s. I tried this on Wave 30 yesterday and all spectres/AG/golem survived without using Bone Offering.

The phantasm probably make me lose some DPS (hard to tell if they ever get to hit and most things die instantly to this build anyway).

If you dont run the Mending of Flesh jewel I guess you could still run the Aegis + bone offering and be extremely tanky just from that without any mageblood.

Sorry for the WOT. If anyone have any thoughts on the Summon Phantasm solution I would love to hear it, I just thought of it yesterday so I really haven't tested it much.

This is actually such a cool idea I need to test this. I've thought about using Summon Phantasm for damage... but as a defense engine? that's pretty cool

What support gem would you replace? Also, annointing corruption is a literal ton of damage and is up against bosses unlike onslaught. Probably worth losing the 30% movement speed? especially if we are dropping a damage support gem for phantasms?

Been AFK for a few days but did some tests:
- First, corruption anoint is POB damage only (AFAIK it only enhance wither that YOU apply and you are not your minions).
- I did a test where I added GMP (to visualize the Phantasm projectile) and while they do attack its definitely not 11 phantasms attacking on cooldown. This leads me to believe they either attack with their basic attack a lot or they simply get resummoned (their projectile has pitiful range BTW, like a small EK). It could also be that the game dont render all attacks (I dont know POE well enough). To know for sure what their damage contribution is I think we would have to do standard timing tests on bosses with predicatble behaviour. For me, I dont care that much, if the damage is good its good...
- AFAIK the resummon could have an internal cooldown but if it doesnt then removing multistrike also gives less healing by 33% but it would still be the first link I'd remove (In my build I feel I am on a threshold were even fewer AW levels will leave them with to little health even with high healing).
- Yet another option Im contemplating is putting summon phantasm on the AG instead (he has Gravebind) since its mainly needed on simulacrums were a lot of things should die around him anyway. Its a lot less summons but could still be enough to keep everything alive.
- The only really conclusive part I have yet is that the healing is substantial and I will definitly be using this setup instead of bone offering on hard content (in theory they could be used together of course).

Again sorry for the WOT but I find this stuff very interesting.
Small update.
Gravebind AG does not seem to work on Summon Phantasm. She can summon when she kills with an attack but do not passively summon from Gravebind.

Also here is a POB for my 3.16 char if anyone is interested: https://pastebin.com/6TeLsvE6

How are you guys planning to level this one up?
Kurnis escreveu:
How are you guys planning to level this one up?

Answered like 10 times already. Use ele animated weapon and skeletons for campaign alongside aw before u can get your core items.

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