[3.18] Gryph's Tank Simulator - A Detonate Dead Ignite Elementalist
" Hey! Nice dude! I like seeing when the build is put to use on a budget this late in the league. It's very satisfying. This is what I've put together for the 10ex budget. And here's a video of a minotaur run: https://youtu.be/R8IubAeRZOo |
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Doing non-aspirational end-game on 10ex is pretty solid. That's exactly what I was hoping to see as there is a good chance I'm going to try league starting this for 3.17! Unless something new and hype comes out of course haha.
Level probably as Armageddon Brand then swap over to this in maps. Why no Emberwake on the budget setup? Seems like a straight upgrade over Bereks? IGN: Dmillz Última edição por Dmillz#6641 em 30 de nov de 2021 10:58:13
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Would headhunter be good on this build? I guess for the life and speed buffs only, not sure about the damage mechanics 100% yet
Última edição por GSMaggsy#2372 em 30 de nov de 2021 11:57:04
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" Berek's is still nice for clearing. You can use regular Emberwake if you want to, but I would not touch Replica because of the reduced duration. We actually care about ignite duration because Vaal DD is a 1-use for bosses. Longer duration=more damage. @GSMaggsy HH is kinda "meh" on DOT builds but you could use it for the defensive nature of it. Mageblood would be the ideal. KEKW |
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Ahhh I assumed Prolif was good enough for clear. Makes sense. Easy boss swap if you want to do it that way, just keep the extra ring in inventory like a gem swap. Vaal DD hits multiple times so it would still be a nice 20-30% more multiplier for single target.
IGN: Dmillz
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" Yup, I used Emberwake for a time actually. You do lose damage from the Flame surge though as it reduces the singular ignite dps by 40%. |
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Damn didn't think of that either. That makes it only like a net 10% gain or so, probably not worth doing at all at that point.
IGN: Dmillz
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i think im going to respec to this, two questions what is your playstyle/rotation? for clearing and bossing? Second, you said necro is more tanky, what ascendancy points would you take and would you change anything else? I love the idea of tanking everything in the game.
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" Well, it's tankier in that you have true block instead of Glancing Blows Block. I'm starting to back pedal on my opinion of going Necro Instead but it's still viable. basically you'd take offering effect mastery, more damage nodes instead of GB+Block nodes, and make sure you have 100% chance to ignite. But the reality is that you lose almost 50% of your damage by switching and I don't think the defensive gains are enough to merit that. DPS=Defense in a lot of cases. I have also set up the build to take advantage of taking damage from blocked hit with the life recoup mechanic as well. It's a Pillow Fort Defense! :D If you were to go necro though, you'd take: Plaguebringer - Corpse Pact - Commander of Darkness - Mistress of Sacrifice. " That was inevitably what I concluded. Especially since you can also get a ring with synth Faster Ignite and craft it with Essence of Delirium for 15% DoT Multi if you really want a single target damage ring. |
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" Awesome ill just stay elementalist. So for playstyle its just mainly Unearth and brand/vaal dd for bossing? Nothing on left click correct? Is it because the build is kinda mana starved? Is shield charge redundant with flame dash? This build looks awesome and great guide im starting on your budget build and noticed vaal DD is level 1, is that on accident or because of the mana? Última edição por tad2q#4565 em 30 de nov de 2021 22:45:04
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